WHY???? I guess it will go into my Plant pile

How did Guild Wars treat you today?
That'd be great for a a Tactics Paragon who really hates plants.
WHY???? I guess it will go into my Plant pile
This makes me really sad
Could have been this guys brother:
From chest run !
As expected it turned out to be crap. But it's nice to get a max q8 drop again after all these years, even if it's purple. -
20/20 staff drop today, too bad it's q10.
Wow Gratz !!!!
Well ain't that purty.
Yeah that's gonna be a feelsbadman
Just my luck Q.Q
- Official Post
Just my luck Q.Q
Screams balanced DoA runs with pull throughs like the old days with 2 warriors. Nice drop
GW want me to put more points in my axe mastery
Started NM chest running a few weeks back, and got these today for my efforts! Enough to keep me going (for now).
Even though 1 off, Q3 Gold items always make me happy...
It will go well with my existing q3 gold Kamas collection... but looky here, a new twin has been born (merch value as well)
Those are pretty neat, Chevy. If I may ask, did you farm these in Jaya Bluffs or elsewhere?
Those are pretty neat, Chevy. If I may ask, did you farm these in Jaya Bluffs or elsewhere?
Thank you! You guessed it, Jaya Bluffs. This one I got yesterday was the first q3 I have gotten in quite a few years, considering how many times I have feather farmed, q3 golds in general are rather rare. Maybe some day it will be a q3 bladed, I can pair it with my q3 sickle :).
Been months I haven't do doa, so I joined a run today, decided to pick 4 coffers...
Guess it can be worth sometimes :p
Not sure if it's a treat or not, but while taking my new para through Factions I got this drop from a canthan chest at a weird (or not?) location. First time seeing a Luxon drop from Shenzun Tunnels, the only foes near me where Afflicted. Have I just missed something and they actually drop from those chests frequently? I knew they could drop from Canthan chests in Pongmei Valley, but first time seeing them in Shenzun Tunnels.
Learned something new today
I've been doing this with all my PvE characters since I started playing in 2005 and today I finally managed to have/buy/collect/farm all my Warrior favorite weapons, I started the Warrior set a month ago and today I finished.
With this one I have Elementalist, Assassin, Ranger, Ritualist and Warrior set of weapons all fulfilled, and now I will go to collect the Dervish ones.
This is one of the things I like the most of the postgame, collecting or customizing things. Thanks to some users of this forum I've been able to do it, so thank you very much.
Well done! You should post that onto the Beloved Collections thread!
I was casually running around the Jade Sea minding my own business and looking for a Unique Staff, when suddenly, I was struck by a rare Fire-Water-Curse ....
If anyone wants to lift that curse from me I would appreciate it
That's what you deserve for playing Gust. 😆
Not very good stats (14-27 q8, not 15-28). But maybe for purple and 14^50. It's rare 14^50 for purple (or just merchant next time)?
Not very good stats (14-27 q8, not 15-28). But maybe for purple and 14^50. It's rare 14^50 for purple (or just merchant next time)?
That's a cool drop. Present day max q8 14^50 of my favourite bow skin.
Not very good stats (14-27 q8, not 15-28). But maybe for purple and 14^50. It's rare 14^50 for purple (or just merchant next time)?
As Sanctus mentioned, 14-27 is max dmg for current day Q8 bows. With that mod, you have a postnerf perfect Q8 purple bow. Congrats!
There are some collectors out there (cough.... looking around seeing at least one person in my empty office....cough)
Honestly, since this isn't a PC, buy or sell post, I would just say don't merch. Post, you may get more interest.
I asked ANet for the 20/20 and the wicked bastard gave it to me!
J'ai demandé à ANet le 20/20 et le salaud méchant me l'a donné!
more than finding monsters that give the poison
(For my drop, purple bow q8 i know wiki, tape: req and found max. damage for all weapons. But it felt sometime exception, example: sword q8 11-22 e+5, not dropped on 2020 (?)
more than finding monsters that give the poison
(For my drop, purple bow q8 i know wiki, tape: req and found max. damage for all weapons. But it felt sometime exception, example: sword q8 11-22 e+5, not dropped on 2020 (?)
Only Max Q8 items that still drop are Swords, Shields and Focus.
The following thread here on Legacy contains the current Max and Min DMG per weapon per requirement and is based on collective data, in my opinion is more intuitive than the version on wiki
Better than a kick in the family jewels, I guess.
I had a personal record 12 gold drops in that run of A Chance Encounter HM, and this was the only keeper. (And a q13 Melon Hammer that Kromp might want)
- Official Post
Absolutely brutal.