How did Guild Wars treat you today?
is that notification of a friend logging in some sort of toolbox magic?
is that notification of a friend logging in some sort of toolbox magic?
I am magical.
Woo Who?
I didn't understand the enthusiasm for it. Basically, the npj agrees to be sold Celestial Sigils, that's all? ->
Sigil Trader now has inventory
I didn't understand the enthusiasm for it. Basically, the npj agrees to be sold Celestial Sigils, that's all? ->
Sigil Trader now has inventory
It's quite easy to understand, though.
It's not just about what he fixes; it's the fact he has been actively involved in taking actions to correct/update the game and has been doing it for weeks now. And who knows what he's going to do next.
That's where the enthusiasm comes from.
I didn't understand the enthusiasm for it. Basically, the npj agrees to be sold Celestial Sigils, that's all? ->
Sigil Trader now has inventory
Not only.
You can now buy sigils from him.
From a specific region and specific town (ha id1? Not sure .. tbc. A friend told me but I dont remember)
Not only.
You can now buy sigils from him.
From a specific region and specific town (ha id1? Not sure .. tbc. A friend told me but I dont remember)
Yes to the HA US1, it sells sigils (55k). But i must confess that i had never been interested in this NPC
Sigils salvage into gold zcoins, so having the sigil trader is interesting for people who don’t want to trade in kama
I know someone who may like it even more than the merch trademeimfamous ...
I farmed a bit during today's favor and back to back got these "twins" :
could have been 13%... merch
could have been 13%... merch
could it really? i don't think i've ever seen a 13% on a blue of those mods that max out at 15% (those that aren't while hexed or while below 50% health).
from what observe it is 10-12% on blue, 13-14% on purple and 14-15% on gold.
could have been 13%... merch
could it really? i don't think i've ever seen a 13% on a blue of those mods that max out at 15% (those that aren't while hexed or while below 50% health).
from what observe it is 10-12% on blue, 13-14% on purple and 14-15% on gold.
could it really? i don't think i've ever seen a 13% on a blue of those mods that max out at 15% (those that aren't while hexed or while below 50% health).
from what observe it is 10-12% on blue, 13-14% on purple and 14-15% on gold.
they must be pretty rare though
could it really? i don't think i've ever seen a 13% on a blue of those mods that max out at 15% (those that aren't while hexed or while below 50% health).
from what observe it is 10-12% on blue, 13-14% on purple and 14-15% on gold.
I have never seen 13% on a blue weapon too on my quest for trinket
Was that a recent drop ? -
If this is a red fireball’s screen, yes
This is definitely exciting^^
Was that a recent drop ?yes. they do drop are just pretty darn rare. still hope to find a blue q8 13^50 gladius or the likes
they are somewhere 100 times as rare as a 12^50. very unknown and I do not want credit as it wasn't me who dropped it or posted it in first place.
Was that a recent drop ?yes. they do drop are just pretty darn rare. still hope to find a blue q8 13^50 gladius or the likes
they are somewhere 100 times as rare as a 12^50. very unknown and I do not want credit as it wasn't me who dropped it or posted it in first place.
While you are on the hunt for those I'd gladly take all the 10^50, 11^50 and 12^50 Q8 blue Gladiuses you'll get.
Wow! I totally missed this. This is awesome news.
I noticed that Stephen updated his LinkedIn within the last month to say he's now working full time as Game Director, which is pretty awesome!
I noticed that Stephen updated his LinkedIn within the last month to say he's now working full time as Game Director, which is pretty awesome!
So, if he is a director, he needs some other employes to be director to them, lol. Right ?
I noticed that Stephen updated his LinkedIn within the last month to say he's now working full time as Game Director, which is pretty awesome!
So, if he is a director, he needs some other employes to be director to them, lol. Right ?
I would say that if they invest in this case (additional wages). That would mean they're looking for a bigger result (and return on investment) than with just one person at the helm. Wait and see...
By dint rummaging through the garbage cans and eating everything he could find, he must have ingested a tonic that was lying around.
By dint rummaging through the garbage cans and eating everything he could find, he must have ingested a tonic that was lying around.
aka he opened the z-chest
First GW is getting a new director and now we're seeing Volibear roam Tyria... Tencent is taking over
Its something
The attribute i have the most harm obtaining with Domination (and the most requested). Added to my sales thead :p
I chose today to finish off my 40th max title and managed to piss off the right number of people along the way.
I chose today to finish off my 40th max title and managed to piss off the right number of people along the way.
Guess it's just a shame that you had to cheat and bot to get it, either because you're trash at the game or are too lazy. You never properly earned your title.
You held Halls last night by ganking on real teams with your botted alt account and had the brazen audacity to admit it (picture as proof below), and then flaming on the people who were rightly disappointed in your cheating. How embarrassing for you. You're the scourge of PvP. And you were stupid enough to post it here so as to be publicly outed. gg. Now everyone can see you're a cheat, a botter, and just down-right nasty.
I'm guessing you botted to get all of your collections too? Sad. Some of us still play this game genuinely. Others like you just work to ruin the experience.
Fortunately what overshadowed your cheating last night was the far more positive and overwhelmingly wholesome experience I had in HA. I had the real GW experience by meeting up with a player who I'd never played with before and just met for the first time - someone who is actually good at PvP. They invited me to join them to get Halls. After being ganked by you and once you had got your cheated title and left, we made it back to Halls. I won my first Halls victory! It was a really fun experience, made by the generosity of strangers. That's the proper way to play this game and that's what defines for me the true GW experience. I'm genuinely looking forward to spending the next 1-2 years earning my r15. So gg, jokes on you buddy.