Inspired by the Q8 sword I did a Q8 chest run tour. Got these 2.
I think they are worth something?
Is there any way you could /sit by me in game so i can rub your head for good luck with /paper?
Seriously, my luck has been horrible. 😫
Inspired by the Q8 sword I did a Q8 chest run tour. Got these 2.
I think they are worth something?
Is there any way you could /sit by me in game so i can rub your head for good luck with /paper?
Seriously, my luck has been horrible. 😫
Is there any way you could /sit by me in game so i can rub your head for good luck with /paper?
Seriously, my luck has been horrible. 😫
EE1 Embark for the next 5mins
If only another mod
Let us some stuff, you’re emptying the area
Nefed wonder of the lost world
could be worse. I IDed a q8 18-33 15/50 200g lion warhammer once
Finally found the post nerf 15^50's today. Creating a pretty satisfying set.
Goku said this is over 9000!!! The holy grail of holy grails. Congrats man, happy for yeah!
Goku said this is over 9000!!! The holy grail of holy grails. Congrats man, happy for yeah!
it was actually Vegeta who said it but no one likes smart asses from ancient child anime series so i go vroooooooom 🚗💨 and leave the field
it was actually Vegeta who said it
but no one likes smart asses from ancient child anime series so i go vroooooooom 🚗💨 and leave the field
It's been along time since I saw Dragon Ball
It's been along time since I saw Dragon Ball
I've seen a Drag Ball more recently than I've seen Dragonball... my buddy owns a bar, and his daughter manages it... it gets weird sometimes. 😉😂
So close but yet so far
death magic against demons?
death magic against demons?
Better than death magic against undeads!
Funny chest drop today!
My usual +15 -10 drops
Damn, a lot of 2 and 0 for a single staff
Gz !
bip prot build for a hero?
Thank you gtob
kama juicer
My first ever max q8 shield drop.... shame about the 3 off max hp but i love it
And another +15 -10 drop.
that RNG is dialed into me for those drops
And another +15 -10 drop.
that RNG is dialed into me for those drops
I feel your pain I get Dmg +15% -5E all the dang time
stacks of zkeys or stacks of lockpicks ?
stacks of zkeys or stacks of lockpicks ?
Z keys, i think im down to 7 stacks and change. I have lucky sitting at 2 points away from max =D
Thats shardelicious
Ok, first time Ive had 3 drop in a run
Yay, its not +15 -10 attacking