The first column column of shields alone deserves a collection post. 🤪

Your Beloved Collections
The first column column of shields alone deserves a collection post. 🤪
Nah, one picture is ok...
First column on an altar, rest animated and bowing to the altar chanting "We're not worthy".
Ofc they are worthy of collecting, just those dual red are on a higher lvl.
Those are the sort of eternals I believe are stored in the Arc of the Covenant. Powerful.
- Official Post
Those dual reduction Eternal Shields are absolutely worthy of being kept in the Ark of the Covenant. And it’s funny you should say that, as I have the Ark of the Covenant in my vaults, and as it turns out, I really do keep a set of dual reduction Eternal Shields inside it. Along with some dust that i’m led to believe used to be a stone tablet of some kind....
Test Thank you for allowing me to follow your post with these ❤️
Those dual reduction Eternal Shields are absolutely worthy of being kept in the Ark of the Covenant. And it’s funny you should say that, as I have the Ark of the Covenant in my vaults, and as it turns out, I really do keep a set of dual reduction Eternal Shields inside it. Along with some dust that i’m led to believe used to be a stone tablet of some kind....
Test Thank you for allowing me to follow your post with these ❤️
Absolutely gorgeous Max. Glad I opened the way for that post!
That q9!
Thanks to Max for putting my modest collection in it's place.
This weekend has been a little special, as it feels like a family reunion. Two brothers have been united.
Thank you so much for making this happen and your generosity Bradols, Hrwakka and Kabong. Definitely one of the major center pieces of my collection now that the second one is sitting next to the first one I had.
The Two Brothers:
This weekend has been a little special, as it feels like a family reunion. Two brothers have been united.
Thank you so much for making this happen and your generosity Bradols, Hrwakka and Kabong. Definitely one of the major center pieces of my collection now that the second one is sitting next to the first one I had.
The Two Brothers:
You were the worthy one! Glad you have the twin brother.
Here's to triplets 🍻
This weekend has been a little special, as it feels like a family reunion. Two brothers have been united.
Thank you so much for making this happen and your generosity Bradols, Hrwakka and Kabong. Definitely one of the major center pieces of my collection now that the second one is sitting next to the first one I had.
The Two Brothers:
Very nice Magmas, congratz. I thought Plekki had one just like it so there might be 3 of them.!
So anybody that knows me a little knows I'm slightly insane and my taste in collections reflects that. This is a little teaser for the big unidentified project that has been ongoing for several months.
PS. I love Whalekin Wands
PPS. I know the q9 grape isn't max, was an mistake. I pulled from the 11-21 collection instead of 11-22.....
This weekend has been a little special, as it feels like a family reunion. Two brothers have been united.
We can have a family reunion...your brothers and their big fat twin cousins
Ohhhh the cousins!
- Official Post
Hrwakka That’s a lot of perfect! Realising the potential in style there.
Enchanted Krystal you always were and still are the King of Magmas. I love the history in that screenshot. And I remember how hard you worked to build that. I especially remember how hard you worked to assemble the complete set of dual reduction Magmas, and waiting patiently for Aris to part with the r9. Truly epic.
I like your style
So i'm a self proclaimed collector of collections. In addition to some more structured projects of "traditional" rare expensive kinda stuff I have loads of random side collections. Thought id put a bunch together for a fun post of unusual oddities. Only picked 20 and most are just a handful of samples / favs not the whole collection. If anybody out there is as crazy as me maybe you will enjoy seeing some crazy.
Enchanted Krystal planted a seed . . . Emma threw some fertilizer on it . . . and then it grew!
Looks like I'll need a bigger resolution to fit any more (Yes, I need a lot more!!!).
A very special thanks to all who are helping make this possible:
Bourne Ultima
Max Mystic Stylez
Divine Legend
Alison Anur Ki
Rollz Lightz Smokez
Hippos Kloros
Also thanks to anyone else for any leads on potential sellers!
Best of luck on everyone's collections!
very nice collection Purely, Congratulations again
Wow, great stuff!! Glad to see you keeping such great company. -
Thanks Emma for selling this beautiful eternal shield
Just saw today how it has matching gold value with it's pair and decided make 1st post in a while
Also anyone else here loves Gloom shields? i think it must be one of best looking shields in guildwars!
Got this set sometime ago, though it looks great with plat blades-Pleikki
gothic+plat > gloom+plat imo...
But still really nice sets ikki
- Official Post
Where a couple of months ago I was planning my goodbyes, I am now planning my hello's. We're not out of the woods yet, but it's clearing up.
Ele and hes shiny fire sticks
Got some new toys for my ele!
goGot me some new shields and got another nice fds to fit in with the brothers
- Official Post
I am now the proud owner of the r8 15/stance Crystalline Sword. I was given a chance to preserve it within the guild whose very existence is dedicated to locating and preserving the very finest items. And it fits perfectly.
I had to beg, borrow and borrow some more for this, but since two old friends from my speedclearing days returned to the game about six weeks ago, there has been a series of events which unfurled in front of me which I could hardly believe. They donated their entire combined wealth to me because they weren't interested in playing any more but were curious who was actually still playing. I was the only one left on their friends list who still logged in, and so we began reminiscing about the old days. When I said I was retired from trading but had my eye on this, they gave me everything they had left, and disappeared into the mists of time once more. I was still quite a long way short of the asking price.
I now owe quite a lot to some other friends who agreed that this sword should be with its brothers and I have called in every favour I was owed, but I managed to borrow the rest and was able to make an offer which was accepted.
So, I am absolutely blown away by the generosity of my two old friends who gave me 75% of the price of this sword , and humbled by the others who have lent me the rest. When I realised there was a chance I could do this, I didn't hesitate. In accordance with their wishes, my donors have remained anonymous, but they know who they are and if they're reading this, I can't begin to express how grateful I am.
custo it , so we done with it
no balls