Kabong it really does tbh so if anyone has a q9 str 45-2wE one I'd be more than interested in trading

Your Beloved Collections
Selection of beautiful items i felt like posting, someting new and someting old
Hope you enjoyed it!
Selection of beautiful items i felt like posting, someting new and someting old
Hope you enjoyed it!
Just curious though, how many of these things do you actually use to benefit from the 20% custo boost? Kinda like writing your name on a priceless book and throwing it in a box.
Just curious though, how many of these things do you actually use to benefit from the 20% custo boost? Kinda like writing your name on a priceless book and throwing it in a box.
I do love writing my name on items! Think it is the best part of collecting in General! 😂
But i also do use my items, im working on getting gwamm and doing other content on each character i have! Last year i maxed my warrior and used every single weapon i own during it on several things 😉 Think my stuff is getting used more than most collections overall
- Official Post
He just customizes stuff so that people (like me) stop harassing him for his items
I didn't think that id make new post so soon, but sometimes GW treats u better than ud think
I started this collection when left pre with my permapre ranger in 2016, i found every other but dual vamp pretty quickly, and now for soon 4 years i have been looking for the last missing piece to finish this set.
Today, i finally did! So here i present you my finished collection of, every dmg mod in q8 bows, each in different skin.Now tho, what do you fellow collectors think, should i customize them now that its finished or?
- Official Post
you better custo them otherwise imma pm you asking to buy them
custo it
-Pleikki .. i mean -tooburns
Must custo to collect that rusto or its not a true.... collecto?
A sunny day in October. A rare wander off the icy cobbles, as Hilda finally managed to assemble her favourite heavy accessories. As per tradition, only possible with the greatest of help from fellow scholars in Teh Academy. She does you no justice, @Captain Krompdown, but she does admire you.
A sunny day in October. A rare wander off the icy cobbles, as Hilda finally managed to assemble her favourite heavy accessories. As per tradition, only possible with the greatest of help from fellow scholars in Teh Academy. She does you no justice, @Captain Krompdown, but she does admire you.
The Captain is 15 years old and doesn't understand this new feeling. It's not anger but it will require all of his strength.
I think he just ran off to make a mix tape
- Official Post
I don't have the epic editing skills as mister awesome above me, but I did master the four elements.
Emma I have the same set of Tyrian wands (plus focus) but inscribable, your OldSchool ones are amazing, I hope that one day you will get the Q9 for Fire, Air and Earth.
I don't have the epic editing skills as mister awesome above me, but I did master the four elements.
Well my q8 15^50 collection was never posted in collection thread since GWguru, so maybe its time to post it also here now that i bothored screenshot it:)
Tyrian swords
Canthan SwordsTyrian Axes
Canthan axes
Tyrian hammers
Canthan hammers
Tyrian bows
Canthan bows
- Official Post
A true great
I like Flamberges and Magmas Shields
Thanks to pequeno for selling 2 of my q8 12%'s. I cant tell you how much I appreciate you passing those along to help me finish an over 6 year journey and also finding the many other missing pieces of my other sets.
Raining Ecto Sooner or later, they had to end up with you -- the Bat Sword Master. Outstanding stuff, glad I could help a tiny bit in this long journey.
- Official Post
Nananananananana Batman!
wow magmas
The purple-gold pair of +9/-2 charr shields is one of my favorite parts.
A fantastic collection, which you actually own in its entirety😂, and a poster that really does it justice.
Really wonderful, all the way around. Congrats to a good friend and guildie👏👏
Awesome stuff.
I'l Just leave this here. My humble +30+10vs Creatures STR Collection (if i can call it a collection yet) its far from over, its just what i could gather from friends, cheap (thank you all) over the past weeks since my return ^_^.
Down here is my old collection from 2017 ish, which i don't own anymore, before i quited and sold almost anything. (i repeat, those are not mine anymore)
Display Spoiler
The Q8 Echovald with the 400g gold value is so damn clean. And of course the SotW are always great.
The Q13 Air dropped me yesterday when I killed the Mesmer's Construct while the favor of the gods was active.
Now I only need to find one of Water Magic.
Finally completed the Elementalist HCT/HSR Dragon Staff collection (now I have to try to find a Fire HCT 20% —to replace the 19%—, and with luck try to replace the ones with q10/11/12 with q9).
I want to give a big thanks to Blind Was My Fury, Mr. Clean(-Value), Purely, Oni of Demonslaying for making this possible (and I don't know if I forgot to mention someone, I have bought so many things this last week that it is impossible for me to remember everyone).
- 10/10
- 20/20
- 10/20
Collection of green Platinum + Ghostly + Astral Staves also completed
Thanks to Blind Was My Fury for the Inspired Ghostly Staff and Unholy for The Rapture.
(from #1,846)
Updated with Xan Hei's Resolve: #1,937
Imagine internet going down during that last screenshot
this would be a very different post in that case, really awesome collection!
Collection of green Platinum + Ghostly + Astral Staves also completed
Thanks to Blind Was My Fury for the Inspired Ghostly Staff.
(from #1,846)
Hey look, my rapture.
gg so far but tbf, you're missing Xan Hei's Resolve
Hey look, my rapture.
gg so far but tbf, you're missing Xan Hei's Resolve
Oh shit, true on both, I forgot to put the unlocked staff from WoC and you sold me The Rapture the other day (I knew that I would forget to mention someone when I put the collection of items, apologies).
Edit: Updated with Xan Hei's Resolve #990
Imagine internet going down during that last screenshot
this would be a very different post in that case, really awesome collection!
It happened me once, but thanks to the 10 minute reconnection nothing bad happened xD
Another completed, Shadow Staff green collection (I do not count the green versions of the Jeweled Staff because the icon and color is different).
Last one (Divine) obtained thanks to Bluey a few hours ago.
One shoulda been hammers😆
You're right... One of the sword sets needs to have a serious conversation with the Merchant
Many great additions to my collections past months, but today only one will be displayed because this deserves post on its own.
Thanks Lem for selling this beauty! It's such amazing sword!
- Official Post