A11. 250e
Mix of OS items | Reinforced Buckler q9Tac 30hp 10 demons
Sb heal zodiac
Auctions on A11) Exalted q9 +30hp +9 vs. dragon (c/o 250e) and C7) Zodiac staff q9 20/20 blood (c/o 4a) end this sunday 8pm CET. R/bs are met.
If highest offer received shortly before/after deadline, auction will be extended by 24h.
OS Wand Dualmod
q12 Zodiac Scepter (curses) - HSR Resto 19% / HCT 10% - 4e
q11 Zodiac Scepter (Dom) - HSR Dom 19% / HCT Blood Magic 20% -
F16) Bow: q9 Ironwing Flatbow - 5e
F16) Wand: q10 Frog Scepter / Froggy (SR) - r/b: 70e b/o: 95e
A11) 300e
bump - auctions on A11 & C7 end today (sunday) 8pm CET.
Hate Core
August 8, 2021 at 1:52 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 blood 20/20 zodiac staff / q11 10/10 straw effigy / q9 Df & heal 20/20 zodiac staff” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 blood 20/20 zodiac staff / q11 10/10 straw effigy”. -
A11. 350e
Hate Core
August 9, 2021 at 2:24 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 blood 20/20 zodiac staff / q11 10/10 straw effigy” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q11 10/10 straw effigy / q10 SR froggy”. -
bump - added:
B24) q9 Ironwing Flatbow 15^50 - 25e
B25) q9 Ironwing Flatbow 15/-10ar - 10e
D8) q11 Straw Effigy (ES) 20% Air HCT / +5ar vs ele. - c/o:
F17) Shield: q9 (Tac.) Zodiac Shield - 5e
F18) Shield: q9 (Mot.) Zodiac Shield - 5e
Hate Core
August 13, 2021 at 3:30 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q11 10/10 straw effigy / q10 SR froggy” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 Exalted +10 vs. plants & +29hp / q11 10/10 straw effigy / q10 SR froggy”. -
Q9 10 plants +29hp exaltet 20e to start the party
🎉 F A L Q U E
Ty mr Clean 👍
100e Exalted
auction on straw effigy 10/10 will end today 8pm cet
C3) q10 Zodiac Staff (Illusion) 20/10 - 5e
B15) q9 Wicked Blade +5e - 2e
I’ll take Oni naked 5e
And zodi hammer +5e for 15e
bo on this items D10) q9 Plagueborn Focus 10e F4) Focus: q9 Pronged Fan (DF) - 2e
This for me please
C4) q9 Zodiac Staff (DF) 20/19 - 5e
E1 for me pls
bump - added:
OS Shield Dualmod
A13) q9 (Tac.) Ornate Buckler +10 vs.Ogres / -20% disease - c/o: // best shield if you have a date with an COVID-positive ogre
A14) q12 (Tac.) Zodiac Shield +10 vs. dragons / -2 wE - c/o:
OS Shield Singlemod
A15) q9 (Tac.) Bladed Shield +10 vs. demons - 15e
A16) q12 (Tac.) Spiked Targe +10 vs. demons - 3e
OS Staff
C4) q12 Bo Staff (smite) 20/19 - 10e
C5) q10 Outcast Staff (dom) 20/10 - 15e
C6) q9 Clairvoryant Staff (dom) 20/10 - 5e
I'll take that bladed
Hate Core
August 22, 2021 at 3:25 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 Exalted +10 vs. plants & +29hp / q11 10/10 straw effigy / q10 SR froggy” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 Exalted +10 vs. plants & +29hp / q11 10/10 straw effigy”. -
Auction on Exalted (plants) will end in 3 days.
Pending handovers can be done after return from my vacations in ~10 days.
bump, exalted sold to F A L Q U E
Hate Core
August 31, 2021 at 10:34 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 Exalted +10 vs. plants & +29hp / q11 10/10 straw effigy” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items”. -
bump, new items added!
B28) q9 Oni Blade naked - 5e
B29) q9 Zodiac Hammer dual zeal (15%/-1e) - c/o:
Cash FYI
C7) q9 Divine Staff (df) 20/20 (prot) - 20e
E7) q9 Air Wand (core) 10/10 - c/o:
Hate Core
September 5, 2021 at 2:28 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 Zodiac Hammer DZ”. -
75e dz
150e dz
200e dz
Thank you for your offers!
added some new items, mainly OS 20/10 staves:
A15) q13 (Tac.) Round Shield +10 vs. demons / +43hp wE - c/o:
C8) q9 Zodiac Staff (air) 20/10 - 10e
C9) q9 Zodiac Staff (blood) 20/20 (spawning) - 5e
C10) q12 Zodiac Staff (channeling) 20/10 - 3e
C11) q10 Bo Staff (Illu) 20/10 - 15e
C12) q10 Bo Staff (communing) 20/10 - 10e
C13) q9 Platinum Staff (blood) 20/10 - 10e
E7) q9 Air Wand (core) 10/10 - c/o:
E8) q11 Holy Rod (DF) +15/-1e & 20% HSR (df) - c/o:
bump, added:
A16) q10 (Tac.) Skeleton Shield +10 vs. piercing / -2wE - c/o:
A17) q12 (Tac.) Diamond Aegis -5/20% / +57hp hex. - c/o:
E9) q10 Cane (dom) 10% HSR / 19% HCT (dom) - 5e
E10) q10 Zodiac Scepter (Earth) 10% HCT / +5e^50% - 5e
F16) Focus: q9 Pronged Fan (ES) - 5e
F17) Wand: q9 Zodiac Scepter (ES) - 4e
b/o q10 Bo Staff (Illu) 20/10 - 15e
B/o new zodiac channeling q12
E7 25e
E10 10e
r/b on zodiac hammer DZ met, auction will end tomorrow 8pm CET.
lowered some b/o prices.
added new items:
B30) q9 Celestial Sword +5e - 30e
D7) q11 Hallowed Idol (smite) - ar +5 while casting & prot +1/20% 300gv - 5e
D8) q11 Straw Effigy (ES) - +10 vs demons & HCT 20% Water - c/o:
F18) Axe: q9 Zodiac Axe caster modded - 7e
bump, new items added:
A18) q9 (Tac) Celestial Shield +1/20% Earth - 20% blind - c/o:
B31) q10 Zodiac Sword +5e 300gv - 50e
B32) q9 Chaos Axe +5e - s/b: 70e c/o: - r/b: 140e b/o: 240e or 3a
E10) q13 Holy Rod (DF) 10% HSR / 20% HCT (Prot) - 5e
C14) q9 Accursed Staff 20/20 curses - 15e
Hate Core
September 14, 2021 at 1:55 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 Zodiac Hammer DZ” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 +5e Chaos Axe / q10 +5e Zodiac Sword 300gv”. -
B/O B31
20 e on a 18
x1 crab maul bo
E2, E9, b/o
Hate Core
September 15, 2021 at 9:56 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 +5e Chaos Axe / q10 +5e Zodiac Sword 300gv” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 +5e Chaos Axe”. -
Appreciating your offers and purchases
added new:
E11) q13 (DF) Zodiac Scepter +20% HSR Heal & +15e/-1 c/o:
kindly keep in mind: this skin only drops for monk with DF & smite req. (not prot & heal), so this is basically the best high-energy zodiac scepter you can get for your healing monk.
D9) q10 Straw Effigy (DF) HCT 10% + 10 vs. dragons - 10e
A19) q12 (Str) Bronze Shield -5/20% + 43hp wE - c/o:C15) q9 Zodiac Staff (smite) 20/10 - 9e
C16) q11 Zodiac Staff (channeling) 20/10 - 8e
B33) q9 Ceremonial daggers 15^50 - 15e
B34) q9 Dragoncrest Axe - naked - 5e
B35) q9 Jitte - naked - 5e
F19) q9 Zodiac Staff (SR) - 5e
F20) q9 Zodiac Sword - 10e
Hate Core
September 16, 2021 at 12:13 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 +5e Chaos Axe” to “OS (dualmods/staffs/wands/foci/many q9 martials) lot of the deep-items / q9 +5e Chaos Axe / Zodiac Scepter DF high energy +20% heal & +15/-1e”. -