
q8/prenerf weps, various OS stuff. 9/11 update
Guardian - 3a
W5 7e
W6 4e
5a Goth
October 14, 2020 at 1:52 AM Changed the title of the thread from “r9 Demon GoTH, Legendary Skill Hunter, Other OS (Updated 10/11/20)” to “r9 Demon GoTH, Added Dual Stance Eternal Shield, Legendary Skill Hunter, Other OS (Updated 10/13/20)”. -
b u m p
Added r11 +45/-2 stance eternal shield
15e on A10
25e dual stance eternal shield
b6-b7 5e,5e
Stance eternal 50e
Start bids on B7, H4.
Eternal shield 65e
Grinning dragon 10e a10
W4 koi 10e
F1 5e
W5 celest scepter 25e
Ig : blind was my fury
Pm me ig pls !
Up up up
A10 already had a 15e offer Blind Was My Fury
B7 had a 5e offer before your s/b as well Woo
Will prob sell some of the lesser items that have bids already in the next couple days.
W2 - 5e
F1 10e
IGN: Luana Rose -
300e Skill tome set. Interested in b/o.Sorry I retract, found in-game.
Will sell everything that currently has an offer in 48 hours to highest bidder (besides GotH, Eternal and skill hunter).
Chad Warden Pleikki Mr. Clean(-Value) cornbread Woo Blind Was My Fury gab999
Have you all added, just waiting to see you in game. Pm me if I'm on to pick up your stuff. Cheers!
SW 17 = 3e
November 13, 2020 at 11:41 PM Changed the title of the thread from “r9 Demon GoTH, Added Dual Stance Eternal Shield, Legendary Skill Hunter, Other OS (Updated 10/13/20)” to “Small OS Sale, r/b & b/o added for dual stance Eternal”. -
A few new things with a few old things
r9 15^50 Battlepick b/o: 1e
IGN Sugita Kumiko
r9 Split Chakrams 15^50 b/o: 1e
r9 Tetsubo Hammer 15/ench 2e
r9 Katana +5e 10e
r9 Gladius +5e 5e
IGN Alexa Jaide
Added 22 celestial compasses. Clear my bank plz
rb eternal shield
200e on leg skill
r9 str Celestial Shield -poison +30
November 17, 2020 at 6:19 PM Changed the title of the thread from “Small OS Sale, r/b & b/o added for dual stance Eternal” to “Small OS Sale, Legendary Skill Hunter, Compasses”. -
Goth demon 12 a
I offer 15e for the IDS if you still havet it, or whatever price you have in mind, would like to take b/o.
See you,
15e for r13 Dom CC
Sold some stuff in game
December 13, 2020 at 12:36 AM Changed the title of the thread from “Small OS Sale, Legendary Skill Hunter, Compasses” to “Huge Account green purge. OS weps, DZ/DV, r9 dual fire mod Flame artifact. B/o only on most things. Up for a week.”. -
oh no uh oh
will take the kerrsh staves and will look through OS later on tonight.
Also will take a travelers staff and stick.
IGN Alexa Jaide
r9 tac Ornate Shield +10blunt b/o ing Nik Shinobi
Aegis of Terror
Tanzit's Defender
Pywatt's Talons
Kaolin Protection Staff
Kaolin Water Staff
Kaolin Accursed Staff
Rajazan's Fervor
Hidesplitter's Spear
Mallyx's Cruelty
The Bloodspear
The Matriarch's Stinger
Bei Chi's Bulwark
Destructive Shield
Aegis of Clarity
one of each
I will take :
r10 Sickle (canthan) DV b/o: 5e
r10 curse Celestial Scepter HSR divine 20% HCT smite 20% b/o: 5e
r13 Crenellated Sword DV b/o: 5e
r13 Crenellated Sword DZ b/o: 5e
Exalted Aegis (com) x2
Shrouded Oni Daggers x1
Shield of the Condemned
Thank you!
R8 echovald 2e b/o
And zodi bow r9 +5en 10e b/o if has a X00g Value
Runar's Brimstone Staff
The Nightbringer x1
Ritual Lord's Staff x1
Wingstorm x1
Kemil's Scepter
Vokur's Cane
Bogroot Staff x1
Fahralon's Scythe
Koahm's Flatbow
Hidesplitter's Daggers
Bei Chi's Bulwark
Ilsundur's Staff
Modti's Depravation
Morgriff's Staff
Claw of the Whispered
Morgriff's Scepter
The Stonereaper
Gorrel's Cane
The Rockmolder
Phi's Wisdom
The Trickster
Traveler's Bo Staff