Got an extra light version of a perfect Q9 Bladed Shield
I'll go to bed now and cry for that NON MAX ARMOR rating!
You may cry again when you notice that it is a Spiked Targe and not a Bladed Shield
Got an extra light version of a perfect Q9 Bladed Shield
I'll go to bed now and cry for that NON MAX ARMOR rating!
You may cry again when you notice that it is a Spiked Targe and not a Bladed Shield
You may cry again when you notice that it is a Spiked Targe and not a Bladed Shield
Lul i am totally done for today. Ofc its a Spiked Targe.
I mean, I'm not sad about it. That defender makes me wanna suit up and hunt Rotscale!
I mean, I'm not sad about it. That defender makes me wanna suit up and hunt Rotscale!
That defender makes me wanna log in and buy it :O
is there a defender that doesnt make you feel like that red, be honest
is there a defender that doesnt make you feel like that red, be honest
I had to think for a while... but I guess a singlenonmaxmod high req one would be the one
EDIT: Or those highend ones - q8 -2wE +30, q8 -2wS +30, q8 -2wS -2wE ... since:
A) they are shit expensive
B) I am broke as always and
C) I already got them
Display MoreI had to think for a while... but I guess a singlenonmaxmod high req one would be the one
EDIT: Or those highend ones - q8 -2wE +30, q8 -2wS +30, q8 -2wS -2wE ... since:
A) they are shit expensive
B) I am broke as always and
C) I already got them
Why would any one want a Q8 perfect modded Defender, D) that has Merch food written all over it.
Today reached monk's GWAMM and now i have every core profession with the title!!
Feels good! Alot of work over the years!
Monk was also rewarded with new nifty shield bit before the title so could use it dozen of my last vanquishes ;D She totally loves it!!!
Now again bit closer on project of using everything i got ;D Haha
Good day and even Friday 13th heh, Hope everyone else still enjoys playing the game as much as i do
and this just happened !
I was able to acquire this item this morning --- which completes my green collection.
Awesome drop Slave! Such an amazing achievement.
I'm still staring at my screen in disbelief looking at what just happened. Got my first ever perfect r9 creature shield today - and what a skin!
Awesome drop Slave! Such an amazing achievement.
I'm still staring at my screen in disbelief looking at what just happened. Got my first ever perfect r9 creature shield today - and what a skin!
I wish that I could like this twice. What a beauty
Why Tho?
Was sad when I had to give up on the 19/19 healing wayward (on illusion attribute), but then today... URGOZ WAS KIND TO ME <33333
I screamed when I saw it (friend ID'd it for me as he still needed unids, but DAYUM)
WTH!! Should I be happy that at least all three attributes are from the same Profession? cause it still doesn't make me feel better
Why Tho?
There may be....just may be, a Me/E out there that would love to have it
Was sad when I had to give up on the 19/19 healing wayward (on illusion attribute), but then today... URGOZ WAS KIND TO ME <33333
I screamed when I saw it (friend ID'd it for me as he still needed unids, but DAYUM)
That's beautiful, congrats on the drop.
First max dual mods in ages...
Unfort, no inscr. slot but does not happen often to me to see a max q7 sword drop for me. Unid value 42g if anyone needs this information!
I rarely get anything matching. now last days ive had 3 matching 20/19 multiprof staffs and two even q9 ;/ they're never that 1% higher
But today finally someting nice dropped! This is one of coolest drops i ever got and im so happy!!!
HAPPY!!! My necro just missed nice death offhand also
First decent pantheon week drop I think ever? I always get nice mods but 1 off from perfect. Unfortunately q10 but I'll take it!
I know this isn't that impressive nowadays, but today I completed two things that 14 year old me never thought he would.
When I was younger, cartography just seemed too daunting, but having some extra time at home lately (and a different attitude), I trudged through and finally got Gwamm. With Ironman challenges this isn't much, but it's a big deal to me
Another challenge I had my eye on when I was younger was getting the sword in my Zrank. I knew that slow and steady was the "key" here, and over the last few weeks I liquidated the majority of my items to finally cross the hump. I don't think I will ever have enough money for R12 like many others do, but R10 is good enough for me! To get to this point I opened the chest exactly 7200 times. Rough notable drop estimates: ~5 monthly everlasting tonics, ~5-7 celestial compasses (best being r9 water and r10 prot), ~5-10 draconic aegis (best being r9 strength, most being req. 12-13), Req. 10 Obsidian Edge. Was it worth it? Absolutely!
I has been some days already, but i was not able to post this earlier. During the double HA bonus we had one of my best hall fights since years. Three full teams (well we have been 7 with War Hench as someone lagged out). Our timing was perfect. Got our last relic to the middle with 5sec left on timer.
Just like last time, first two unlucky rly close drops that broke my heart:
Before good drop!! Funny just bit ago i was thinking that all my divine symbols are pimpcup and would like get some loop one! Now i did and missed also nice prot offhand! ;D Its best when u drop someting u rly wanna keep!
Thats not only good thing today tho, ive taken small break from q8 runs to reach this small goal of 40k on treasure hunter, now i did and going back to q8 runs Lets hope next post is about some sweet q8 drop ;D
nice drop! GZ! Even q9. And HSR being the 20% mod (I prefer that over hct...) Real sweet
And damn 40k chests... I'd never voluntarily do that well if I had a run for towers/defenders in hm I might reach those numbers... but for different reasons
Its best when u drop someting u rly wanna keep!
You could sell that to me and I wouldnt be the least bit disappointed *wink wink*
Super grats on that. Very jealous here
Was doing some chests (not many, i think like 4 or 5 runs) in Pongmei and was happy to see two pairs of one of my most beloved dagger skin in lower req's. After IDing them i was shutting down GW for an hour.
Been trying something semi stupid.
Been farming a certain quest in a Krytan area hoping for q8s.
Had this drop so I knew I was maybe on to something.
A couple runs later...
(33g unid merch value)
Not quite max for q8, but most foes are lvl 20, except some 24s, so, q8 should be possible from them?
Display Spoiler
(33g unid merch value)
Not quite max for q8, but most foes are lvl 20, except some 24s, so, q8 should be possible from them?
Nice Reaver, will be watching for that q8 6-27 in your future. The level 20s (or any foes 17-21) can drop Q8 max (post nerf dmg) Purple and Gold items , the level 24 (or others over 21) can drop white and blue q8s.
finally, after almost 15 years, I have my very first, and hopefully not my last
i somehow take that as a deccent drop for today Req8 and and matching HCT mod!
So, I finally hit a milestone and got my eblade. Next up I decided I wanted a bladed shield. Easy right? Naw girl, The loot gods played a dirty joke today.
Did some chest running today and got this as a drop. Quite pleased with it.
Did some chest running today and got this as a drop. Quite pleased with it.
Cross posting with Agent Chevy right now i bet. He is going to be hoping you will sell him it. π
Did some chest running today and got this as a drop. Quite pleased with it.
Now that is a chest drop!! Congrats!
I was all excited last week when this one dropped even though it is 6-26 , you certainly just topped that one
Next one is q8 6-26 15^50. Could be a nice collection!
I know its not out of a big value, but i swear, this is how it dropped for me. Back in the good old days, many people wanted to have 15^50 20/20 30.