1a -q8 Kriss dag

BIG BIG SALE q8 pre nerf q9 cons insc items, PRE ITEMS EVRYTHING
Vicious -
March 27, 2019 at 6:26 PM -
q9 insc Ghostly Staff Fire
q9 insc Ghostly Staff Smiting 15e/ea
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Q9 Fire Ghostly Staff 30e
Q9 tac Celestial shield +10vs piercing +45Ench 75e
Q9 tact Tall shied +10skele -2stance 50e
still for sale
For real this time?
20e ornate
i buy rez scroll stack
IGN: Chang Forgets Soh
Tall skele - 1a
Celestial piercing - 1a
IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters
1a q8 kris dags
Q9 tac Celestial shield +10vs piercing +45Ench - 2 arms
Oh, this is a sexy shield for Mantid farming. My sin would love it.
I know it seems like I keep bidding against you, Pyro but I think we just like the same things tbh.
Chaos Axe r9 Insc - 30e
4a celestial v piercing
3a - q8 Kris Dags
stormbow +5e OS 50e
Q9 fds +5e os 50e
1a on Wroths rod
3a - q8 Kris Dags
i accept you offer.
B/O on celestial shield pierce
<----- IGN
B/o illusion bds
Best offer q13 ornate demon
Best offer tall shield skeleton
150e = Wroth's Holy Rod
Q9 Chaos Axe +5e OS
Q9 Storm Bow +5e OS - BO @75e
September 5, 2020 at 2:43 AM Closed the thread. -