R8 Crystalline Sword 15^50
Anything you ask for honestly. Either they are able to pay it or you keep it
I‘d just custo and keep it tbh.
I still have a lot more, remember having a r7 fellblade, I might be wrong but will go through all my characters in a bit.
Not looking to sell any atm, just wanna figure out how to play the game again. Also not sure if I’ll like the game as much as compared to back then
These are all breathtaking and astonishing.
But...whats that spiked club next to crysta?
i m just adding this here because i know some people already PMed you. DONT SELL TO PMs. Most of these items are hardly sought after by many potential buyers. You def have a fortune of money in your inventory.
These are all breathtaking and astonishing.
But...whats that spiked club next to crysta?
I’ll take a pic of it later, should be something special if not it wouldn’t be there. I’ve 18 characters to go through, I’ll try to compile everything
all these are worth a fortune especially the q7s
I’ll take a pic of it later, should be something special if not it wouldn’t be there. I’ve 18 characters to go through, I’ll try to compile everything
you should much rather make a post in the collections section displaying your treasures! a list this long won't be a manageable size for a pc thread.
q8 15^50s can go in the 15-50a ranges for the more standard skins and up to 5000a for the really rare ones (crysta)
q7s like your cele swords are no compare and especially the 15^50 and 5e versions will get huge interest. I'd see them sell for 1000a+ easily
on green items there are a few pre nerf versions that are subtle to detect - ask Unholy or check his thread - he is the expert
q8 +5e are more sought after on one handed items (axe, sword) and less sought after on twohanded than the 15^50 versions
just let us feast upon those screens and post the in an own thread in the collections section for them to be preserved.
and welcome back to the game after this long! thanks for sharing!
An absolute god tier collection. Would be amazing if you could showcase all of it here on legacy.
Crazy collection. Agree get a proper estimate on everything before thinking of selling.
Calling this already THE thread of 2022!
These are all breathtaking and astonishing.
But...whats that spiked club next to crysta?
Looks useless, can’t remember why I kept it
Anything you ask for honestly. Either they are able to pay it or you keep it
I‘d just custo and keep it tbh.
Already have a custo crystalline
Already have a custo crystalline
how about one that deals dmg though?
jk nice gems bro.
Everyones dream to get back on these old account and found all these gems
Trully the best thread of 2022
I’m gonna buy more storage space, play the game a little and continue with taking more pics of axes, wands, staffs, greens, off-hands etc...
show shields
Would love to see the daggers
Jesus Christ, is it you?
You’re rich my man 🥸
Almost all items here are valuable, and some priceless..
If you wanna sell some , plz post them here for sell, no rush.
Wish you gl !
Amazing thread and amazing items!
I can give some personal opinions im basing on my exprience of selling / buying this kind of items, but as u said ure not looking to sell but its good to have some knowledge even if theyre guessesand as said before, if u sell u shouldnt sell via PM's but auction items.
q8 15^50 crysta, well i bought one last november for 5000a so that is prettymuch closest PC u can get xD
q8 15st dragon kamas, i sold a pair for 20a last year
q8 15^50 celestial daggers, belive there been few pairs around id guess 30-40a range
q8 15^50 cele sword id guess around same 30-50a range
q7 15^50 cele sword 750a+ probably even 1ka+ possible, more common q7 15^50's have sold 500-750a past year
q7 15/-10 cele sword there was another, maybe two for sale i belive it was 150-200a range, could be more with latest q7 hype
q7 15/-5 cele sword id guess 250a+, dont see this mod often in q7s, could me much more with latest q7 hype
q7 +5e cele sword 1000a+, there hasnt been q7 +5e sold in over a decade so noneone can know, but its multiple times rarer than any q7 15^50s
q8 Clean crysta well im sure this could go 250a+, who knows how high, one like this hasnt been sold in someting like a decade
q8 15/-10 mursaat horn 10-15a imo
q8 +5e cele bow, i sold one last year for 70-80a range
q7 15st Longsword this is some nice sword.. hard to PC there hasnt been many perf q7s sold recently and even 1-2 offs go 150-300a so based on that id say atleast 250a+
q7 15/-5 flam, well as said with cele there isnt many 15/-5 q7s around, its rly good mod and rare so id be sure its 250a+, maybe much more with q7 hype lately
q8 15^50 fellblade probably 40a+
q8 15/-1H fell 100-200a+ rly hard to say, many searched for this sword over the years and not much to compare it to, very nice piece!
q8 15/-1e Fell, last sold was like 5 years ago, its rly nice sword could see it go 75-100a+ even much higher with several intrested
q8 15we, 20<50, 15/-10, 15st 15/-5 20whex 15vshex etc fellblades 10-20a ea
q8 15^50 shadow blade 30-40a
q8 15^50 longsword 20-30a
q8 15/-5 long 10-20a
q8 15/-5 spatha ~10a
q8 15^50 gladius 10-20a
q8 15ws/we flamb 5-10a
q8 15/-10 flamb 5a
q8 15^50 flamb 20-25a
q8 15/-1e FDS 50a+, very cool item
q8 15^50 FDS 20a
q8 FDS & wingblade random mods 7-15a ea orso
Hope it helps! Cant wait to see more of these amazing items! thanks for sharing that is truly godly collection!
damn bro nice shoot
Change passwords, dont click any links, activate virus-protection, firewalls etc.
Listen to experienced users like Pleikki and the gang over at PhD, etc
You are in for a ride if you decide to play the game again!
If you go MIA now, u will destroy some hardcore collector-hearts -
wow. this is extensive
xx-xxxx arms for the majority of this stuff
Looking forward to the R8 Cry pic since it will get a close as I'll ever get to seeing one
Hey, please make an auction of these unbelievable items, YOU DON'T HAVE TO SELL REGARDLESS WHAT OFFERS YOU GET! I want to see the high stakes go through the roof!
well if he starts handing stuff out for free because he knows we cant afford any of it, dibs on a q7+5e celestial sword ;D
I‘ll take a cele +5 aswell haha
hope this is real... but why do u get club of a thousand bears into your collection
i'm really interested by this q8 naked crysta
PS: want to see shields as said nik
I have a club of 1k Bears in my collection, too. Nothing wrong with that 😉
It takes a lot to make me log into legacy but holy hell this post did the job. If this is real, Wow.
It’s been said before, but do not sell any of these items to PM offers. I’d call many of these items priceless, or close to it. People are going to try to take advantage of you. I wouldn’t even tell anyone my character name.
That q7 +5e celestial sword.... kabong has a cousin now. If I owned that, there is literally not a single number of armbraces that would convince me to sell it. 1000a wouldn’t do it. Neither would 1750 frankly. But that’s me. And the fact that you have a 15^50 too...............,
Price check is easy.
The 2x q8 200g fellblade and and the q8 200g spatha are worth keeping.
Rest is merch* !
Played about 3 hours just now, still quite overwhelmed with the new additions. Spent about 2 hours reading back on some of the skills. Forgotten a lot of the stuff I did back then but I was a completionist and remember finishing almost everything prior to EOTN. Like revealing 100% of the maps, but apparently quite a few new areas. I don’t know what are Vortexs, etc, I even see golems now. A lot of new hero npcs, quests, etc... Really confused on where I should start from again.
I couldn’t screenshot yesterday because I don’t use a pc or laptop anymore. Only have an iphone and ipad. The Macbook I’m playing on belongs to my gf and I installed winebottler to log in again because of this youtube video
External Content m.youtube.comContent embedded from external sources will not be displayed without your consent.Through the activation of external content, you agree that personal data may be transferred to third party platforms. We have provided more information on this in our privacy policy.I didn’t enjoy myself when playing the game just now, but I’ll give a another try tomorrow, will borrow the Macbook from her and probably spend a good few hours setting up a solid NPC team and doing a few quest. I’ll continue to screenshot more stuff then.
I remember having a special wand used for a 55hp monk. Is 55hp monk still a thing?
Love guild wars to death back in the days. Played since alphas and betas. Weapons back in alphas and betas were crazy! Tons of stats were allowed to stack but they server wiped everything before the release. I even have all the preorder stuff from best buy, gamestop, etc... I figured out how to view what I had from manage keys/account.
Really hope to get back my love for the game, tbh I was thinking of dropping it again just because of the sheer amount of additions. Plus I’m 40 years old now and don’t think my schedule allows me to engross myself back into “MMOs” “RPGs” but seeing the amount of replies here and the dedication this game still has, I’ll give it a proper shot again tomorrow.
I’m not selling anything, there’s no reason for me to troll or fake. Was just a super duper huge fan back in the days. You won’t know how much I love this game back then. Was playing Tribes 2 (my favorite game of all time) before Guild Wars and I even dropped that game for Guild Wars