b/o cele axe

[New 16 march] Prenerf Dyed Bags set + Storage Cleaning -> OS Shields Perf / 20/20 Staves / OS Hammers + Swords + Axes / Q8 Gold inscri shields + offhands / Q0 Copperleaf / Q9 Emerald blade / Q9 Purple Elonian Daggers /OS Eternal / Q1 Scythe
bo q7 defender white pls
b/o q7 +5e cele sword
q7 cele - B/O
q7 crenellated - B/O
q8 str cele shield - RB
q9 str ex aegis - RBMango Given I had the highest bids until your post and was only able to respond now due to work, hopefully you can honor selling me the two +5e's for B/O
20a on each q7 +5e if your willing to honour whatever you call that post above. If not will still take q7 crene for b/o of 12a like I posted 14 hours ago
Q8 tact celestial blind shield 2a
Let's do 15a on the q8str ornate shield
16a ornate
Let's pop to ornate to 20a
Ex2 : 10a
Gh2 : 3a
Plagueborn : 10a
Zodiac Piercing : 12a
Zodiac Blunt : 12a
Have fun.
B/O zodiac vs piercing and blunt both
Last bump fot this thread.
February 5, 2024 at 4:55 AM Changed the title of the thread from “[rb + bo] Q9 Dwarven Axe - Q9 Crysta - Nf Collector Pres - Q8 Hand Axe - Q8 15^50 Axes - Q8 Paper Fan - Q7 +5Energy Swords - Q8 15Stance Flamb - Tower +5+15Stance and more - Q7/Q8 Chaos Axes - Q8 Celes- Q9 SwS - Perf GotHs - Q8 Ornate - Q7 Stormbow” to “[Last Call] Q9 Dwarven Axe - Nf Collector Present - Q8 15^50 Axes - Q8 Paper Fan - Q7 +5Energy Swords- Tower +5+15Stance and more - Q7/Q8 Chaos Axes - Q8 Celes- Q9 SwS - Perf GotHs - Q8 Ornate”. -
Rb q8t cele
6a tact cele
February 11, 2024 at 1:14 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[Last Call] Q9 Dwarven Axe - Nf Collector Present - Q8 15^50 Axes - Q8 Paper Fan - Q7 +5Energy Swords- Tower +5+15Stance and more - Q7/Q8 Chaos Axes - Q8 Celes- Q9 SwS - Perf GotHs - Q8 Ornate” to “[11 Feb 24] Q7 War Hammer Ram - Q8 +5 FDS / HoD / Q8 15^50 Hammers / Q8 Prenerf Shinobi / Perfect Straw / Q8 Oaken / Perf Zodiac S / Prenerf Plague Staff / Prenerf Zod Staff / Q7 15^50 Crene / Q7 Summit / Prenerfs / OS / Q10 Serpent Axe / Q8 Insc nd more!”. -
New cool stuff add !
Thread[New 16 march] Prenerf Dyed Bags set + Storage Cleaning -> OS Shields Perf / 20/20 Staves / OS Hammers + Swords + Axes / Q8 Gold inscri shields + offhands / Q0 Copperleaf / Q9 Emerald blade / Q9 Purple Elonian Daggers /OS Eternal / Q1 Scythe
Hello girls and boys !
New Stuff Listed (i reserve the right to not sell, even if r/b or b/o is met)Mango's Shop
Bags + Belt pouch (prenerf dyed)
c/o 15a @Envision
c/o 10a @Rims
Shields (OS)- SH1 c/o r/b b/o @ :
- SH2 c/o 20a @Kugiini r/b b/o @ :
- SH3 c/o r/b b/o @ :
- SH4 c/o r/b b/o @ :
- SH5 c/o 2a r/b b/o @Unrealz
- SH6 c/o 20e r/b b/o @Elite Trader D
- SH7 c/o r/b b/o @ :
- SH8 c/o 20e r/b b/o @Elite Trader D
- SH9 c/o r/b b/o @ :
- SH10 c/o r/b b/o @ :
- SH11 c/o r/b b/o @ :
- SH12 c/o 5a r/b
MangoSeptember 19, 2021 at 2:27 PM Gl !
30a q8 15^ench shinobi blade
5a q10 dv chaos axe
1a q9 dv hand axe
20a air plag staff
1a on 16/8 weakness aegis
celest sword q8 +5 50e
wooden buckler undaed 2a
outcast curse 5a
plagueborn staff air 25a
q7 cane = 3a
Prenerf zodiac = 7a
Prenerf plagueborn = 27a
q7/16 reinforced = 10a
Eternal bow = 20a
February 11, 2024 at 1:37 PM Changed the title of the thread from “[11 Feb 24] Q7 War Hammer Ram - Q8 +5 FDS / HoD / Q8 15^50 Hammers / Q8 Prenerf Shinobi / Perfect Straw / Q8 Oaken / Perf Zodiac S / Prenerf Plague Staff / Prenerf Zod Staff / Q7 15^50 Crene / Q7 Summit / Prenerfs / OS / Q10 Serpent Axe / Q8 Insc nd more!” to “[11 Feb 24] Q7 War Hammer Ram / Q8 +5 FDS / HoD / Q8 15^50 Hammers / Q8 Prenerf Shinobi / Perfect Straw / Q8 Oaken / Perf Zodiac S / Prenerf Plague Staff / Prenerf Zod Staff / Q7 15^50 Crene / Q7 Summit / Prenerfs / OS / Q10 Serpent Axe / Q8 Insc nd more!”. -
q13 tall +1/20 earth +30 5a
S/B FDS please
Wooden q10 stance/undead 3a
35a Shinobi q8
6a dv chaos axe q10
IGN: Oh Yeah Batman Yeah -
Crude +1 strength - 1a
SSS q10 tac 50e
SSS Q8 Incr 5a
Outcast Curse 10a
Cs1 50e
FDS 250
B/O HoD Sword
300a FDS
1a duskblade
37a Shinobi
30a Air plag
5a q7 tall
Round skeleton 2a
amber wand curses 50e
plagueborn air = 35a
Ec4 - 10a
100a Str Oaken
15ench Shinobi 40a