Brambe Recurvebow x1 - 5e
Bramble Hornbow x1 - 5e
Bramble Longbow x1 - 5e
Feathered Longbow x1 - 5e
Brambe Recurvebow x1 - 5e
Bramble Hornbow x1 - 5e
Bramble Longbow x1 - 5e
Feathered Longbow x1 - 5e
Kris dagger +5: 10e
Katana +5: 10e
IGN: Belleti Cadrus
Longbow Gold q5 12-19 15^ench
Recurvebow Gold q5 12-21 15^ench
Flatbow Gold q4 11-18 15^50
Kamas q5 6-12 15^50
Kamas q5 6-12 15^ench x2
Kamas q6 6-12 15^50
Kamas q6 6-13 15^ench
10e each
ign Ninjaa Skills
Info: I‘m currently in india and can‘t log in until 31st of May. So the delivery of the items will take until there.
Echovald Shield q10 Tac -2^ench/+10vs Cold 30e
OS Stuff :
x1 Q9 15^50% Bramble Recurve Bow :: 20e
x1 Q9 15^50% Bramble Hornbow :: 20e
x1 Q9 15^50% Bramble Shortbow :: 20e
Wooden Chakram q9 Domination 4e
Bump. I'm back at home now. Will try to reach everyone who offered on some items so far
Up- Let's try this again before I merch a lot
Air Staff (normal) q9 20/20
Earth Staff (Core) q9 20/20
Fire Staff (Core) q9 20/20
E: retract, found them ingame
I will save these from that nasty merch
Echovald Shield q9 Str +27hp/-2^ench -5e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac +27hp/+10vs Lightning -5e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac +9vs Earth/-5/20 -5e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac -2^stance/+44^ench -5e
Gothic Defender q12 Tac +44^ench/+10vs Ogre -5e
Amber Aegis q9 Str +9vs Dragons/-2^ench -5e
Amber Aegis q10 Tac +27hp/-3^hex -5e
Ornate Shield q11 Str +10vs Plants/+28hp -5e
Both Wicked Blade q9 Dual Vamp - 25e/ea
Gothic Axe q9 Dual Vamp - 25e
Would like to have a look at these please:
Recurvebow Gold q4 10-16 15^50
Hornbow Gold q4 11-17 15^ench
Dragon’s Breath Wand q9 10% HCT/19% HSR - 2e
Platinum Wand q10 Divine 10% HCT/+5^ench - 2e
Earth Staff (crystallized) q13 20/20 x1 - 2e
Gothic Defender q13 Str +28hp/-3^hex -5e
Ornate Shield q11 Tac +29hp/ -5/19% -7e
Echovald Shield q13 Tac -5/20% /+10vs Dragons -5e
Echovald Shield q11 Str -2^stance/+44^stance -5e
Echovald Shield q10 Tac +29hp / -5/19% -7e
Amber Aegis q13 Tac -2^stance/+28hp -5e
Amber Aegis q9 Tac -2^stance/-20% Bleeding -5e
Zodiac Shield q12 Tac +44^ench/-2^ench -5e
Round Shield q13 Tac +1^20 Blood/+10vs Demons -5e
IGN: Obsidian Warmaster
PM me if needed
Composite Bow Gold q8 15-28 14^ench - 2a+20e
Air Wand q12 10% HCT/20% HSR - 10e
Voltaic Wand q10 10% HCT/20% HSR Earth - 10e
Echovald Shield q9 Str +45^stance/-20% Deep Wound - 10e
Echovald Shield q9 Tac -20% Deep Wound/-2^stance - 20e
Grim Cesta q9 Death 19% HCT/ +1^19 Death 15e
And still offering on: Echovald Shield q10 Tac -2^ench/+10vs Cold 30e
ign purely impurity
Gothic Defender q11 Str -2^ench/+10vs Earth - 20e
Hornbow Gold q4 11-17 15^ench - 20e
Updated List & Delivered some items ; Added B/O for Composite Bow Gold q8 15-28 14^ench b/o 4a
Bo-Staff q10 Dom 20/10 - 10e
Suntouched Scythe q9 4e
Draconic Spear q13 1e
Q9 +5e Amber Longbow 8e
IGN: Adrasteia Thalion
Fire Wand q9 +5^ench/20% HCT -- 10e
Amber Longbow q10 Dual Vamp 15/-1^health - 25e
IGN - Legendary Eric
Hornbow Gold q4 11-17 15^ench : 1 ecto
Darkhorn Rod q9 Energy 15e
Up- Delivered most of the items
If you need something feel free to contact me ingame
x1 Tribal Spear q9 4e
x1 Goldleaf Defender q9 Com 6e
x1 Kappa Shield q9 Tac 8e
x1 Sun And Moon Shield q9 Str 4e
x1 Spiked Targe q9 Tac 4e
Total = 26e
edit: Thank you for the trades!
Up Again- Added a few more items
curses dragon staff 15e
Echovald Shield q10 Tac -2^ench/+27hp 10e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac +29hp/-2^ench 50e
UP- Insc. SALE is now UP everything in there 1e/ea only!!
Inscribable b/o
Summit Warlord Shield q11 Tac 1e
Summit Warlord Shield q12 Tac 1e
Tribal Shield (Face Skin) q10 Tac 1e
Shadow Shield q10 Tac x1 1e/ea
Flame Artifact Blue q8/12 Insc 1e
Eternal Bow q11 1e
Total 6e
Non Inscribable Bid
Amber Longbow x1 10e
Gothic Sword x1 10e
Water Wand q9 +5^ench/10% HCT 10e
Colossal Pick q10 15^stance 15e
Gothic Axe q13 Dual Vamp 15/-1^health 2e - Not Bought
Ornate Shield q9 Tac -2^ench/+10vs Cold 65e - Not Bought
Ornate Shield q10 Tac -20% Cripple/-2^ench 15e
Ornate Shield q13 Tac -2^ench/+9vs Dragons 5e
Total 102e
edit: Thanking you again for the trades! I'll keep my eye on the thread.
Hi, IGN Montrell Firefox, I will take all of the Amethyst Aegis as well as:
Gothic Defender q9 Str -2^ench/+29hp 40e
Gothic Defender q9 Str -2^ench/+42^ench 25e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac +29hp/-2^ench 40e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac +41^ench/+10vs Plants 30e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac -2^ench/+28hp 5e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac -2^stance/+43^stance 15e
Gothic Defender q10 Str +43^ench/-2^ench 20e
Gothic Defender q12 Tac +10vs Fire/+42^ench 65e
Ornate Shield q10 Tac +10vs Demons/-3^hex 37e
Ornate Shield q13 Tac +10vs Demons/-3^hex 10e
Ornate Shield q13 Tac +42^stance/-2^stance 10e
Echovald Shield q10 Tac +10vs Slashing/-2^stance 160e
Echovald Shield q10 Tac +42^stance/-2^stance 22e
Echovald Shield q10 Tac -2^ench/+10vs Cold 59e
Echovald Shield q13 Tac -2^ench/+27hp 5e
Amber Aegis q11 Tac +41^ench/-2^ench 20e
Amber Aegis q12 Tac -3^hex/+56^hex 3e
Zodiac Shield q12 Tac +44^ench/-2^ench 22e
Fiery Dragon Sword Blue q8 15-21 +11^hexed Is this prenerf? Offer depends on answer.
Zodiac Scepter q13 Dom +5^ench/10% HCT, 10e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac +29hp/-2^ench
Q8 White Shield
Wingcrest Maul q10 if you still have it
IGN: Valeria Windcutter
1 x Ghostly Staff q13 Divine
IGN: Hollow Soldier
Crescrent Staff q10 Death 1e
Tentacle Scythe q10 1e
Notched Blade q11 1e
Fire Wand q9 +5^ench/20% HCT -- 5e
Gothic Defender q9 Tac +29hp/-2^ench -> 35e
Gothic Defender q9 Str -2^ench/+29hp -> 20e
Q8 White Shield -> 5e