IDENT !!!!!!!!

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
How many picks did that take you? I got 4 gold magmas in a stack last time I did Hell’s...
around a stack
Almost makes doing slaver's worth it.
Sneaky jitte hurts
it also has the 300g spartan value
Been trudging through this title 250 keys at a time for 10+ years. Still a long way to go, but this is my first WOW drop
Been trudging through this title 250 keys at a time for 10+ years. Still a long way to go, but this is my first WOW drop
Grats I got one the other day myself lol
- Official Post
I got a shiny new bow, so good day for sure.
1 Run and 2 drops. Both single mod. How unlucky can I be?
1 Run and 2 drops. Both single mod. How unlucky can I be?
That's pretty normal for Magmas, I get probably 15+ single mods for every dual mod
That's pretty normal for Magmas, I get probably 15+ single mods for every dual mod
Had 2 dual mods on 12 magmas
3 dual mods out of 20
@Magmas Shield
I just started this chest run a while ago. If I remember correctly so far it has been 4 or 5 single mod and 2 dual mods.
Can go to bed quite happy!
mission accomplished my first q9 max duo mods SWS
That Pongmei tease
mission accomplished my first q9 max duo mods SWS
classic meister propper gz on that q10 uhhh 9 i mean
That Pongmei tease
feels bad man but awesome for selfuse imo
69 paper fan
69 paper fan
Welcome to the club!
Why is there no req 20 or +20%(while health is below 20%) ?!
Why is there no req 20 or +20%(while health is below 20%) ?!
Never has an item deserved customisation more than this.
could have been better in purple > . <
first drop of the day
On 296g or 304g it would be the 1 off everything shield (wich it still is from the mods)
That's kinda cool one.
GZ and Gl next runs
Been spamming pre again for 3 days straight, today is a good day!
Very nice drop, I got a 17% Pommel myself after many runs. :p
That's good karma coming back to you for trearing me well pyro
Super cool!