Closed q7 Celestial Sword q7 Tall Shield -2 -2
Cloud Strife
August 25, 2020 at 4:12 AM Changed the title of the thread from “q7 Cele q7 Tall Shield -2 -2” to “q7 Celestial Sword q7 Tall Shield -2 -2”. -
25a/ea as a start
40a on the q7 tall
40a Sword
even tho i think u do not own those two items, ill offer 50a each
750a each
750a + 10a for ur paint skills
Trade my q7 dual red for the q7 tall.
Though, Both of these items have been with the same guy asking for 500-700a for year(s) now. Let's see the War Hammer, War Axe and plague daggers as well :p
- then
each of course
proof that youre the owner of those items and there will be real offers ;)!
- Official Post
Here I will give you some real bids, 100a on the sword and 160a on the shield on the off chance you actually do have these and all the trolling is for not.
Okay I see this went to the left. But i got sumn to Say/Clarify:
First Clarification I guess this post deserved to be trolled because these aren't my items, I made an agreement with a fellow GW player who doesn't have access to Legacy to help him sell them. He didnt even know about Legacy, and i felt these beauties belong on Legacy, I mean come on right?
What i have to say and ask is am i breaking a rule by selling on the behalf of someone with no access this wonderful site..Legacy(Asian Country)? The seller knows whats going on and is kept up to date about the progress(what progress??)of the items. If i am indeed breaking a rule then i deserve all the Trolling matter fact if i am breaking a rule send more Trolling...
And Also the Items are for sale man. There's no Fake Selling going on here, so if you want em make some real offers, whats there to Loose?
C/O 100a Celestial Sword Spun Ducky C/O 160a Tall Shield Spun Ducky
101a/161a respectively.
OR...tell your friend I'll buy him a hooker in exchange for both.
Just trolling....or am I?
IGN Alexa Jaide
175a tall shield
Retract, these will never get sold.
Heads up
Lets go!...if you want it, you can get it....Lemme know
Like a Dino-Saur...Bih they dont make em like Me no more...
Last bump on this one you can pm me good offers if interested.
- Official Post
200a tall shield
Cloud Strife
September 7, 2020 at 4:30 PM Changed the title of the thread from “q7 Celestial Sword q7 Tall Shield -2 -2” to “Closed q7 Celestial Sword q7 Tall Shield -2 -2”. -
September 7, 2020 at 4:31 PM Closed the thread.