December 18th Added: Q11 Str Eternal Shield 2^Ench Death +1 20% 400gv | Q9 Colossal Pick 15^Ench | Q9 Eternal Bow 15 vs Hexed Foes (x2) | +27 other items for sale
30e - for the ornate +44hp +10 vs demon
demon orante - 50e
60e on the demon ornate
100e demon ornate
20e +5e Q9 Colossal Pick
200e demon ornate
4A Demon ornate
350e ornate demon
40e on q12 eternal -2/+45wE
400e ornate
450e ornate
Agent Chevy
May 21, 2021 at 10:50 PM Changed the title of the thread from “May 14th: Added: Q9 Tac Ornate Shield 10vsDemons 44^Ench” to “May 14th: Added: Q9 Tac Ornate Shield 10vsDemons 44^Ench R/B & B/O added”. -
Thank you for the offers on Demons Ornate Shield. We are very close to the R/B.
R/B & B/O now posted
Q9 Tac Ornate Shield 10vs Demons 44^Ench C/O 450e Alfa The Oracle R/B 9a/510e B/O 13a/740e
550e ornate
edit: IGN: Divine Max
Agent Chevy
May 23, 2021 at 10:36 PM Changed the title of the thread from “May 14th: Added: Q9 Tac Ornate Shield 10vsDemons 44^Ench R/B & B/O added” to “May 23rd Added: OS Weapons: 4xDaggers | 5xWands | 3xOffhands | 3xStaves | 1xAxe | 1xSword”. -
Click Here to Jump to First Page
Added: OS Weapons: 4xDaggers | 5xWands | 3xOffhands | 3xStaves | 1xAxe | 1xSword
10e on that new zodiac axe
IGN Alexa Jaide
q9 Plagueborn Daggers 15-10 - 6e
q9 Stilletos 15-10 - 6e
q9 Zodiac Axe 15-5 - 20e
Nimbly Crow
Round Shield 2^Ench +29 - 10e
zodiaxe 25e
zod axe 30e
40 (last Zod Axe i need ...)
All in 99e. 100 and it's yours.
can't do 100e for a q9 zod axe can i?
... It's yours. Enjoy and congratz to Chevy for 99e
Agent Chevy
May 27, 2021 at 3:45 AM Changed the title of the thread from “May 23rd Added: OS Weapons: 4xDaggers | 5xWands | 3xOffhands | 3xStaves | 1xAxe | 1xSword” to “May 23rd Added: OS Weapons: 4xDaggers | 5xWands | 3xOffhands | 3xStaves | 1xSword”. -
Agent Chevy
May 29, 2021 at 5:16 PM Changed the title of the thread from “May 23rd Added: OS Weapons: 4xDaggers | 5xWands | 3xOffhands | 3xStaves | 1xSword” to “May 29th Added: Q9 Summit Axe +5e | Q11 Defender 2^Ench Inspiration +1 20% | Q10T Skeleton Shield 43^Stance 10vsPiercing | + 3 more items”. -
Click Here to Jump to First Page
Added: Q9 Summit Axe +5e | Q11 Defender 2^Ench Inspiration +1 20% | Q10T Skeleton Shield 43^Stance 10vsPiercing | + 3 more items
10e on the ench/insp defender pls
Agent Chevy
June 2, 2021 at 2:35 AM Changed the title of the thread from “May 29th Added: Q9 Summit Axe +5e | Q11 Defender 2^Ench Inspiration +1 20% | Q10T Skeleton Shield 43^Stance 10vsPiercing | + 3 more items” to “June 1st Added: Q11 Tac Reinforced Buckler +30 2^Ench | Q6 Tac 13Ar Wooden Buckler 2^Ench 44^Ench | Q8 DMG 6-26 Plagueborn Axe 14-1er | + 6 more OS Items”. -
plagueborn dual zeal=8e
Agent Chevy
June 7, 2021 at 12:00 AM Changed the title of the thread from “June 1st Added: Q11 Tac Reinforced Buckler +30 2^Ench | Q6 Tac 13Ar Wooden Buckler 2^Ench 44^Ench | Q8 DMG 6-26 Plagueborn Axe 14-1er | + 6 more OS Items” to “June 6th Added: Q9 Colossal Pick 15^50 | Q9 Storm Bow 20<50 | Q9 Naga Longbow 20<50 | Unded Mallyx | +11 more Items”. -
Click Here to Jump to First Page
Added: Q9 Colossal Pick 15^50 | Q9 Storm Bow 20<50 | Q9 Naga Longbow 20<50 | Unded Mallyx | +11 more Items
5e q9 serpent axe 15hex
IGN Alexa Jaide
35e colossal q9 15^50
Q9 Colossal Pick 15^50 - 40e
Q13 Dragon Staff Blood 20/20 - 5e -