q8 13^stance longsword - 9a

Selling 20/20 Wands, q8's, Prenerf mods, Prenerf weapons and more!
Pleikki -
April 19, 2020 at 3:58 PM -
Bump! Added some r/bs, sold bunch again ingame
Bump! New q8s!
October 24, 2020 at 2:51 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW q8 Deadbow & other q8 22/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!” to “NEW q8 15^50 axe, q8 Prenerf FDS 24/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!”. -
Spiked 8a
Fds 5a
10a spiked
October 26, 2020 at 8:04 AM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW q8 15^50 axe, q8 Prenerf FDS 24/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!” to “NEW q8 Staff, q8 15^50 axe, q8 Prenerf FDS 26/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!”. -
Bump! new q8 staff, added some r/b
- Official Post
6a FDS
October 27, 2020 at 8:19 AM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW q8 Staff, q8 15^50 axe, q8 Prenerf FDS 26/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!” to “NEW q8 Chrorium shards, q8 giantslayer, q8 staff etc 27/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!”. -
Bump! sold bunch ingame again, new prenerf items added!
50e plag staff
October 29, 2020 at 2:48 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW q8 Chrorium shards, q8 giantslayer, q8 staff etc 27/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!” to “NEW q4/5 shields, q8 Prenerf weapons 29/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!”. -
Bump! added some r/bs and new items!
1a/ea on stormbow and fire staff:)
20e ornate q4 plants
q4/11 skull Could be a consolation prize for me for losing the 3/11 vs demons endo's skull, I'm interested in b/o or r/b
Purple Q8 Non-Max Giant Slayer - 25e
Gold Q8 Non-Max Ram's Hammer - 25e
10e q10 shadow shield -5/20 +10v earth
50e naked stormbow
100e naked stormbow
250e naked storm bow
IGN Alexa Jaide
fire staff 2a
stormbow 300e
400 storm
Bump! Sold 6 items ingame, few items met r/b, added some r/bs for other stuff
Pm me and im sure we can make deals -
q8 ram's 35e
Round Shield 1a
NVM didn't see the mods soz
October 31, 2020 at 3:16 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW q4/5 shields, q8 Prenerf weapons 29/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!” to “NEW q8 12% 15/-5, q4/5 shields 31/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!”. -
Bump! New items, updated removed sold from new, alot stuff sold again IG
5a runic axe or...
trade q10t Diamond Aegis 45/2wS for it
7a runic
5a 12% spatha
Bump! Bunch of stuff sold ingame again.. still many things left:)
November 3, 2020 at 3:06 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW q8 12% 15/-5, q4/5 shields 31/10 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!” to “NEW q8 13/-5, q8 15st q8 Woven 3/11 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!”. -
Bump! sold bunch ingame again, some new items again.
Bump! bunch of stuff sold ingame again.. will try to update the other images to remove sold soon i guess
runic axe 10a
Woven shield - 4aRetract sorry, actualy just found one ingame -
Ill take the shino if it s still here
5a woven shield
November 8, 2020 at 2:33 PM Changed the title of the thread from “NEW q8 13/-5, q8 15st q8 Woven 3/11 / AUTUMN SALE / TOTAL UPDATE ! q8 Weapons, OS items etc!” to “NEW q8 Prenerfs: Tall, Chaos, bows etc! 8/11 / AUTUMN SALE / q8 Weapons, OS items etc!”. -
Bump! new items added!
5a q8 tall
1a q8 clean bow
Shortbow 14-27 40e