How did Guild Wars treat you today?
For several year's i drooled at this beautiful shield at Cind 's collection, today time finally was right and i was able to add it to my collection! Huge thanks to dear friend Cind for finally allowing me to buy it!
It's one of the favorite shield skins and dreams came true with this combination!
Now i have this badass summit set to use when i wander around shiverpeaks
I'm sure other professions besides warrior will love it too!
Now i have this badass summit set to use when i wander around shiverpeaks
I'm sure other professions besides warrior will love it too!
Excellent set, too bad you can't customise shields. Where are you going to put the remaining 115 (or more) attribute points?
Excellent set, too bad you can't customise shields. Where are you going to put the remaining 115 (or more) attribute points?
just imagine all that prenerf shields customized for 2 extra armor or just for fun :p
better than 14^50 gold in my mind
better than 14^50 gold in my mind
That'd be a sweet pre max bow drop
Guild wars got jokes w/ them 1-offs
purple eternal
Wonder what the odds of that happening are, ever again
Wonder what the odds of that happening are, ever again
Odds shouldnt be too high. They drop fairly frequent
Not the one I'm looking for but it's something.
nice to the max gold cele shield
soon a golden one
Got this heartbreaker yesterday
what a nice drop to start the weekend!
Wanted gold but ill take a 777 blue
Dropped ??
Gz if so
Dropped ??
Gz if so
Yep, from a frog.
Max Q8
Dual Mod
Nice GV
Wanted gold but ill take a 777 blue
Amazing drop. I want it
Oh i just got something nice
Stumbled across some old work of mine. Not layed out in the neatest way, but for those of you interested in a slew of runs from [PONGMEI VALLEY] starting from [MAATU KEEP], well here you are.
I guess this post is more or less, how guild wars did treat me, as this was a long time ago.
I've been trying to buy this key piece for my collection for a good while from an old friend. I've offered nearly everything in my possession. But due to the fact that he's not actively playing and only logs in once in a blue moon he saw no value in ecto's/arms or most items, so unfortunately we never managed to strike a deal.
Today he logged on after a long time and after a nice conversation this generous legend just simply gifted them to me!
You know who you are mate, thank you so much!I will take the best care of them, and carry em with pride!
My first dualmod lantern in ages...
My first dualmod lantern in ages...
It's dual at least π€ͺ
Where did you drop it if i may ask ?
It's dual at least π€ͺ
Where did you drop it if i may ask ?
Vanquished Ferndale today
I guess we know where the -3hp went.
Gz, dropped?
not as good as the oni but still we are going in the right direction. q9 15-1 duo vamp zodi incoming maybe ?!
finally, next q5 :p