20a on the Q8 15^50 Celestial Bow

q8/prenerf weps, various OS stuff. 9/11 update
I also add 50e on number 10 (zodi bow q9)
And 25a on number 2 (Cele bow q8)
1. 100a
Brian, I'm gonna be honest with you. That smells like pure gasoline.
No touching of the hair or face.
I want to buy some of the Upgrades let me know if you sold any of them already:
1x of Defense 1e
1x Silencing 5k
1x Furious 2e
1x of Defense 1e
4x Adept 8e
5x Aptitude Not Attitude 10e
should be in sum 22e + 5k
ign: Krieger von Kryta
May 5, 2021 at 12:04 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS/insc/prenerf stuff, added 35 items from my personal 300 collection (q8-13 mursaat, cele, zodiac, eternal, etc). 4/29 update” to “20/20 smite holy rod, 300 collection items (q8-13 mursaat, cele, zodiac, eternal, etc), 20/20 Cele Staves & more. 5/4 update”. -
Added q10 20/20 smite holy rod
highlighted that and the two 20/20 cele staves
added a few q9 insc weps
updated green & mod counts
q9 inscribed forked sword 5e
Back for some more hero greens
Grognar's Blade x1 3e
Thorgall's Shield x1 2e
Stoneherder's Flatbow x1 3e
Nooseknitter's Flatbow 5e
Gardock's Staff x1 3e
Hukhrah's Staff 2e
The Scar Eater x1 2e
Ivor's Staff 4e
Gorrel's Cane x1 2e
Ilsundur's Staff 1e
The Brimstone 5e
Bortak's Bone Claw x1 6e
Kaswa's Gluttony 4e
Villnar's Staff x1 3e
Daggers of Xuekao x1 3e
Arachni's Scythe x1 2e
Suli's Scythe 1e
Jadam's Spear 3e
The Matriarch's Stinger 2e
Fenrir's Bastion 1e
3 Amulets of the Mists: 2e/ea
Total 63e
10. Zodiac Longbow 75e
15. Fellblade 50e
17. Cleaver 35e
18. Chaos Axe 50e
2. Fire Celestial Staff 75e
3. Death Celestial Staff 50e
Q9 Kaineng 20e
Q12 Shadow Shield -2 +30 35e
q12 comm Jade Wand +5e^50 HCT Resto 20%
20 e on this !
q9t Amber Aegis +10earth -2e 200e
IG : Angel Fire wings
Celestial Staff Fire: 100e
Celestial Staff Death: 100e
IGN: Lily Dhuumsbane
Celestial Staff Fire: 125e
Celestial Staff Death: 125e
updated thread with current offers. r/b met on several things
300 #1 (mursaat - will be sold in 48 hours if no other bids.) b/o will be added tomorrow
300 section will be removed when this is sold
other 300s whose r/b has been met will be sold in 24 hours if no further bids
added r/b for several lesser 300 items I'm more inclined to sell
Some other OS items are now pending, will be sold as soon as I can contact in game.
Updated mod/green counts
Celestial Staff Fire: 150e
Celestial Staff Death: retract, sorry.
IGN: Lily Dhuumsbane
- Spear Sundering x1 1e PLS
Also number 15(fell blade q9 +5en 300g) 75e - Spear Sundering x1 1e PLS
updated current offers.
added b/o option for #1, 3, 4. Mursaat bow will be sold 24 hours from the time of this post to the highest bidder.
The rest of the 300 section will be removed in 24 hours.
Will let the #15 (fellblade) run for another 24 hours as well as there was a recent bid.
Other items still pending.
May 7, 2021 at 8:58 PM Changed the title of the thread from “20/20 smite holy rod, 300 collection items (q8-13 mursaat, cele, zodiac, eternal, etc), 20/20 Cele Staves & more. 5/4 update” to “20/20 smite holy rod, 300 collection items (b/o option added for some, 24h left), 20/20 Cele Staves & more. 5/4 update”. -
110 Celestial Summoning Stones: 10e
100e 300g Fellblade +5e
q9 Storm Artifact +1water 18% HSR Water 16%
May 8, 2021 at 9:15 PM Changed the title of the thread from “20/20 smite holy rod, 300 collection items (b/o option added for some, 24h left), 20/20 Cele Staves & more. 5/4 update” to “20/20 smite holy rod, 20/20 Cele Staves, other OS, huge mod/green shop. 5/8 update”. -
300 sale has ended, pending items still going out.
added q9t Aegis +42e +10giants & other greens
updated mod/green count
I'll take the last Fenrir's Bastion (1e) please.
q10t Celestial Shield +10fire +1healing 20%
On my !
That's a nice Aegis you got there : q9t Aegis +42e +10giants = 25e
Also glad to see the prenerf triple prof staff is still here. Any RB on it ?
q9t Skeleton Shield +10cold +45e-25e
q9 Protective Icon +10trolls HCT 10%-4e
q11 Protective Icon +10slash HCT 10%-2e
q11t Amber Aegis +45e -2e -30e
q9 Grinning Dragon Axe +5e 5e
q9t Skeleton Shield -2e +1tactics 20% r/b 1 e
q10t Celestial Shield +10fire +1healing 20%
25e on it !
Will be back later today. Haven’t updated C/Os since last bump but Motoko already had 25e on the fire/heal cele shield a few posts above yours Blind Was My Fury
sold prenerf triple prof smiting staff
updated available stuff in os/insc sections
updated mod/green count
still trying to catch some of you in game
Vokurs Cane buyout x3
The Mindsquall x1
IGN - The Best Slayer
20/20 cele staves are pending. will be sold as soon as I can catch the bidders online assuming no other offers between now and then.
water storm artifact still pending to tw1tchcss Can't seem to get a response from you in game?
updated mod/green counts
May 17, 2021 at 6:48 PM Changed the title of the thread from “20/20 smite holy rod, 20/20 Cele Staves, other OS, huge mod/green shop. 5/8 update” to “20/20 smite holy rod, other prenerf/OS/insc, huge mod/green shop. 5/17 update”. -
40e on the celestial then ! the bonuses call for it anyway
Sorrow's Furnace collection has been sold (!!). Will work on completing on another one. Feel free to request one in the meantime.
45e celestial
q10 water Celestial Staff 20/19
q10 death Zodiac Staff 20/19
10e / each
Q9 amber aegis 100e