Hello dear Community, Fellows and Friends
at First i wanna thank all that helped and still help me to fill open spots on my WTB- List (u can see here what is needed or what i allrdy got) . :heart:
I started a big project around 1 year ago. My Main Collection : MATCHING NAME ITEMS with X00g ( to see what matching name items means - please check the WTB- List with the list of all of them )
The Main Goal is :
1. Items with Matching names
2. If item comes OS i want to have it in OS / If it only comes INSCR then i need the INSCR
3. q9 or lower
4. Martials prefered as +5en / 15^50 set
5. Most important rule - x00g- Clean values
SO what is x00g ? - Its what i call clean Value items- So items with 200g 300g 400g ,...
I just fell in love with the look and really enjoyed the whole Goldvalue topic and system (GV= Goldvalue , u will read it more here ) . Big thanks to PyroLobster Praise Agent Chevy Oldschool Cool for many needed Informations on the topic.
:heart: I also like other GV related items. Like Calculation Items, 69g Values and CLEAN-CLEAN weapons ( no inherent mod + x00g) :heart:
Hope you enjoy as i progress to Upload different Goldvalue related items and the progress of my main collection