Best money making methods in 2020?

  • I haven't played gw in about 8 years, i have no idea how to make money anymore. What are some of the most profitable money making methods for a returning player? looking for solo content ideas

    seems like farming ectos inst worth it anymore since they are so cheap now? any information is appreciated, Please and thank you

  • Well farming events is definetly worth doing for example by Vaetir farm which is probably most efficient.
    Solo farms which i like are ministerial commendation farm(mostly os weapons really) and luxon assasin farm. You can find guides on wiki and yt. Feathers farm as always is good option.
    In term of group farm DoA SC is the best but i never tried it so cant rly give You mich information

  • +1 on the Commendation Farm. It's a tried and true money factory that you don't have to rely on anything else for. Favor or not, you'll almost always get a couple old school golds to drop. Plus you get a chance at Bo Staves, Bladed Shields (rare) etc. It's not the worlds fastest money maker, but merching golds can net you some decent cash... then just turn the plat into ecto when prices drop. EZ PZ.

  • A few additional tips include farming for nick sets for gifts of the traveler and also making consets to sell (if you have the EOTN ranks)

    My Legacy Trade Posts: WTSell | WTBuy

    My Collections (Working Progress): Chevy's Shiny Relics

    Other Fun (Discontinued, Historical info available): Poll for Favorite 2021 Drop

    Definition of "Collection": An Accumulation of objects gathered for study, comparison, or exhibition or as a hobby.

    Note: Definition does not specify rarity or value, although it could be a choice, it's not a requirement.

    • Official Post

    Some tips I have to make more money:

    • Identify everything you get from a level 20 mob. Even if it's white, just identify it.
      It can double in value just from doing that. Often, it will only be 1 gold more but sometimes it goes up dramatically.
      Down the line it is worth your while to identify everything - it will skyrocket your earnings.
    • Check every drop with runes with the trader. Some might look useless, but some insignia's are worth quite a bit and some runes can net you over 20k profits!
      I always check every drop, it makes for an easy extra bit of money.

    Hi there! I'm the Guild Wars Legacy admin, feel free to contact me if you've got issues.

    :ass: Inquisitor Karinda :der: Sunspear Elke :mes:Librarian Amber


  • Some tips I have to make more money:

    • Identify everything you get from a level 20 mob. Even if it's white, just identify it.
      It can double in value just from doing that. Often, it will only be 1 gold more but sometimes it goes up dramatically.
      Down the line it is worth your while to identify everything - it will skyrocket your earnings.
    • Check every drop with runes with the trader. Some might look useless, but some insignia's are worth quite a bit and some runes can net you over 20k profits!
      I always check every drop, it makes for an easy extra bit of money.

    I have been doing this for like my whole gw life.

    Recently, i started gambling with salvaging white items. I cannot say which option is better, i just don't have the time or data to create a working model.

    But in General, what I have noticed, is that unless the item salvages in the overpopular materials like wood, chitin fragments, leather squares, the value of salvaged materials is a bit higher. Lets say, you have a white sword, that sells to merchant (after ID) 80g. You salvage it and get 5 iron. 1 Iron at the trader costs roughly 45g. With this salvage you have increased your profits by 225 (iron price) - 80g (max value of he item) - 20 (use of a salvage kit) = 125g.
    With blues it is a bit more tricky, because you have to id it, that adds 5g more and thus reduces your margin.

    Not much, but it is a honest work :D

    It doesn't work for all the materials, but mostly you are looking for the ones in high demand like iron, dust, bones, plant fibers etc. .

  • I have been doing this for like my whole gw life.

    Recently, i started gambling with salvaging white items. I cannot say which option is better, i just don't have the time or data to create a working model.

    But in General, what I have noticed, is that unless the item salvages in the overpopular materials like wood, chitin fragments, leather squares, the value of salvaged materials is a bit higher. Lets say, you have a white sword, that sells to merchant (after ID) 80g. You salvage it and get 5 iron. 1 Iron at the trader costs roughly 45g. With this salvage you have increased your profits by 225 (iron price) - 80g (max value of he item) - 20 (use of a salvage kit) = 125g.
    With blues it is a bit more tricky, because you have to id it, that adds 5g more and thus reduces your margin.

    Not much, but it is a honest work :D

    It doesn't work for all the materials, but mostly you are looking for the ones in high demand like iron, dust, bones, plant fibers etc. .

    A little tip to increase profits even more, use regular salvage kits for things that salvage into dust/iron/bones. They're (I think) 5g per use and guarantee you get iron instead of i.e. steel, which is usually higher profit. There are some items where the rare salvage is probably worth it for the chance, but for most items I think you profit more getting 10 iron vs. two steel ingots, for example, not to mention saving quite a bit on salvage costs.

  • A little tip to increase profits even more, use regular salvage kits for things that salvage into dust/iron/bones. They're (I think) 5g per use and guarantee you get iron instead of i.e. steel, which is usually higher profit. There are some items where the rare salvage is probably worth it for the chance, but for most items I think you profit more getting 10 iron vs. two steel ingots, for example, not to mention saving quite a bit on salvage costs.

    oh, i thought that the output qty also differs with superior and regular kits. But you are right.

    Edited once, last by TDR2000: wrong info (May 19, 2020 at 10:19 PM).

  • I don't know if it's an appropriate farm but I've been farming The Alcyon's Job for 3 days and I must say that I got some cool golds !

    On 2019, after two months, sometime farm Halcyon Job, every week. I equiped all heros of 2 caracters PvE with +50hp runes, just with this. Maybe, long time, Anet nerf drop for this place and more luxon armors (blue, purple, gold) drop.

    (I like kill: Senkai, Lord of the 1,000 Daggers Guild)

  • I don't know if it's an appropriate farm but I've been farming The Alcyon's Job for 3 days and I must say that I got some cool golds !

    On 2019, after two months, sometime farm Halcyon Job, every week. I equiped all heros of 2 caracters PvE with +50hp runes, just with this. Maybe, long time, Anet nerf drop for this place and more luxon armors (blue, purple, gold) drop.

    (I like kill: Senkai, Lord of the 1,000 Daggers Guild)

    Hi Neutral, do you know if this happened to the chest protected by luxon enemies in the spot? "the nerf"

  • On 2019, after two months, sometime farm Halcyon Job, every week. I equiped all heros of 2 caracters PvE with +50hp runes, just with this. Maybe, long time, Anet nerf drop for this place and more luxon armors (blue, purple, gold) drop.

    (I like kill: Senkai, Lord of the 1,000 Daggers Guild)

    Hi Neutral, do you know if this happened to the chest protected by luxon enemies in the spot? "the nerf"

    I think this was only applied to enemies and not to chests. Luxon chests largely drop items instead of purple or gold armor.

    Then i don't know in terms of "nerf". But even without direct proof, it's clear that some places drop far fewer items than others. There was a before and an after. Maybe a total of killed by all players is calculate (the more an instantiated zone calculates high number of deaths in a given timeframe, the lower the drop for that type of enemy in that zone?). Which would explain why the classic spots (farmed by bots too) would drop less over time. Such an element could have been put in place to avoid obvious logical errors in the game. For example: everyone will go to the same place to farm, because it would be enough to take into account only the calculation: number of enemies killed divided by the time factor. With an algorithm that would limit the drop if too many were killed, this calculation could not be obvious in time, and one spot would not necessarily be better than all the others. This could be applied in terms of luck in relation to the players in the game, the account and/or the characters.

    But all this is speculation..

  • Best money making methods?

    Best money making method

    Of guildwars is not to care about


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    IGN: Mr Clean Value

    :!: Important: Please if i win an auction/or u want to sell me an item write me an PM so we can organize the Trade :!:

    ...................................................................( Thanks for understanding and appreciate the help <3 )......................................................................................................

    "Keep it clean!" 🧽💦

    WTB: x00g - Clean Value items - 360g Roundshield - 256g RAM-hammer - Waterwand with 20/20 Fire

  • I'll just try to make a list of the best money makers I can think of.

    - ALWAYS get your 5 Gifts of the Traveler each week. Pretty much the fastets money you can make, only downside is it's limited per week.More profit if you farm the items yourself, but not always worth it. Some weeks its farming nicksets can also be profitable. Havin an eye on what items will be future nickset items while you do other stuff and saving those items can also get you some nice extra profit. Some random drop that you'd normally merch for like 35g can be worth 1-2e if you keep it around for a while. I have a extra Xunlai tab just for those items.

    - Event Farming is very reliable income. It's not super fast money, but it doesnt rely on lucky rare drops and has better money/hour than other reliable solo farms. Raptors are the best for event farms, followed by Veattirs.

    - Farming the WoC quest "A chance encounter" for random golds and OS items. Not as much reliable money, but there's always a chance to get a good OS item that's worth multiple armbraces.

    - Ecto farming can still be profitable. Ecto prices are low, but since most items are traded in ectos and not plat that doesn't really matter all that much. Plains or Smite Crawlers as derv are good option. You can also farm obsis with the FoW tower farm during pantheon week.

    - Some Zaishen quests can be pretty profitable. Some missions or bounties can be done in well under 5 minutes for like 100 to 200 coins. Do it on all your chars, get the reward during the double reward week and get a bunch of silver coins in not that much time. Also keep the silver coins around and dont turn them into gold ones. Every so often you'll find someone willing to buy them for 1e/ea which is better than the 8e per gold you usually get.

    - Trading. Requires starting capital and knowledge of the market. But I don't just mean power trading. Also doing stuff like with the zcoins above. Don't instantly transfer everything into ectos that you don't need right away. Sometimes you'll see people that need something specific and want it right away and are willing to pay above the normal market price. If you already sold it right when you got it and took a lower price because you wanted to get rid of it right away, you miss out on some money. So if you don't need the money right away, don't sell stuff as soon as you get it but keep it around until you run into someone who wants it bad and is willing to pay a good price. Or until prices go up in general.

    - Chest running: I'd say you should probably only do it if you want the title, but some places with chances for nice OS skins can also be quite profitable with some luck.

    - DoA SC: not solo and overall a higher barrier of entry than other money makers, but other than power trading it's by far the fastest reliable way to make money in GW. You can start as Mesmer or Monk and those roles are really not that hard. Lots of experienced people out there and runs there days are usually pretty smooth from my experience. There's a discord server specifically for finding DoA PUGs with people willing to teach noobs.

    In theory you can make up to 1a each hour, but 1a every 2 hours is probably more realistic.

  • Don't listen to the others I have the fastest tutorial to earn money 💰

    Step 1) buy items from Chinese guys in kamadan for cheap 🈴

    Step 2) sell items on legacy for big money to the avids collectors (am part of them) 🥸

    Exactly, just roleplay the goold old gwlegacy trader and spend your day in kama asking to buy "any OS item" and you'll surely end up with a few clueless returning players to scam and sell their items for x20 on here.

  • To open chest

    Can you solo all of DoA or are you just doing a single area?

    Is it really actually profitable? I'm not sure how it works but I assumed it's something people just do for the challenge and that the cons it requires cost more than you make with it?

    Yes you can solo all, takes around 1h30 if you barely know what you're doing (record is like 45min but you should use a slower and safer strat)

    It's actually very profitable, and the combined costs of cons and pcons are negligible compared to the drops from 8x4 chests and foes.

  • To open chest

    Can you solo all of DoA or are you just doing a single area?

    Is it really actually profitable? I'm not sure how it works but I assumed it's something people just do for the challenge and that the cons it requires cost more than you make with it?

    I do only gloom fondery and city because veil take time it’s hard borring and it’s better to buy blue gems they are cheap.

    WTB Green Prenerf

    "The richest man is not who has the most, but he who needs the least."