For infos. no problem with staff for Dervish. Damage max ok, upgrad ok.

15th Anniversary Update!
oh I see the first mysticism +1/20 possible with a wrap of mastery...
Yes after test on isle of nameless, is ok for +1 20%
So this is one of only two items in game that can have Fast Casting + 1 ?
So this is one of only two items in game that can have Fast Casting + 1 ?
Err no... any fast casting staff/focus that you can craft at weaponsmiths/collectors and upgrade with +1 mods...
It's the only shield, though, which makes it the third primary attribute that can be a shield (the others are strength and divine favor).
For info, I tested all Mysticism non-attack skills for their values at 21 Mysticism using the new staff with mastery wrap. Values are below.
Nice to see that the new skill improves at 21 over 20 Mysticism (in case you are desperate to maintain that extra enchantment).
So with all these new Elite skills can we bring back Barrage Pet?
So with all these new Elite skills can we bring back Barrage Pet?
Well you can always play it for fun but dagger ranger with new elite is much more superior.
Well you can always play it for fun but dagger ranger with new elite is much more superior.
Fun is the key word here. I don't particularly enjoy dagger spam as it's so generic and spread across multiple professions now.
Now I just need to find a bunch of rangers and couple necromancers and maybe even a paragon!
In case somebody (else) finishes a mission with a full inventory, you can/must do the mission again in order to receive the Proof of Legend.
Stuff Happens
Maj 30 april 2020, now, dream is real ^^' (for pve, note on shield, reduced armor on pvp now)
- Reduced the cooldown of Judgment Strike to 8.
- Increased the damage bonus of Judgement Strike to 13..30.
- Increased the recharge bonus of Over the Limit to 15..50.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Over the Limit to cause Overcast higher than the user's maximum energy capacity.
- Decreased the attribute bonus of Heroic Refrain to 1..3.
- Reduced the cooldown of Heroic Refrain to 10.
- Soul Taker now sacrifices health for each target of multihit attacks and no longer triggers on attacks that fail.
- Fixed a bug that caused "Together as one!" to affect non-party allies. It will still affect the ranger pets of party members.
- Fixed a bug that caused the new anniversary martial weapons to not properly scale their damage with their required attribute.
- Fixed a bug that caused Anniversary Shield "Curtain" to not be moddable with shield handles.
- Added a penalty to the armor bonus of Anniversary Shield "Curtain" while wielded in PvP.
I can confirm that the sin bow and necro scythe now work as expected (see screenshots for bow)!
That makes the statements in my previous post no longer valid.
I wasn't too sure whether Anet would actually make these fixes, so huge thanks to them. I am happy.
- Fixed a bug that caused "Together as one!" to affect non-party allies. It will still affect the ranger pets of party members.
The new ranger elite still has the same range as before: not 'nearby' as the description suggests, but 'area' or slightly larger than area.
Too bad, now the para elit is not worth it compared to attention in SC
Maj 30 april 2020, now, dream is real ^^' (for pve, note on shield, reduced armor on pvp now)
- Reduced the cooldown of Judgment Strike to 8.
- Increased the damage bonus of Judgement Strike to 13..30.
- Increased the recharge bonus of Over the Limit to 15..50.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Over the Limit to cause Overcast higher than the user's maximum energy capacity.
- Decreased the attribute bonus of Heroic Refrain to 1..3.
- Reduced the cooldown of Heroic Refrain to 10.
- Soul Taker now sacrifices health for each target of multihit attacks and no longer triggers on attacks that fail.
- Fixed a bug that caused "Together as one!" to affect non-party allies. It will still affect the ranger pets of party members.
- Fixed a bug that caused the new anniversary martial weapons to not properly scale their damage with their required attribute.
- Fixed a bug that caused Anniversary Shield "Curtain" to not be moddable with shield handles.
- Added a penalty to the armor bonus of Anniversary Shield "Curtain" while wielded in PvP.
With the time I have online, I've been collecting a shield for each character to use on a hero plus one for my Mesmer.
While in-game I was called away for a First Responder call only to return to the message informing me an update was available. It was a pleasant surprise upon my return that I could add a handle. I wasn't sure if the lack of adding a handle was a feature or a bug; and surely wasn't expecting a fix that quickly.
Norgu is getting an upgrade from his Wintergreen Shield.
Aside from spear, staff, shield, axe and maybe bow for ranger. Are the rest of the weapons any worth getting it? Some1 knows?
My main monk, after 9k hours, and who loves builder, tells me that the maj for the monk is "@°§**!!
Since 25 february 2010 (nerf 600/smite), then maybe hum 2012, retreat from PvP (RA) and the supremacy of UA too, my monk a little bored..*
Aside from spear, staff, shield, axe and maybe bow for ranger. Are the rest of the weapons any worth getting it? Some1 knows?
It depends on two things.
1) Your personal preferences to some large extent.
2) The off chance that somebody will come up with the new super build that relies on an Anniversary Weapon to work correctly. (I'll be a bit surprised if it's the Hammer but, stranger things being true are the reality we live in.)
I'll be going simply on hunches and notions as my guide. (That and LARPing)
Aside from spear, staff, shield, axe and maybe bow for ranger. Are the rest of the weapons any worth getting it? Some1 knows?
scythe for necro is good I would say
The revised Ele elite might be usable if you bring Arcane Mimicry and run an Ele hero?
The overcast spam is dangerous but it might let you bring lots of powerful mid cd nukes to replace incendiary bonds in a standard Ele Attunement. Still Probably unusable though...
The revised Ele elite might be usable if you bring Arcane Mimicry and run an Ele hero?
The overcast spam is dangerous but it might let you bring lots of powerful mid cd nukes to replace incendiary bonds in a standard Ele Attunement. Still Probably unusable though...
Still 20 sec cd on a bond that's not worth keeping up for more than 6 seconds ?
Make it like 5sec cooldown and we can talk about it but as it is, it's meh.
The monk one might be actually useful as an aoe knockdown in Urgoz to replace deep freeze, if the team is well coordinated though .
But then again, a 100B warrior running MoP can solo spike every single urgoz rooms if the ennemies are balled soo...
Still 20 sec cd on a bond that's not worth keeping up for more than 6 seconds ?
Make it like 5sec cooldown and we can talk about it but as it is, it's meh.
The monk one might be actually useful as an aoe knockdown in Urgoz to replace deep freeze, if the team is well coordinated though .
But then again, a 100B warrior running MoP can solo spike every single urgoz rooms if the ennemies are balled soo...
Yep. I tested it out and even with Ele Attunement its bad. Its more or less the same damage output as standard Ele Attunement, but it cause crazy high overcast.
Maybe ANet will make it less trash? Who knows.
Yep. I tested it out and even with Ele Attunement its bad. Its more or less the same damage output as standard Ele Attunement, but it cause crazy high overcast.
Maybe ANet will make it less trash? Who knows.
They already buffed it yesterday, pretty sure it will remain this way lol
are daggers for paragon and bow for ritualist any worth getting it?
are daggers for paragon and bow for ritualist any worth getting it?
daggers re not coz You anyways need dagger mastery for dagger skills. Unless You want to go like imba and get adrenaline with daggers then maybe xD.
As for Bow for rt i think You can make spirit strenght build without markmanship this way
I am enjoying the new assassin bow. I have a barrage assassin and the bow fits in very nicely.
Hi guys!
I was in the hospital during the event with coronavirus, so i missed the whole event. Im so disappointed about it. I wanna get at least the Proof of Triumph item to capture the new elites. I know that is possible with someone who have it, but i dont have active guild, and it takes so much time to find someone. I would ask the GW team to repeat the event in this special situation in june. It would be so cool! I think there are many other people who missed it for the same reason.
Sorry for my terrible english...
I just took a 1 month break after 1 year online everyday and this uptade happened xD im sooooo sad.. those weps are great for pvp
- Official Post
Hi guys!
I was in the hospital during the event with coronavirus, so i missed the whole event. Im so disappointed about it. I wanna get at least the Proof of Triumph item to capture the new elites. I know that is possible with someone who have it, but i dont have active guild, and it takes so much time to find someone. I would ask the GW team to repeat the event in this special situation in june. It would be so cool! I think there are many other people who missed it for the same reason.
Sorry for my terrible english...
I just took a 1 month break after 1 year online everyday and this uptade happened xD im sooooo sad.. those weps are great for pvp
If you've got Proof of Legends in your bank from last years, you can still get the item for both the new skills + the new weapons.
Hi guys!
I was in the hospital during the event with coronavirus, so i missed the whole event. Im so disappointed about it. I wanna get at least the Proof of Triumph item to capture the new elites. I know that is possible with someone who have it, but i dont have active guild, and it takes so much time to find someone. I would ask the GW team to repeat the event in this special situation in june. It would be so cool! I think there are many other people who missed it for the same reason.
Sorry for my terrible english...
I have proof of triumph for the new elites, you don't have to own proof yourself just someone in party must have, add me ingame "Ashes of the Dead"
I'll take you to get any new elites you would want!
What missions give out the Proofs?I have done all end missions and some that is says on the wiki and am only getting 3 and not 5.What missions are best to do to get all 5 plus if you want the weapons?
- Official Post
What missions give out the Proofs?I have done all end missions and some that is says on the wiki and am only getting 3 and not 5.What missions are best to do to get all 5 plus if you want the weapons?
The event ended on the 6th May so you'll no longer be able to get Proofs of Legend until next year's event.
You can earn a Proof of Legend for completing one mission in each Region of each Campaign.
These Regions should be listed on the Wiki page as well; for example there's six in Prophecies; Ascalon, Shiverpeaks (North+South together), Kryta, Maguuma, Crystal Desert, Ring of Fire.
you cannot earn the proofs again until next year as far as I know, event ended last Wednesday May 6th
But you can still cap elites if someone in party has proof of triumph in inventory!