Anyone play with GW Toolbox? It sounds like its current? Idk what it does fully.

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Basically it's a wrapper for the client that allows for modification of how data is sent to and received from the server. Needless to say this violates the EULA, though they claim nobody has been banned for using it. The name comes from the various bits of functionality it contains which may or may not be useful depending on what you're doing. The website contains a list of these, though it's down atm. Off the top of my head (I don't use it myself), there's things like automatic consumable usage, a custom compass and other UI tweaks, custom hotkeys, a chat filter (intended primarily for blocking gold sellers and other rubbish I think), an ingame clock and notepad, dialog hacks and bulk material purchases/sales. I also recall seeing something about a flag for each hero (not just all and the first three), but I'm not sure whether that's been implemented or not. Check the website when it comes back.
Windows Defender says that the download in that link contains a trojan. Could that be right? Anyone know where I could find GW toolbox ++?
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That's the official download link, unless they changed it which I don't think they have done. It'll be flagged as dangerous because it modifies the way another program runs which is inherently suspicious behaviour.
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I used to use Toolbox, long ago, for forcing Guild Wars in a windowed fullscreen state.
Since that was added to the game itself, I stopped using it altogether.
Use at your own risk.
As far as I know (Since I was a part of them for a while) FBGM have been using it for like 6 years without any bans or viruses, so it's safe (And very handy!) to use!
I am against toolbox for it's exploits into the game and I prefer Texmod. I feel that is safer.
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Just a little update, with the latest additions to the client, I no longer use Toolbox.
Just a little update, with the latest additions to the client, I no longer use Toolbox.
Which additions are you talking about? Did they make Toolbox unsafe to use?
I also stopped using it on principle... It is a violation of the EULA, and I have not heard about Anet saying it is OK or not, as they have said Textmod for Carto is OK. In my game right now, I am trying to beat Barath's 7 Hero Deep record of 24 minutes. In speedrunning, there are different categories, like Any%, 100%, glitchless, or tools-assisted. His completion is tools-assisted--he essentially uses Toolbox to pop pcons and the conset instantaneously. I might be shooting myself in the foot a bit trying to beat a tools-assisted run without "tools." But whatever, I think I can still do it.
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Which additions are you talking about? Did they make Toolbox unsafe to use?
I meant the additions to the official Guild Wars game client, Toolbox is still safe to use as far as I know.
Can you update me on what the additions are? I haven't been active for a while.
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Can you update me on what the additions are? I haven't been active for a while.
Toolbox is very useful I actually wrote a full guide on how to work toolbox for Windows PCs here -…91902030973662/
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Thanks bears
hey Greg no worries buddy @K A O S Theory
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Anyways I guess ill post what i put on reddit
QuoteFor the sake of transparency, I will say I am one of the developers responsible for GWToolbox. That said...
What part?
According to the EULA/TOS, if you use it or any third party program that modifies the running game code or data, you are on grounds for a ban. Keep in mind this also includes other programs such as TexMod, KSMod, the argos tools, etc. They are ALL bannable offenses for using whether arenanet has said otherwise or not. Keep in mind that the fact they can ban doesn't mean they will ban, you just cant form a lawsuit over getting banned if you do.
According to the majority of ArenaNet stances, we have gotten:
- You are on grounds for bans if you give yourself an inherent advantage over someone using only the vanilla (unmodded/"unhacked") client.
- You are on grounds for bans if the tool allows you to do multiple in game actions by one user input.
In actuality, at this current moment, you will not get banned unless you openly abuse the more dangerous parts of the tool, as most of the more benign features are only clientside modifications, and have no interaction with the server. No server interaction is why things like gwdressup and texmod are 100% okay, not even by their choice, they have no way to know. As of writing this, there is no clientside detection of third party tools in GW1, however this can change in the future.
Given this, basically it depends on what you use out of toolbox. If you only use it for the small quality of life features (open urls in templates, quick move items to chest, other chat/ ui changes), you will be fine. If you use things such as the auto pcon popper, the dialog forcing, or abuse hotkeys to spam chat or something, you can be banned.
If you wanna be safe, dont use it.
Ill add that a lot of features that were taken from toolbox and implemented officially were usually implemented better in toolbox. It isnt a comment on the programming ability of Stephen or BIll, its just a statement of fact that weve been working on this tool for years, and they are doing these changes in small sections in their spare time in sections of code I do not believe they worked on during the live teams work
Helllo everyone. So i believe many toolbox users got banned at December Update 2019 so I would like to ask if I can still use toolbox these days.... Any opinions about that?
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Helllo everyone. So i believe many toolbox users got banned at December Update 2019 so I would like to ask if I can still use toolbox these days.... Any opinions about that?
As far as I know, nobody was banned for using Toolbox. It's been the go-to excuse of botters to blame Toolbox, as it maddens most of the GW community.
They try to shift the valid bans as being caused by a tool that is a bit shady, but generally not really used for cheating.
I've still had to see any proof that someone was banned just for using Toolbox.
However, since it hasn't got the green light by ArenaNet, I do not encourage people using Toolbox. But I won't stop you either.
Thanks Iaerah
So is here anyone still using it?
Any modification to the game is a cancer in my opinion. It goes against the spirit of the game. The entire speed clear community would disappear if bans were done for using Toolbox.
The entire speed clear community would disappear if bans were done for using Toolbox.
This entire statement is wrong.
- Official Post
Helllo everyone. So i believe many toolbox users got banned at December Update 2019 so I would like to ask if I can still use toolbox these days.... Any opinions about that?
There aren't any facts to back this up. Here are some statements from the developers:
(Jan 13 2020)
(Feb 02 2020)…to_ftc/fg8l7y2/
edit: To add some extra info here are also statements from ArenaNet DrStephenCW:
(April 23 2018)…e_devs/dxu6idp/
(Oct 26 2018)
Whos that Ziox Guy? Creater of toolbox? I would like to know which parts in toolbox are okay and which would be "cheating".
Whos that Ziox Guy? Creater of toolbox? I would like to know which parts in toolbox are okay and which would be "cheating".
It says in 2nd image in the post right above.
Auto cons use, automates clicking, hence botish in nature
locked chests from afar, dialogue skip, involves the server, not just your client so not 'good'
Anything UI only = okish
Anything that emulates a msg to the server or automates = bad
I just want to add an answer that one of the toolbox developer put recently some peoples have maybe see it on reddit:
Hello, GWToolbox dev here.
First and foremost, you can get banned for using GW Toolbox if evidence is shown (or not even then, depending on the mood of the support member holding the hammer). The reason you can get banned for using it is simply that it is a third party tool that can automate gameplay, and it doesn't matter whether these automations are a perceived QoL improvement or not. We're about to have a whole new set of terms ushered in at the start of May which doubles down on this policy.
With this in mind, it would not be a good idea to use any third party tools on a stream (recorded or otherwise) that can be used in a case against your account. This includes anything from Toolbox to Texmod and more, to be on the safe side.
Link to the new code of conduct:
Specific clauses that may apply to use or distribution of third party tools:
"You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers or other facilities running the Services."
"you will not post or distribute any utilities, emulators or other software tools related to our Games without the express written permission of NCSOFT."
"You may not use any third-party program (such as a "bot") to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering items within our Games. You may not assist, relay, or store items for other players who are using these processes."
Will I get banned for using GWToolbox++?
GWToolbox++ is a third party tool that can automate aspects of gameplay for a range of uses including auto-responding to incoming whipsers using the /afk command, automatically maintaining pcons in an explorable area, loading hero team builds and salvaging/purchasing items in bulk.
Although many of these automations can be seen as quality-of-life improvements to the game, this software goes against part of the NCSoft Code of Conduct:
“You may not use any third-party program (such as a “bot”) to automate gameplay functions, including playing, chatting, interacting, or gathering items within our Games”
“You will not attempt to interfere with, hack into, or decipher any transmissions to or from the servers or other facilities running the Services.”
…and is also mentioned in the NCSoft User Agreement:
“We do not permit the use of any third-party software, tools, or programs that interact with the Services that give one player an unintended, unnatural, or unfair advantage over another player. Such prohibited third-party software, tools, or programs include those that alter Game-balance in favor of one player over another, automate actions within the Services, promote unattended gameplay, or have an adverse effect on other users of the Services. Prohibited third-party programs will be determined at our sole discretion.”
If you are found to be using GWToolbox++ in-game, you could get banned, so use this software at your own risk. With this in mind, it would not be a good idea to use any third party tools when streaming gameplay (recorded or otherwise) as it could be used in a case against your account.