Added rb's and bo's to the recently added items
First page:
Various req8-7 weapons and shields | 11/19 added q9t +30 +10v plant Crude Shield + more!
Added rb's and bo's to the recently added items
First page:
Various req8-7 weapons and shields | 11/19 added q9t +30 +10v plant Crude Shield + more!
R/b hornbow
Aureate Daggers have been sold.
Tower Shield, Chaos Axe and stoneshard Hornbow will be sold as soon as I catch the c/o holders ingame.
b2 15a
crude plant 15a
Plant crude - 20a
Sold a bunch of items, removed others. And added some new ones.
Up again!
Various req8-7 weapons | NEW: q8 Shields, q8 Kris Daggers, 250 Jade Wind Orbs
Newly added:
15a shield
25a shield
Thanks for the offers
Big update!
Various items have been added as i'm looking to regain funds after a recent purchase.
50a wooden
chaos 250a
Chaos 500a
+5e archaic axe 100a
s3 15a
h1 15a
s1 15a
s5 5a
100a skele wooden
Appreciate the offers so far
-FDS has been sold ingame
-Added r/b's and b/o's to most items
Items will be sold within 48 hours once r/b has been met
20/10 earth jug 10a
-Few new items added
C3 = 10a
SH4 - 5a please.
Unholy i'm sorry but the wayward was included in a trade earlier.
- Lowered a few buy out prices.
- Traded the plants Crude & fire Wayward away
Merry Christmas everyone
D1 30a
Agent Chevy let me know when you're available to trade the q7 plagues
H1. 30a
Zodiac Axe r/b