Same dad, different mom:p

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
Mantids were friendly today again (or at least they were standing around a friendly chest that wasn't constantly spitting on me while I balled the bugs in one spot)
Sadly 1 off but idk if still worth smth?
All in one run?
All in one run?
Yeah 1 pull. 20 mantids total. I learned the farm from Peter Kadar's tutorial on YouTube!
All in one run?
Yeah 1 pull. 20 mantids total. I learned the farm from Peter Kadar's tutorial on YouTube!
Didn't see something like this since they added loot scaling code lol. You somehow by passed anti farm code, or you didn't farmed them before.
Yeah 1 pull. 20 mantids total. I learned the farm from Peter Kadar's tutorial on YouTube!
Didn't see something like this since they added loot scaling code lol. You somehow by passed anti farm code, or you didn't farmed them before.
To be honest I live on this farm. I log in and do a few runs and log off. If its favor and I have the time ill spend an hour there. This was probably 20th run in a row. I've never seen more than 5 golds drop at once!
improved value in more than one way
improved value in more than one way
But did it really?
I have a very strong feeling that it's very unclean hiding naked without it's precious inscription to cover its shame.
Sadly 1 off but idk if still worth smth?
I see that this guy who must be crazy, is missing that particular Q8 15-21 from their 142 piece collection: Q8 15-21 Swords and Q8 15Armor Shields Collection
Sadly 1 off but idk if still worth smth?
I see that this guy who must be crazy, is missing that particular Q8 15-21 from their 142 piece collection: Q8 15-21 Swords and Q8 15Armor Shields Collection
You can have mine if you want xD
Congrats but idk why so many people reacted with the ecto
it's worth 25g to an ironman player. But still big value for the playthrough!
Congrats but idk why so many people reacted with the ecto
it's worth 25g to an ironman player. But still big value for the playthrough!
First sup vigor on an iron is huge
Congrats but idk why so many people reacted with the ecto
it's worth 25g to an ironman player. But still big value for the playthrough!
First sup vigor on an iron is huge
heroes need them too
First sup vigor on an iron is huge
heroes need them too
Ironman.. heroes..??
heroes need them too
Ironman.. heroes..??
yeah im playing with a fresh account, so they are just as useless as henchies xD
didnt start in proph either, decided on factions, so tired of seeing ascalon
Don't get any ideas, nfs, i just need the gold to have all 3. Have blue too already. 😆
Have blue too already. 😆
I asked them in party chat about any plans for 20th anniversary, and they said we should be getting new quests, including rewards of rare minipets that haven’t been available for years! Really awesome to see the ANET team online and interacting with the community!
I asked them in party chat about any plans for 20th anniversary, and they said we should be getting new quests, including rewards of rare minipets that haven’t been available for years! Really awesome to see the ANET team online and interacting with the community!
gotta panic sell my IGs and kanaxais real damn quick omg
I asked them in party chat about any plans for 20th anniversary, and they said we should be getting new quests, including rewards of rare minipets that haven’t been available for years! Really awesome to see the ANET team online and interacting with the community!
Screenshot or didn't happen
I asked them in party chat about any plans for 20th anniversary, and they said we should be getting new quests, including rewards of rare minipets that haven’t been available for years! Really awesome to see the ANET team online and interacting with the community!
I asked them in party chat about any plans for 20th anniversary, and they said we should be getting a definitive GW1 server shutdown! Really awesome to see the ANET team online and interacting with the community!
they said we should be getting a definitive GW1 server shutdown!
wts my accounts, obby trim, os shit, and an entire forest of echovald shields. pp f&f only. hmu.
Better than usual
Got a nice sword for my unusual set ..