Cute little idol

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
not good today
Actually dropped it last night but technically today
l knew kappa genocides would be worth it
Cute little post nerf bow drop
I thought the god of luck have forsaken me
Literally the next chest
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At least it's hex matching
New day new
first decent drop from ministerial farming
Is this Diamond forever?
Use Identification Kit
But I am seeing double 152's
As if 1 off max q8 isn't bad enough, i give you these amazing dagger specimens...
They were 19% under 50%, not that anyone cares, because they just had to be pointless in every way.
long time ago l dropped q9 5-10 1550. there is something special about these minimum dmg items.
That's pretty unique, I didn't know bladed shields existed in req8 thought it was always req9. How did you come across this shield?
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Can't possibly compete with Tong's insane drop - but just got this cutey
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A thing of beauty, it will smite anyone down. Congrats bud
Today is a good day
Today is a good day
Who did you sacrifice to the gods to make all that happen
Today is a good day
When it rains it pours… ectos that is
yeah lol
Who did you sacrifice to the gods to make all that happen
Please say Vekk, i hate that guy.
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Sick drop mate!
What a day for you, boss! -
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Thanks pongmei
I knew that the same thing could come out twice, but I've never seen two different ones -
So close but yet so far
So close but yet so far
still interested if it's fs
- Official Post
Lol can relate to that. Darn quest that spawns destroyers behind the portal in Bjora.
something sad for the weekend
im in the same boat
Same here
all the rest were purples
GW being generous with OS members lately :p