12a Prenerf #4
q8/prenerf weps, various OS stuff. 9/11 update
20a prenerf 4
25a prenerf #4
would be cool
Tall shield will be sold to Rahl The Outlaw in 3 days if no other bids
Prenerf 4 (tall shield) has been sold.
- Official Post
prenerf 1: 23a
#6 - 3a
IGN: Eezy Leezy
let's do the thing
Prenerf 2 - 5a
b/o b2,b7
Ign: Fat Head
hammer #2 10e
Ign: lord mommasta what time can I catch you yoday?
What's your ign, Brian? I have your legacy name added, if that's it, but not been able to catch you online.
24a wingblade
March 9, 2021 at 7:48 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Sale: q8s, prenerfs, blue DV wingblade, perf dual mod shadow/eternal/gloom & more. 1/23/21 Update” to “OS Sale: q8s, baby/prenerf mods, blue DV wingblade, r/b&b/o added for most things. 3/8/21 update”. -
Up we go
Updated thread a wee bit. Added r/b and b/o for most things. Added baby mods and prenerf 10/10 bowstring.
15a Amber Bow
Bidding will close on the amber bow 24 hours from this bump if no other bids - to @Foxy
Amber Longbow pending sale to Foxy
- q13 comm Platinum Staff 20/20 - b/o: 3e
Ig blind was my fury
April 25, 2021 at 2:45 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS Sale: q8s, baby/prenerf mods, blue DV wingblade, r/b&b/o added for most things. 3/8/21 update” to “OS/insc/prenerf stuff, huge mod shop & greenhouse, pre naga, etc. 4/24 update”. -
it's been a minute
revamped the thread a wee bit
q10 Zodiac Longbow 15^50 2e
q9 Supreme Bludgeoner 15/s 5e
q9t Wooden Buckler +10charr (single) 5e
q9 Serpentine Reaver 3e
q9 Kaineng Axe naked 3e
q9 Salient Daggers naked 3e
IGN Alexa Jaide
April 26, 2021 at 3:17 AM Changed the title of the thread from “OS/insc/prenerf stuff, huge mod shop & greenhouse, pre naga, etc. 4/24 update” to “OS/insc/prenerf stuff, 20/20 fire cele staff, huge mod shop & greenhouse. 4/25 update”. -
Naga sold, added a few new weapons (including 20/20 fire celestial staff) and mods
I'll take the following greens please:
The Yakslapper 4e
Villnar's Staff 3e
Bortak's Bone Staff 8e
Runar's Brimstone Staff 6e
25e on q11t Amber Aegis +45e -2e
ign: Zenedar Shadowfang
50e on q11 fire celestial
April 28, 2021 at 7:46 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS/insc/prenerf stuff, 20/20 fire cele staff, huge mod shop & greenhouse. 4/25 update” to “OS/insc/prenerf stuff, 20/20 fire & death cele staves, huge mod shop & greenhouse. 4/28 update”. -
added the following:
q9 Grinning Dragon Axe +5e
q9 divine Jug HCT heal 20% (single)
q9 Kris Dags 15-10a
q9 water Cockatrice Staff 20/10
q10 death Celestial Staff 20/20
q10t Celestial Shield +10fire +1heal 20%
q10s Celestial Shield +10cold -3h
q13 Gemstone Axe +5e
q13 dom Cockatrice Staff 20/20 illusion
updated available mod count
added image for 10/10 bowstring in top prenerf section
q9 Kris 15-10 5e
IGN Alexa Jaide
April 29, 2021 at 9:50 PM Changed the title of the thread from “OS/insc/prenerf stuff, 20/20 fire & death cele staves, huge mod shop & greenhouse. 4/28 update” to “OS/insc/prenerf stuff, added 35 items from my personal 300 collection (q8-13 mursaat, cele, zodiac, eternal, etc). 4/29 update”. -
bump with some of my more favorite things. let's see where this goes. only a temporary sale
- Official Post
I will take all theCrippling spear mods x3 - 15kedit: thanks for the trade!
300 Section: Here's part of my collection. I won't be selling everything listed here, so if you want something, bid like you want it
What's the whole purpose of a sale thread then?
Some items will be part of my collection. I won't be buying. I bid 1000e each on everything listed here, Take my money like you want it
What's the whole purpose of a sale thread then?
Some items will be part of my collection. I won't be buying. I bid 1000e each on everything listed here, Take my money like you want it
Oi lad...
"I won't be selling everything" does not mean that everything is not for sale. It would be silly to list something that wasn't for sale on a sell thread, I agree, which is why the things listed here are listed here, because they are for sale.
I'm selling these things for funds. When I feel I have enough funds, I will stop the sale, and remove the remaining items that haven't been sold. Hope that clears it up for you. I've edited the original text.
In that case I wanna help out
( and fill some open spots ofc ^^)
Number 5 (q8 zodi shield) 10a
Number 20 (goth dual axe q9) 35e
Number 23 (amber aegis q9) 100e
PS: sorry if I was rude with my quote/ statement but it's really annoying when people wanna "sell" instead of sell