Sadge 1 off

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
Eight useless dead staffs during my dead staff farm today, but a skeleton mesmer was kind enough to drop me this. Surprisingly I didn't have that mod combo yet, and it's even the rarer mod order which is always nice to see. A good day after all
I'll adopt that one, just don't merch it
No one at ArenaNet can convince me that this is not pre-established.
504g? weird
Montrell NF keyless treasures 🙂
Been after one of these for a very long time
Oh also got this super cute shield a few days ago
Shield enjoyers rejoice!
Been after one of these for a very long time
Oh also got this super cute shield a few days ago
Shield enjoyers rejoice!
Gz, where did it drooped?
Been after one of these for a very long time
Oh also got this super cute shield a few days ago
Shield enjoyers rejoice!
Gz, where did it drooped?
Battledepths - as I know its the only place to really target Darkwing's and Enamled. You could farm Drakes or Whisps, but I find the Whisps easier to farm, and as they are spread out further, the anti-farming code doesn't impact the drops as much as killing all the Drakes in one go. Still, taken me years of farming them on and off to get a max req8 rare skin. You wouldn't believe how many req8 command and motivation Reinforced Defenders I had to go thru XD
Gz, where did it drooped?
Battledepths - as I know its the only place to really target Darkwing's and Enamled. You could farm Drakes or Whisps, but I find the Whisps easier to farm, and as they are spread out further, the anti-farming code doesn't impact the drops as much as killing all the Drakes in one go. Still, taken me years of farming them on and off to get a max req8 rare skin. You wouldn't believe how many req8 command and motivation Reinforced Defenders I had to go thru XD
Do you have a farm build / video maybe for me? Would like to test this farm..
if you ID it and it doesn't have an inscription, would that make it more or less valuable
Battledepths - as I know its the only place to really target Darkwing's and Enamled. You could farm Drakes or Whisps, but I find the Whisps easier to farm, and as they are spread out further, the anti-farming code doesn't impact the drops as much as killing all the Drakes in one go. Still, taken me years of farming them on and off to get a max req8 rare skin. You wouldn't believe how many req8 command and motivation Reinforced Defenders I had to go thru XD
Do you have a farm build / video maybe for me? Would like to test this farm..
Start from the Central Transfer Chambrer outpost, then through Battledepths towards the exit to reach the Ice Cliff Chasms area (North/East). Along the way, you'll come across several Whirling Wisp lvl20 in NM (NOT Chilling Wisp lvl24). Then go back and forth along this path (or /resign and restart from CTC).
With a basic farm build in D, you'll be fine. Example: OgCjkirMrSmXfbaXNXcXsXqXqiA (position yourself to avoid Quickening Zephyr).
Only real nice drop from mantids lately besides some 15^50 swords and bows..still waiting on a holy Grail shield or staff!
Got these beauts from farming glints challenge!
Do you have a farm build / video maybe for me? Would like to test this farm..
Start from the Central Transfer Chambrer outpost, then through Battledepths towards the exit to reach the Ice Cliff Chasms area (North/East). Along the way, you'll come across several Whirling Wisp lvl20 in NM (NOT Chilling Wisp lvl24). Then go back and forth along this path (or /resign and restart from CTC).
With a basic farm build in D, you'll be fine. Example: OgCjkirMrSmXfbaXNXcXsXqXqiA (position yourself to avoid Quickening Zephyr).
I'm not sure why it's not more commonly done but darkwings and enamaled both drop from ice imps in varajar fells, theres 8-12 you can group very easily and are level 20. I have q9 enamaled on my wts thread under 200gv, no q8s yet sadly though. Very quick jog from olafstead, any Shadow form class with some damage can do it very easily. Prob vos derv as well.
A cute Addition thanks to a Forum Member
EthelWulfX96 is see bots very likely doing just that
EthelWulfX96 is see bots very likely doing just that
mere coincidence
Imperfect SWS isn't real, it can't hurt you. Found this during favor earlier from a Tasca's HM chest.
zb adventures -
Biting Tongue hard....
Biting Tongue hard....
The good thing is that you can probably sell it to the right collector. Even With max mods he would have gave you the same amount for the req11 mixed attribute basic skin Necro stick. He is the only collector I know that sometimes pays more for single mods then for q8 max duo mods items or prenerfs so be careful not to get scammed! He is a weird one. But it doesn't stop there. He is addicted to a specific inscription. If you add that to an item he instantly pays you a big premium on top! Just send me an PM and I send you name and location. He is allways online when I am online 🙂
It's been all daggers for me lately
EthelWulfX96 is see bots very likely doing just that
Is it me or does it seem like the botters and even some just high end collectors try to gate keep certain farms
I knew something decent was around the corner!!
EthelWulfX96 is see bots very likely doing just that
Is it me or does it seem like the botters and even some just high end collectors try to gate keep certain farms
Yes, for example it's common knowledge that no one has the right to bot plagueborns low req. Otherwise I call me uncle (he works in arena net).
Some species are protected.
Aint bad !
So close! I've been farming mantids for a long time and I've never seen a Celestial DV/dz drop lol
still on the hunt for a q8 dead sword but cant complain about this
belongs in the twins thread