"Right" and "Wrong" Order - Now with strawpoll -you can vote now

  • Hello Community,

    -So this is a topic that is mostly personal. the goal of this Thread is NOT to argue wich is objectivly right (where most likely no consenst will result since people have diffrent views)

    -Its to vote for YOUR personal : preference / collection style , etc on the Order you like the most or prefere.

    -allways nice if u have an explantion behind it maybe,would be nice if u share it!

    Vote here ----------------------------------------------> Strawpoll - Give your vote <----------------------------------------------- Vote here

    Style 1

    Mod First and Inscription Second


    Style 2

    Inscription First and Mod Second


    Style 3

    16 armor (requires 9 Tactics)

    +10armor vs Fire Damage

    -2 Physical damage while enchanted

    Style 4

    16 armor (requires 9 tactics)

    -2 physical damage while enchanted

    +10armor vs fire


    I may Start to give my Preference so we can have a nice chat about the Topic :) :

    -Me personally i like Style 2 more, because it has

    A. nice smooth look to me with the text not having a kind of blank "GAP" between the req and the second mod. Style 2 looks overall more organized to me, also when matching an Shield with an OS caster weapon the HP mods are in the same row

    B. Most green items share that order so making it for me some kind of ideal given by the game i follow.

    Some Items like Aegis of Clearity or Malinon's Shield * are in STYLE 1 here i would prefere these STYLE 1 for these Items because of Reason B.

    * ( only on exact that mods so SotW with +45-2 prefered in STYLE 1 <---|---> STYLE 2 for a -5/20 +30hp )

  • Mr. Clean(-Value) October 11, 2020 at 2:49 PM

    Changed the title of the thread from “"Right" and "wrong" Order” to “"Right" and "Wrong" Order”.
  • Style 1 for me.... Though i think it depends what your into, i collect more inscriptable stuff than OS.... and there are some inscriptable shields that force the the mod order. So to have everything looking the same id rather style 1....

    IGN: Snoop Snail (Not very active in game atm. Msg me here for trades!)
    --> WTB q3-8 Gold Inscriptables

  • I’ll let you into a secret.

    This is the reason I stuck with collecting dual reduction shields. None of this “ooh which mod goes first” malarkey for me. Oh no. Both mods the same length and very similarly worded. So much neater.

    And then I learned of the -3(10%) mods a week or so later which was nearly a deal breaker, because, you know, so untidy.

    But somehow I found the strength to carry on and accepted the ugly modded shields into the home, and now I love them almost like they’re family and not horribly disfigured at all.

    But back in the real world, if one must use shields that do not dually reduce received physical damage, then inscription mod goes first, health mod goes below or you’re a freak. Option 2 for me.

    "We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars" - Oscar Wilde

  • Ahh the great question. I have different opinion depending on the mods.

    when you got a 10vs I like 30ph on top:

    when you got a 10vs I like 45 on bottom:

    Unless its ogres and stance then its 45 on top:

    All others should be shortest mod on top.

    If you like long on top then you have short:long:short which looks rather phallic.

    If you like short on top then you have long:short:long which looks rather yonic.

    Basically if you like long mod on top = u like

    IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters

    Edited once, last by PyroLobster (October 12, 2020 at 12:02 PM).

  • Thanks for the replys, votes and explanations :)

    As i see the views are quite diffrent.

    Snoop Snail so your love to inscr items formed your prefered Style choice. interessting and makes sense to me :) so generell u vote a +1 to Style 1

    Khobay I read in ur message u are 100% a Style 2 Prefering Player. Also with the gap explantion understandable for me. The value -30% leaves room or depate for many but would be for me to agree with to an extend.

    End So overall Style 2 for you. but in some cases a Style one catches your heart. I got same experience and my mentioned SotW +45-2wE because of the green item lets me also for me sign onto your point of view. Mostly style 2 but ware in style 1 the real beautys from time to time :) (thanks to Oldschool Cool Cool for opening my eyes on the SotW / Malinons )

    OS T so an absolute Style 1 prefering player. is there maybe a reason behind u find it more appealing and the gap nice. or other way around what makes you feel weird about style 2 items? Maybe its just the feeling itself wich is also a fine explantion. Just interessted in diffrent views on item

    MaxBorken Dual reduction shield dont have that kind of issue true :) maybe here u can debate about a -3/-2 or -2/-3 but i think overall the -2/-2 is where its at, as u said.

    I also have thought about to include like 10vsXX shields with -X Reduction mod (since these are way more common then the precious, highly desireable and nearly non to get duo reduces)


    Generell Question for all:

    Style 3

    16 armor (requires 9 Tactics)

    +10armor vs Fire Damage

    -2 Physical damage while enchanted

    Style 4

    16 armor (requires 9 tactics)

    -2 physical damage while enchanted

    +10armor vs fire

    most likely here also the allready refered to "Gap" is the main diffrence in my eyes.

    ME personally i would stay at STYLE 4 here because of the common look to style 2.

    would be interessting to know if some Players that voted or prefere style 2 are here maybe more style 1 prefering?


    Pleikki so a smooth vote for Style 2. Is there also a certain view behind that vote or overall just a feeling that leeds to a personal preference ?

    Cash Also a Opinion i hoped to hear that there is just a fixation on the mods it self. but even tho you dont give 2 turds about the order of the mods. It gives me room to speculate you might give 1 :D

    Captain Krompdown indeed it does make you a style 1 guy if you want to refere it as that :) was it just looking and your guts decided or is there more behind the vote ?

    PyroLobster thanks for the great answer :) so your view is even more Gap-based and for that also more diverse in orderring the Hp mods Top or bottom. Very interessting it makes me wanna review items with your new input in mind.

    to the phalic and yonic comparision. I would not have ever believed that the Mod-order on Guildwars item would make me question my attraction to certain human body parts and my overall sexuality. but once seen it cant be unseen :D

  • Agree Style 4 is better, in general the structure should be longest text the highest up and shorter text should be at the bottom, so it creates a triangle.

  • i will implement a strawpoll with diffrent options like

    -Style 1 - 3

    -Style 1-4

    -Style 2 -3

    -Style 2- 4

    -No preference - Mods itself are the only importence

    something like this it will look like.

    would like to hear suggestions for the strawpoll design if some one has a improvement/ katagorie to be added. :)

  • Style 4 for me, i actualy have a background in graphic design, and when type setting they drill into you to make it look nice and not have any "cliffs" or "rivers". Cliffs being text that will stick out at the end of a line, and rivers being words that line up to leave conecting gaps inbetween words.

    Style 3

    16 armor (requires 9 tactics)
    +10armor vs fire damage

    -2 physical damage while enchanted <-------- HUGE CLIFF

    maybe im being pandantic... but im the sorta guy that will cringe at bad design......

    all down to personal choice though ^^

    IGN: Snoop Snail (Not very active in game atm. Msg me here for trades!)
    --> WTB q3-8 Gold Inscriptables

    Edited 4 times, last by Snoop Snail (October 12, 2020 at 7:49 PM).

  • For me, I think it's about how I think of the shield. When I get a shield that has 30 health on and -2 dmg in a stance, I'm more likely to think:

    "This shield has 30 health on it and it also gives me -2 phys dmg in a stance."


    "This shield gives me -2 phys dmg in a stance and it also has 30 health."

    I would guess that whatever mod is more valued or gives the shield its defining feature (in the eyes of its owner) is the one that goes on top. For me, that's always going to be health. The 30 is the more valuable mod by far. +30 with any second mod is a good shield, especially if it's heavy enough. But there are relatively few ways that a shield can be top notch (in my book) if it starts off with -2 stance (for example). I'm guessing this has something to do with it for me.

    That and penises and stuff 😂

  • Pleikki so a smooth vote for Style 2. Is there also a certain view behind that vote or overall just a feeling that leeds to a personal preference ?

    Well i think its quite simple, even the shape of mod order clearly shows mathematic symbols of > <

    It could be value, looks, anything but simply shows whats better!



    But nah, in all fairness, its just aesthetics

  • Well i think its quite simple, even the shape of mod order clearly shows mathematic symbols of > <

    It could be value, looks, anything but simply shows whats better!



    But nah, in all fairness, its just aesthetics

    Probably the best explaination I've ever seen on a gw forum. Gotta stand with Pleikki for his power of argument on this one

  • Mr. Clean(-Value) October 13, 2020 at 11:00 AM

    Changed the title of the thread from “"Right" and "Wrong" Order” to “"Right" and "Wrong" Order - Now with strawpoll -you can vote now”.
  • I’m sorry but so far you’re all wrong.

    It’s casting time on top & recharge on the bottom.8)

    But only because, as everyone knows, the proper wand order should be recharge on top and casting below.

    So that way, when you pair your 20/20s you get a lovely concave arch on the right.

  • I’m sorry but so far you’re all wrong.

    It’s casting time on top & recharge on the bottom.8)

    But only because, as everyone knows, the proper wand order should be recharge on top and casting below.

    So that way, when you pair your 20/20s you get a lovely concave arch on the right.


    on wands and offhand I agree. metoo also prefers HSR on top on both items and HCT on bottom. its pretty symmetrical^^

  • Zenedar i change my style 1 Shields for style 2 anytime ;)

    Tuff thing is. Most of my stuff also has the X00g who would have guessed 😅🤣

    IGN: Mr Clean Value

    :!: Important: Please if i win an auction/or u want to sell me an item write me an PM so we can organize the Trade :!:

    ...................................................................( Thanks for understanding and appreciate the help <3 )......................................................................................................

    "Keep it clean!" 🧽💦

    WTB: x00g - Clean Value items - 360g Roundshield - 256g RAM-hammer - Waterwand with 20/20 Fire

  • Heh how did I never see this thread?! I'm one of the weird ones who prefer style 1 by a landslide over style 2. I usually try to swap my style 2s for 1s whenever I can. It just looks better to me and that "gap" does not bother me at all.

    They the weird (and wrong) ones. Style 1 is the way. Anybody who disagrees frankly is a dangerous maniac who is likely a danger to themselves and others. tis all bout dat gap ;)

    IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters

  • I have a soft spot for style 1 because that’s how my +45/ench +10 vs pierce Magmas dropped. I never liked the look of my -3/hex +30 plagueborn drop in contrast.

    I also prefer +10/-2 rather than -2/+10.

    Such an important question.