F42. - b/o: 25e
F42. - b/o: 25e
F14 - B/O
F23 - 25e
F35 - B/O
Ig : Bourri Quet
Bump. Sold some more items.
40a exalted
Bump. New c/o on Exalted, ty Moon.
F19 - B/o
F24 - B/o
42a exalted
45a exalted
47a exalted!
q9 15^50 Ram's Hammer - b/o: 20e
IGN: Idjut Ftww
Bump! Ty for bids and purchases so far.
48a Exalted
b/o exalted
Bump. Thread updated. Will probably add some more stuff next couple of days.
A10 50e
E2 10e
D1 30e
D3 20e
D6 30e
G7 20e
G6 15e
G1 10e
F36 15e
F7 15e
q9 15^50 Clouded Maul - b/o: 12e
Q10 mursaat hammer 15^50 and +5e
Cut me a deal at 8e each and I'll buy one of each mursaat
A1 40e
A5 40e
A11 30e
B10 20e
B11 20e
D6 : 25e
F33. - b/o: 25e
F39 b/o 20e
q11 +5e Shinobi Blade x1 - b/o: 15e ea
q12 +5e Katana x2 - b/o: 3e ea
q10 +5e Brute Sword x2 - b/o: 3e ea
q9 +5e Gemstone Axe - b/o: 20e
q9 +5e Gothic Axe - b/o: 12e
q9 +5e Hand Axe (tyrian) - b/o: 15e
q9 15^50 Sai - b/o 10e
IG : Blind Was My Fury
G2 15e
D3 - 30e
D8 - 15e
D9 - 15e
b/o 1x q10 15^50 mursaat hammer
q9 15^50 Ceremonial Daggers - b/o: 20e
q9 15^50 Butterfly Knives - b/o: 10e
q9 15^50 Stilletos - b/o: 10e
q9 15^50 Platinum Sickles - b/o: 10e
q9 15^50 Gilded Daggers - 10e
q10 15^50 Dusk Blade - b/o: 10e
q10 15^50 Jitte - b/o: 10e
q11 +5e Platinum Blade x1 b/o 10e
q10 15^50 War Hammer (spiky) - b/o: 8e
IG : Blind Was My Fury
c3 : 35e
Bo a10
Bo f7
Rb g6
20e on white Magmas
q10 15^50 Mursaat Hammer x2 - b/o: 12e ea
Retracted, found in game
Bump, ty for purchases so far.
q9 Earth staff orrish (d) - b/o: 10e
Ign: Rago Stormrage
Added some new high end shields since I need funds. Might not sell all of them but taking offers for now.
F26. - b/o: 25e
b/o here
20a on q8 goth
100e on -2wE +45 Zodiac Shield
110e zodaic -2 +45
5a q9 -2/30 emblazoned defender
5a q9 zodiac -2/+45