This dropped for me today 😁

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
Dual primary staffs should be criminal.
Dual primary staffs should be criminal.
I guess I was given your staff drop luck today.
Also dropped a new caster martial weapon for my ranger, was getting bored of my Mammoth Axe.
Mine plus several other people’s.
How about this Guardian of the Hunt!
1 off perfect req!
1 off perfect inscription!!
1 off perfect shield handle!!!
BUT straigth gold value of 300 Gold!!!!
Well and that inscribed chakram is one of my first dual mod domination focus with some kind of OKish stats!
Well, it's just not my day. Some nice OS dual mod skins with bad mods!
Was it really necessary to take that one armor away...Like come on.
The moment you get a dual mod zodiac scepter and thinking about a Nec/Rit combination of death magic and restoration...
Somehow i feel it is not as useless as i first thought.
- Official Post
Since I decided recently to put one of my old Magmas on the market (currently on my sell post), I thought maybe I can get lucky and get a replacement. This beauty dropped this morning. If it isn't q9, I have a personal connection to Q13 Magmas so this one made me smile....
A Chance Encounter. Something half decent for a change.
More stuff from A Chance Encounter. Really like farming here, mostly because of the skin variety.
More stuff from A Chance Encounter. Really like farming here, mostly because of the skin variety.
GZ! The drops are finally better there now that all of the Bots are gone. There was a point where there was 16 bots with similar names In and Out of that quest, it was insane. I doubt that my reporting attempts did anything considering that was months before they finally disappeared.
I was talking with a friend about that earlier. He mentioned the bots as well.
I am really surprised bots could farm there though. Unless the whole team were bots and they weren't going in with heroes? Because I can't imagine a bot being able to micro heroes like a human could to get it done properly.
My good buddy from a while back logged in and I had to ask about this beauty before he logged off. Luckily its now in my permanent collection and is probably my favorite item I own aside from my q8 Vabbi Defender.
ALSO I got a 3-day ban for my rangers name being C U C K after over a year of having it. They made me rename it which can be seen in the picture. Checkmate, Anet.
One of my first drops of the day. Could have been worse.
EDIT: And some chestruns later i got a nicely modded pair of chromium shrads (i did not modded them like this!!!)
So i started chest running 3h/day for 2 weeks and my favorite is magma shield
did 1200 chest in cantha and prof for some shield and didint get any with good dual mods.
Im really focusing on magma shield these time, and i think i get one every 50 chest.
5 plagueborns shield all single mod and 12 magma shields : x4q9, x4q10, x1q11, x1q12, x1q13. got pretty lucky on req but they are ALL merchant. only 2 are dual mod but really crappy (i wont merch them, I CANT)
Im desperate but this happend :
I dropped it after 9 runs in sorrow, then i did 55 more runs and none :p
I think ill give up magma shield, too frustrated, i cant stop thinking about the fact that i could have 2 or 3 with good mods..
PS : OF COURSE +15 BELOW 50% :p this is how the game treat me.
Getting these on vq made my day today
Little chest running this morning and got this 1pt off post nerf
Getting these on vq made my day today
Very long time a dropped 5x this on 20 min, on VQ. But, the green is bad..
Very long time a dropped 5x this on 20 min, on VQ. But, the green is bad..
That's why it's the 'forgotten' fan.
Dropped this today, must be best drop in months! Dont think ever dropped q0 max scythe before
Why, yes. Yes, I'll keep that. =]
I am happy with this drop tonight.
I think Red is looking down on me.
Lower req next time, Red. Plox.
- Official Post
I think Red is looking down on me.
Lower req next time, Red. Plox.
This fella needs a twin, so your gonna have to keep up that farming.
Actually, it's this puppy that needs the twin:
That's one of the reasons why I bid on it while it was on sale recently.
But I shouldn't even be posting this. Red has a bounty out for my little butt in several countries. I am going underground again, under different names. I may not resurface again for several months.
Actually, it's this puppy that needs the twin:
That's one of the reasons why I bid on it while it was on sale recently.
But I shouldn't even be posting this. Red has a bounty out for my little butt in several countries. I am going underground again, under different names. I may not resurface again for several months.
should I start posting here... I got his entire family! 10dem with second mods: -2wE -2wS -5/20 -3wH 45wE 60wH 30... you'd just have to let the poor fella go home see his family
I dunno if this is good, but 1% is 1% i guess lol
I think this is my first q8 drop and it is as expected!
This came out of left field entirely. What a nice drop though.
It's kinda funny too because I have an echovald with the same stats that dropped for me a long time ago.
I was planning on making an actual post, but gw ruined that for me.....
I had been saving up 101 gold unids dropped from urgoz/deep/vq/Pongmei NM, and ID’d them after hitting the 100 mark. All of the unids were wands, foci and shields with max stats.
ALL of them were worthless.... 1/10 dont recommend haha
edit: I even had 4 q8s (2 foci and 2 wands (11-21)) -
I treated Guild Wars, by logging in.
New computer lads, I'm back!
This might be my 1st 45/2e shield drop ever, cant remember atleast another
Well, couldve been better skin and req. But atleast 1st perfect shield in AGES!
Got an extra light version of a perfect Q9 Bladed Shield
I'll go to bed now and cry for that NON MAX ARMOR rating!