16/Q9 Round Shield (TAC) -3/hex +1 prot (20%)
q9 STR zodiak +10 slashing -2/ench q9 DUAL MAX MOD
December 3, 2020 at 4:22 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Foresta Shop - BDS + Chestrundrops + UNID rare skins -> are you a lucky guy? (added items 05/10)” to “Foresta Shop NEW items: Embossed Q9 OS Dual mod, Clean Value items Dual Vamp”. -
new items up up up
Embossed - 20e
December 6, 2020 at 10:13 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Foresta Shop NEW items: Embossed Q9 OS Dual mod, Clean Value items Dual Vamp” to “Foresta Shop NEW items: Embossed Q9 OS Dual mod, Clean Value items Dual Vamp+ q8/16 OS”. -
added q8 OS
i start with 10e on the ornate
ornate 12e
December 13, 2020 at 11:31 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Foresta Shop NEW items: Embossed Q9 OS Dual mod, Clean Value items Dual Vamp+ q8/16 OS” to “Foresta Shop NEW Dual Vamp + OS Shields”. -
added some new stuff
16/Q9 Round Shield (TAC) -3/hex +1 prot (20%) - 20e
2e r13 shadow.
retract - 14e ornate
wasnt there a unidnet ornate in here ?
skull shield 10e
skull shield - 15e
wooden buckler q13 - 5e
Ign : Dadan Le Romanichel
skull shield 25e
Oh there so many so dam close ones. U nearly got here like 4 items that would fill open spots if. Q9 or max mod. Or other name for the skin. I will definitely keep an eye on your thread mate and hope Spot-Filler next time
5e on the wing blade sword.
up added a new shield and will sell first items tomorrow
shadow shield q13 - 5e
one last up.. new stuff will be added soon and items where i accept the offer will be sold
Shadow +10 unded -2 stance -> 5e
paper 30e
healing holy branch
prot skele shield
Unholy you can have those items PyroLobster Embossed - 20e you can have that adrastos nvm you got outbid by Cloud Strife Raining Ecto u2
Wing blade sword 10e
Q9 round prot shield 30e
Q13 shadow air shield 45e
shadow shield air 100e
150e on shadow air
shadow shield air 300e
I must Retract
Shadow Air400e -
q10 DV Wingblade Sword - 20e - Nimbly Crow
#2 25e then I guess
sold some items.. will sell other things in 24h when none overbids Mr. Clean(-Value) Cloud Strife
up contact me for sale
B/o undead Gloom
February 17, 2021 at 7:58 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Foresta Shop NEW Dual Vamp + OS Shields” to “Dual Vamp + OS Shields + q9 15^50 OS”. -
upupup added alot of new items shields q9 15^50 oldschool deleted sold stuff
1a req 13 stance gloom
February 20, 2021 at 3:57 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Dual Vamp + OS Shields + q9 15^50 OS” to “OS UW/FOW drops 20/20 Ghostly, Gloom Shield, Shadow Shield, Eternal Shield”. -
4a on 45/2st gloom
Ign: luana rose
60e eternal staff chan