
Ss6 Echovald Shield Q13tac -2ench +10v plant 15e
W2 : 3e
W3 : 3e
W3 10e
W3 : 15e
W3 20e
ST8 10e
Ss8 Magmas Shield Q12 +10v trolls -2st: 25e
S18 Plagueborn sword Q11 15-10ar - 5e Nimbly Crow
S17 - 5e
H6 - 5e
Ss8 40e
Ss8 Magmas Shield Q12 +10v trolls -2st: 50e
ign: Zoom Zoom Batman
tire town tuff
October 29, 2021 at 4:23 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Q9+ Swords Shields Axes Hammers staffs ect” to “OS Q8 Sword/axe sale”. -
Bump Changed Thread Added Q8s
Q8 14^50 Cleaver GV 360 - 1a
Q8 14^50 Gothic Sword GV 204 - 1a
Double bladed axe and pre nerf felly
Both SB from me :)!
Q8 13st Pre nerf Scimitar GV 288 - 1a
Q8 15-10ar Vertabreaker pre nerf GV 212 - 1a
5a Vertebreaker
Q8 13^50 pre nerf Fellblade GV:200
Q8 14ench Fellblade GV:208
Q8 14^50 Gothic Sword GV 204
Q8 14^50 Forked Sword GV 220
Q8 14^50 Cleaver GV 360
Q8 14ench Chaos Axe GV 288
Q8 14ench Wingblade GV 280
Q8 14st Spiked Axe GV 220
Q8 14vHexed Double Bladed Axe GV 300
Q8 13st Pre nerf Scimitar GV 288
Q8 14ench Chaos Axe GV 288 3a
Q8 13^50 pre nerf Fellblade GV:200 -2a
Q8 14ench Fellblade GV:208 -2a
Q8 14^50 Gothic Sword GV 204 -2a
Q8 14^50 Forked Sword GV 220 -2a
Q8 14^50 Cleaver GV 360 -2a
Q8 14ench Chaos Axe GV 288 - 300e
Q8 14ench Wingblade GV 280 -2a
Q8 14st Spiked Axe GV 220 -2a
Q8 14vHexed Double Bladed Axe GV 300 -2a
Q8 13st Pre nerf Scimitar GV 288 -2a
Bring up my post
Q8 14-10ar Gothic Dual GV 348 1a
Q8 prenerf felly 3a
Q8 double bladed axe 3a
Q8 14st Spiked Axe 3a
Q8 13^50 pre nerf Fellblade GV:200 -3a 25e
Q8 14ench Fellblade GV:208 -2a
Q8 14^50 Gothic Sword GV 204 -2a
Q8 14^50 Forked Sword GV 220 -2a
Q8 14^50 Cleaver GV 360 -2a
Q8 14ench Chaos Axe GV 288 - 300e
Q8 14ench Wingblade GV 280 -2a
Q8 14st Spiked Axe GV 220 -3a 25e
Q8 14vHexed Double Bladed Axe GV 300 -3a 25e
Q8 13st Pre nerf Scimitar GV 288 -2a
Q8 14st Spiked Axe -3a 50e
bring up my post
Q8 13^50 pre nerf Fellblade GV:200 -3a 25e
Q8 14ench Fellblade GV:208 -2a
Q8 14^50 Gothic Sword GV 204 -2a
Q8 14^50 Forked Sword GV 220 -2a
Q8 14^50 Cleaver GV 360 -2a
Q8 14ench Chaos Axe GV 288 - 300e
Q8 14ench Wingblade GV 280 -2a
Q8 14st Spiked Axe GV 220 -3a 55e
Q8 14vHexed Double Bladed Axe GV 300 -3a 25e
Q8 13st Pre nerf Scimitar GV 288 -2a
Bump B.o's added
Q8 14^50 Gothic Sword GV 204 -b/o
tire town tuff
February 6, 2022 at 8:15 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Q8 Sword/axe sale” to “Small Q8 OS sale”. -
Bring up my post************
5a on vert and war hammer
war hammer 8a
bring up my post added b.o's respectively
b/o Vertebreaker
Nimbly Crow
tire town tuff
February 9, 2022 at 9:00 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Small Q8 OS sale” to “Small Q8 OS sale OS Q9 sale”. -
bring up this post added q9's enjoy
#1 Q8 Gothic Dual Axe 14-10ar MAX gold 2a