Hello dear friends of guild wars. :heart:
Since back in the day i always had a thing for nice armor combinations
I remember when there was gwchars where everybody uploaded multiple pics of their beloved chars.
While a lot of armors look really nice, the ultimate late game is to find armor combinations that look unique and fitting.
When i run around in kamadan i often see obby armor with chaos gloves or complete sets of endgame armors.
What i usually don't see ist nice and thoughtfull armor sets. Do people not care about the fashion of the game?
What i want to achieve with this thread is to collect and preserve your favourite armor combinations and sets. Maybe they go with some sort of theme or maybe you just like it.
I'd love to hear from you why you like certain armors.
(If there is a similiar thread feel free to delete this one, i couldnt find anything)
Best regards.

Fashion Wars / Show your Character
May 21, 2020 at 3:55 PM Moved the thread from forum Discussion to forum General. -
- Official Post
I agree, obby+chaos is the basic bitch look of gw. Moreover, that look has been proven not to count towards mesmer skill effectiveness, so why do people even bother...
Do costume pieces count as part of an armor set, or do you want to keep it to in-game currency armor only?
I agree, obby+chaos is the basic bitch look of gw. Moreover, that look has been proven not to count towards mesmer skill effectiveness, so why do people even bother...
Do costume pieces count as part of an armor set, or do you want to keep it to in-game currency armor only?
For this purpose id like to see all the combinations you guys come up with. If its costume pieces or in game currency armor i dont mind.
if there are nice combos out the just show them.
To get this started here you find my warrior atm. I just saw the movie troy and tried to match the look of achilles on my warrior.
Not perfect but pretty close id say
here is what he looks like in the movie -
This is my Clerk Char(r).
Closest to a Charr look without a Tonic.
Consists of Elite Charr Armor and Charr Hat
Yeah guys, thats what i wanted to see. Love that Charr look Chevy, especially the colour.
Praise that is some phoenix like looking mesmer.
And that nec is sick. Reminds me of some darksiders character.
Love that.
Thanks guys keep it up -
Ishida nice one. Seen that a couple of times in gh i think xD
cruelirony Like that combo too. Had that on my nec a few years back. But deleted that.
If you want to try out some new fashion. Add Vaabian Chest peace. Looks kinda sick imo. -
Swiitisch Don't have Vabbian yet on my necro but will try it out for sure.
Currently rocking good 'ole obsidian with chaos gloves and future Mo Zing
Here are some of my characters
Here are some of my characters
Damn son. This is what im talking about. Bringing the fashion to a new level.
Love those 4 especially although all of yours are great.
so many awesome looks. keep it up -
- Official Post
I used the same monk outfit in a different colour scheme back when I was a Luxon. Love it. Didn’t have the face paint though
Since this thread got some activity recently, I would like to share my frosty mesmer (I apologize for the amount of obby, but it has got the best armor pieces for female mesmers by far)
Since this thread got some activity recently, I would like to share my frosty mesmer (I apologize for the amount of obby, but it has got the best armor pieces for female mesmers by far)
this set up defenitliy got some chill to it.
Love the look. -
- Official Post
This is my main character. I've came up with this armor combo years ago. It's an Elite Kurzick top with Labyrinthe everything else. To get the colours as they are I used 1x Brown dye and 3x Black dye on the Labyrinthe pieces and 1x Brown dye and 3x White dye on the Elite Kurzick top. I love how clean it looks and especialy wielding a Bo Staff.
I'm sorry for the amount of Obsidian here, but come on. This should have been the standard Elementalist Obsidian Armor set. The skirt is a normal Kurzick one.
I must admit, these gloves used to be Chaos Gloves, but as said in the OP there are too many Chaos Gloves in Kamadan so I decided to go with the Elite Kurzick ones to finish off the set. The Imperial armor legs fit seemlessly with the Elite Kurzick set. (As a proud Kurzick I prefer not to wear any Luxon armors).
Again, apologies for the Obsidian, but I think my Necromancer looks like a proper witch with this combination.
A play on a very common sight in Kamadan: Elite Gladiator top and Gloves. However I don't see it paired with Elite Kurzick that often (Again, I'm a proud Kurzick).
This might very well be my favorite armor combination, it's elegant. Im not apologizing for the Chaos Gloves, because they fit amazingly with her running Zodiac Staff.
My first Mesmer with a really nice armor combination. I will however change it soon I think as it is glitching with her Offhand.
This is the male version of my main Monk. Same Armors, except this time he is wearing Elite Kurzick leg pieces.
"Eternal <3'ers" All switch possible on inventory (note: All weapons stats is here).
i stated in the thread that i dont want to see obby armor with chaos gloves just because its expensive.
But i have nothing against combining obby armor with other pieces. so just throw out your chars -
The worst thing is when someone just copies your whole armor set + look, got to say nice pictures here; but I won't be sharing mine out of fear
my hot ele haha
, just a mix of basic armor but I really like this look
Mr. Clean(-Value) yeah the second photo is a good sight. Love your setup there.
what weapon is that? Looks like Golden Phoenix Blade? Love that crackled look.
cornbread Thanks for your post too. i like the modest look of your ranger. Especially the chest piece. Sunspear chest piece is really underrated imo.
Thanks for your posts guys -
Mr. Clean(-Value) yeah the second photo is a good sight. Love your setup there.
what weapon is that? Looks like Golden Phoenix Blade? Love that crackled look.
Thanks for your posts guysEngraved sword should be the name in English. It's a PvP exclusive skin. Some skins are only PvE available and a good amount is only in PvP obtainable (some of the PvP exclusives are available as green weapon type in PvE but I mean like moddable Gold versions).
I like it to and think the pattern on the blade and on the echovald match really nice, also material and color of both weapons to ech other.
Next to come my PvP Derv and PvE Derv. I hope you like bananas(-cystes)
NekroKill man necro allways nice to see. Used to be my main for a long time and the class has so much style and flavour. You make me wanna play him again
Mr. Clean(-Value) yeah the second photo is a good sight. Love your setup there.
what weapon is that? Looks like Golden Phoenix Blade? Love that crackled look.
cornbread Thanks for your post too. i like the modest look of your ranger. Especially the chest piece. Sunspear chest piece is really underrated imo.
Thanks for your posts guysI appreciate the positive feedback. It's funny how when I started this game I liked the most elaborate and loud armor designs. But coming back now, I much prefer elegant and simple; a style choice that is actually quite difficult to achieve. For my ranger, it's challenging to find simple boots with either the Ascalon or Obsidian being the only true choices.
And there is absolutly nothing wrong with that. Most important is that you like your setup.
For myself its the best to find creative new looks and armor combos. -