Around 1500+ rangers naga killed in HM to drop my first ever gold naga bow.. q12 tho
edit : q9 actually dropped
Around 1500+ rangers naga killed in HM to drop my first ever gold naga bow.. q12 tho
edit : q9 actually dropped
Around 1500+ rangers naga killed in HM to drop my first ever gold naga bow.. q12 tho
please id the item I will be intriged.
id with minor id kit for q9 dual vamp
tested and approved
ps forgot to say you have to wait as long as possible before iding it otherwise it doesnt work
also do 3 turns on yourself before id
That's already what i usually do don't worry :p
kept it for Woo i know he is fan of not max dmg axes and swords :p
Display Moreminor id kit + turning 3 times on myself
kept it for Woo i know he is fan of not max dmg axes and swords :p
(For those who find the reference..)
For a while now I've been keeping tack of the highest gv purple I dropped (no idea why just reasons). Recently got an upgrade with this Igneous Blade. Well random but has anybody got or seen a purple 300gv+ ?
It happened.. that's insane luck can't be happier but now i'm going for the longbow
For a while now I've been keeping tack of the highest gv purple I dropped (no idea why just reasons). Recently got an upgrade with this Igneous Blade. Well random but has anybody got or seen a purple 300gv+ ?
I am just guessing but I would think high area treasure chests is probably the highest probability
For a while now I've been keeping tack of the highest gv purple I dropped (no idea why just reasons). Recently got an upgrade with this Igneous Blade. Well random but has anybody got or seen a purple 300gv+ ?
First time I see this sword in purple, where is dropped?
I am just guessing but I would think high area treasure chests is probably the highest probability
^ That is where is came from. Domain of Pain treasure.
Recent drop in arachni nm with guildies, drop on Aloe. New one for collection
For a while now I've been keeping tack of the highest gv purple I dropped (no idea why just reasons). Recently got an upgrade with this Igneous Blade. Well random but has anybody got or seen a purple 300gv+ ?
300gv purple is the equivalent of 600gv gold, so my guess is if one can drop so can the other. not sure about 600gv gold items though
For a while now I've been keeping tack of the highest gv purple I dropped (no idea why just reasons). Recently got an upgrade with this Igneous Blade. Well random but has anybody got or seen a purple 300gv+ ?
300gv purple is the equivalent of 600gv gold, so my guess is if one can drop so can the other. not sure about 600gv gold items though
They exist. Stay tuned on the collection thread 🤫
just went through my high gv stuff and found this, not over 300 but painfully close:
Display Spoiler
For a while now I've been keeping tack of the highest gv purple I dropped (no idea why just reasons). Recently got an upgrade with this Igneous Blade. Well random but has anybody got or seen a purple 300gv+ ?
well well well looks like I've got another collection to collect
Found these hiding in my warriors equipment pack today, what a beauty. Is it possible for these to drop with max mods or is it likely i modded them?
Found these hiding in my warriors equipment pack today, what a beauty. Is it possible for these to drop with max mods or is it likely i modded them?
Any gold item has a chance of dropping with full max mods, so in this case, could be either or.
from jadesea chest run just now
from jadesea chest run just now
A wise man once told me 240GV for a post-nerf purple is max.. Up to this day
EDIT: Since you mentioned anything above it is pre-nerf or NF treasures..While i could agree with the least i dont understand of what you meant with prenerf with all in all insc items...The *big* nerf happened before NF was released, inscripable items at the time of nerf did not exist, and many confuse prenerf max damage possibilities that dropped to those that drop inscribable for example...and about those, the level community and traders are at, stating that an inscribable q8 Daggers for example at 7-16 arent max, are delusional. Those weapons came to existence with NF, and have nothing to do with the pre-nerf, nerf (imo). Take that point of damage less in exchange for ability to change the inscription to what u want, but dont mistake the era of prenerf OS to NF/EotN if u would
from jadesea chest run just now
Thanks very much for the ping, Alchimist if you ever consider selling this is one im missing from my collection!
I mean I guess it's perfect q9?
Granted, it took about 220 birthday boxes to get it. Maybe a few more. Still, beats Mad King #9, Charr Shaman #12, or Nian #15
Fun fact, disregarding the Shiro'ken Assassin, the least common drops I got from the boxes were MOX and Zhu Hanuku (both 3x), followed by the Flowstone Elemental (4x). The most common ones (seemed) to be Koss and Candysmith Marley, but I didn't count all of those.
Cute naked one !
Granted, it took about 220 birthday boxes to get it. Maybe a few more. Still, beats Mad King #9, Charr Shaman #12, or Nian #15
Fun fact, disregarding the Shiro'ken Assassin, the least common drops I got from the boxes were MOX and Zhu Hanuku (both 3x), followed by the Flowstone Elemental (4x). The most common ones (seemed) to be Koss and Candysmith Marley, but I didn't count all of those.
May be a phenomenon, but I’ve noticed if I open the gifts on a certain character they give me the same mini pet. I’ve gotten 4 zunukus or w.e they are called on my warrior, 3 flowstones on my derv, and 4 bone dragons on my ranger. Strange
Il a quand même une connotation d'extreme droite je trouve, je ne sais pas pourquoi..
Here’s its sibling that I posted here in 2022.
Now make em 88 gold 😍👌
The 10-20 dmg is so clean as well and way better then 11-22 change my mind 🤷🏻♂️
thats sick