q10tac echo +45 10vDemons - 25a

please close
Purely -
August 6, 2020 at 8:34 AM -
q10tac echo +45 10vDemons - 26a
q10tac echo +44 10vDemons - 20a
September 7, 2020 at 7:25 AM Changed the title of the thread from “WTS ***117 NEW ITEMS Sept 6th*** OS Shields/Weapons/Caster, OS Low Req, Insc Low Req - Unbeatable BOs!” to “NEW **Most BOs Added** OS Shields/Weapons/Caster, OS Low Req, Insc Low Req **Let's Make a Deal!**”. -
Bump to the TOP
The following items are pending delivery (come get your stuff, please, or risk losing it to a higher bid!):
q10t Echovald Shield +44wE, +10 Demon - Joker pending delivery
q12s Shadow Shield 1/20 smite, -2wS - 3e Cloud Strife pending delivery
q11s Shadow Shield +45wS, +1/20 water - 7e Cloud Strife pending delivery
q9 Runic Axe Dv - co 25e Cash pending delivery
q9 fire Amber Wand 20/20 Restoration - co 5a Gentleman Xander pending delivery
q11 df Bo Staff 20/20 Healing - 20e gab999 pending delivery
q12 death Bo Staff 20/20 Death- 15e gab999 pending delivery
For everyone else, please understand that my BOs are a suggestion and I'm willing to haggle! Have a great Labor Day!
q11 df Bo Staff 20/20 Healing
NEW q11 df Bo Staff 20/20 Healing - 40e
q7 (6-25) Double-bladed Axe - 45e
q7m/15ar Suntouched Shield - gold - b/o
Broadsword q9 e+5 30e
q7c/15ar Scarabshell Aegis - purple - bo 10e
q7c/15ar Scarabshell Aegis - purple - bo 10e
q7c/15ar Suntouched Shield - gold - bo 20e
ign wizard terror
NEW! q12s Amber Aegis -2wS, +30 - bo 20e
NEW! q12s Gothic Defender +30, -2wS - 20e
q12t Gothic Defender -2wE, +30 - bo 20e
q10t Gothic Defender -2wE, +30 - bo 30e
NEW! q10s Defender -2wS, +45wS - 20e
Req 9 broadsword +5
Ign lummy goes ele
q9 Illus Cane 20% hsr Illus, 20% hct Inspiration, 300 gv - bo 60e
B/o q9s -2we/10vfire Amber
q13 Morningstar dv b/o 8e
IGN Alexa Jaide
6a on r9t Amber Aegis +30, -2wS
Bump to the TOP
NEW q9t Amber Aegis +30, -2wS - bo 10a - co 6a Hermes - I'll compromise at 8a. Let me know (or anyone else for that matter).
NEW! q9s Amber Aegis -2wE, +10 Fire - bo 80e - sorry Sicilianking this was sold in Kama and not removed.q11t Echovald Shield +45wE, -2wE - co 2a Gentleman Xander rb 8a - I'll compromise at 6a. Let me know (or anyone else for that matter).
NEW! q13 Morning Star Axe Dv - bo 8e - Cash pending delivery
NEW! q10 com. Eerie Focus 20/20 Communing - co 500e Pleikki rb 40a
q7m/15ar Suntouched Shield - gold - bo 10e - Snoop Snail pending delivery
q11t Echovald Shield +45wE, -2wE - 6a
September 10, 2020 at 2:46 AM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW **Most BOs Added** OS Shields/Weapons/Caster, OS Low Req, Insc Low Req **Let's Make a Deal!**” to “**Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off** OS Shields/Weapons/Caster, OS Low Req, Insc Low Req”. -
q9t Echovald Shield +58wH, -3wH - 15e b/o
q9 DV marble hammer and q9 bramble shortbow for me!
B.o earth staff q9 20/20 core
b.o earth staff q9 20/20 crystalized ( do i get it half price ? )
Also air and water q9 20/20 core
q11 Gothic Axe 15Dv - bo 8e
Ign lummy goes ele
Thanks again
Divine scroll bo
Plat staff smite bo
Wooden buckler q8 bo
Display Spoiler
And ill will take this 20,/20 eerie off hand for half the price
(Am trolling ,:D muhehehe)
NEW! q11t Amber Aegis +60wH, -3wH -bo 20esorry retractNEW q11 smiting Outcast Staff 20/20 Smiting - bo 15e
q9t Round Shield -2wE, -bleed - bo 5e
Sry for dble post, pm me ig pls Purely or i'll try to catch you.
q13t Bladed Shield +10 Pierce, -2wE - bo 40e
q10t Echovald Shield -2wE, reduce daze - bo 10e
-IGN: Adrastos Deathsweep
Bump to the TOP
NEW q9 Air Staff (core) 20/20 Air - bo 10e - Moon pending delivery
NEW q9 Earth Staff (crystallized) 20/20 Earth - bo 50e - Moon pending delivery
NEW q9 Earth Staff (core) 20/20 Earth - bo 10e - Moon pending delivery - half off
NEW q9 Water Staff (core) 20/20 Water - bo 10e - Moon pending delivery - half off
Total = 70e
NEW q13t Bladed Shield +10 Pierce, -2wE - bo 40e - MysticZeal pending delivery
q10t Echovald Shield -2wE, reduce daze - bo 10e - MysticZeal pending delivery - half off
Total = 45e
q9t Round Shield -2wE, -bleed - bo 5e - Blind Was My Fury pending delivery - free
NEW! q11 Divine Scroll 19% hct Prot, 10 hsr - bo 15e - Blind Was My Fury pending delivery
NEW q11 smiting Outcast Staff 20/20 Smiting - bo 15e - Blind Was My Fury pending delivery
NEW! q12 smite Platinum Staff 20/20 Smiting - bo 20e - Blind Was My Fury pending delivery
q8t (13ar) Wooden Buckler +10 Fire, -2wE - 5e - Blind Was My Fury pending delivery - free
Total = 50e
q11 Gothic Axe 15Dv - bo 8e - lummy88 pending delivery
NEW! q9t Gothic Defender +45wE, -2wE, 216gv ~~~ 2a
q9t Gothic Defender -2wE, +45wE, 376gv~~~~~~~ 2a
NEW! q10t Echovald Shield, +10 Demons -2wE~~~~ 5a
NEW! q9t Echovald Shield +10 Pierce, -2wE~~~~~ 3a
NEW! q9t Amber Aegis +30, +10 Fire~~~~~~~~~~ 4a
IGN: Embers In Spamadan
September 13, 2020 at 5:03 AM Changed the title of the thread from “**Buy 1 Get 1 Half Off** OS Shields/Weapons/Caster, OS Low Req, Insc Low Req” to “**NEW ITEMS 9/13** Shields, Weapons, Wands, Focus, Staff **MASSIVE UPDATE**”. -
Runic Axe Dv - bo 25e
NEW q11 Com Platinum Wand 15/-1, 10% hsr - 15e
NEW q11 DF Platinum Wand +5wE, 20% hct Healing 15e
NEW! q9 Katana 15/-5e - 5e
NEW q9 Dirks 20wH - 5e
NEW q9 Korambits 15^50 - 5e
NEW q9 Platinum Sickles +5e - 5e
Nimbly Crow
q9t Echovald Shield +10 Earth, -3wH - bo 40e
NEW! q0 (8-16) Briarwood Scythe - purple 30e
NEW! q7 (6-25) Hand Axe (Tyrian) - gold - 20e
NEW!q8s/16ar Lotus Shield - gold - 20efound 1 ingame for 30e
NEW! q7s/15ar Tower Shield - gold - 20e -
q9t amber aegis +30 +10v fire 10a.
NEW! q9 Katana 15/-5e -> 10e
NEW! q9t Gothic Defender +30, +10 Cold - 3A
NEW! q13s Gothic Defender +30, +10 Pierce - 15e
NEW! q11s Bronze Shield +30, -3wH - 5e
NEW! q9 Shinobi Blade 15^50 - 10e
NEW q11t Bladed Shield -2wS +30
NEW! q12t Aegis -3wH, +30 = 15e
NEW q9 Amber Longbow Dv = 20e for both (only buying them as a pair)
NEW q9 Bramble Longbow Dv = 5e
NEW q12s Shadow Shield +10 Undead, -5/20 5e,
NEW q11 DF Platinum Wand +5wE, 20% hct Healing 20e
IG: Vll Weapons
NEW! q9 Katana 15/-5e - 15e
15%-5e katana 1a
NEW q11 DF Platinum Wand +5wE, 20% hct Healing