How did Guild Wars treat you today?
Don't be sad, isn't 42 the answer to life and everything?
This was bad and went to merch, but still it made my day!
because this q8 stopped streak of ~2600 chests since last gold q8, and 1200 chests since even purple q8!! (average 1 q8 like every 150-200 chests, so this was so unlucky!)-Pleikki
Sometime, the Halcyon Job is fun. Today, 26 items (drop): 2x +50HP rune.
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Pretty sure this pong mei drop counts as felony level assault by anet.
You too huh, Anet loves those 8/15s
- Official Post
Pretty sure this pong mei drop counts as felony level assault by anet.
Yep. File charges.
Man down.
Pretty sure this pong mei drop counts as felony level assault by anet.
Thats the kinda drops that ends chest running careers...
for real lol jeez huge RIPPPPPPP
After 14 years, I completed my (second) GWAMM title on my first character. The typo in her name stayed for all those years x)
After 14 years, I completed my (second) GWAMM title on my first character. The typo in her name stayed for all those years x)
starting a fundraiser to change two letters in that name. how could you ever forgive yourself not naming her "mestress"...
2x bogroot focus from chest gg me
Pretty sure this pong mei drop counts as felony level assault by anet.
Seriously... What The F*** is That BS... im off to cry myself to sleep for that one. -
some conditionssss
Funny dual
pretty cool 3 different attributes! same class! 20/20
Today I couldn't find anybody selling Pahnai Salad so I grabbed "Material Girl" on a toon and went out to Jarin 1 hitting lvl 1 Iboga for petals (wasn't sober).
First run I got a q0 4-6 dmg 3g ram hammer, thought it was super cute and instantly wanted more. Much time later, many Iboga petals acquired and the Plains Of Jarin req 0 minimum dmg stat low gold value weapon collection was born.
Still need to find a 3-6 scythe and 2-5 axe. Maybe get something in NF low lvl that can drop daggers cause nothing I killed did
Today I couldn't find anybody selling Pahnai Salad so I grabbed "Material Girl" on a toon and went out to Jarin 1 hitting lvl 1 Iboga for petals (wasn't sober).
First run I got a q0 4-6 dmg 3g ram hammer, thought it was super cute and instantly wanted more. Much time later, many Iboga petals acquired and the Plains Of Jarin req 0 minimum dmg stat low gold value weapon collection was born.
Still need to find a 3-6 scythe and 2-5 axe. Maybe get something in NF low lvl that can drop daggers cause nothing I killed did
I farm plains very consistently and you can pull a no req purple more commonly then one with a req from the instani chests in the area, range from 12-14gold most commonly
Also pretty sure I've never gotten a dagger drop in plains.
At least it's maxed, right?
I really do love charr farming in pre
Still need to find a 3-6 scythe and 2-5 axe. Maybe get something in NF low lvl that can drop daggers cause nothing I killed did
Might i suggest Caverns Below Kamadan for possible daggers? Some of those Corsairs are really low level. No assassins but it seems to be all basic Norn area drops from my experience. Not sure if the lvl 3 cook can drop daggs for sure, but, the hole in the wall is right there... go for glory!
Btw, it's lucky week, you will probably get a free lockpick every other run or so.
Been after those current day max q7 swords for a while, closest one I got so far, can't decide to be mad or happy that I almost got it:D
Also got this shield meanwhile today which I thought is kinda cute
Edit: Just realized, they are kinda matching with 14dmg start q8 / 14 ar q8 and same gold value :O
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- Official Post
Every single q8 sword I have ever gotten in the unid form as purchased or dropped has either been while hexed or less than 50 mod. So I think I will keep this one unid rather than mourn the loss as it looks prettier this way.
Every single q8 sword I have ever gotten in the unid form as purchased or dropped has either been while hexed or less than 50 mod. So I think I will keep this one unid rather than mourn the loss as it looks prettier this way.
You have the sweetest Schrodinger's Broadsword in the game!
*gasp* builds a bar with a stance, a hex, smthing to dmg urself, an ench ( necro/warrior should be able) *gasps again* enters isle of nameless at GtoB and goes to the dmg tester guy *double gasp* attacks him with each of one known dmg mod condition. (I mean +5 and 15-5 should be Insta checked) and what's left is while hexed but even that u can ask the "master of hexes there if the elemination progress didn't convinced you so far.
See what happens and if the result pleases u I'd it. If not leave it as unident collector piece. The 14 and 15% dmg mod to distinguish isnt as easy I agree with but *gasp* since I got a cold It seems I trust in you Spun Ducky
And ofc very much GZ to that Beauty drop man
Every single q8 sword I have ever gotten in the unid form as purchased or dropped has either been while hexed or less than 50 mod. So I think I will keep this one unid rather than mourn the loss as it looks prettier this way.
Could you technically equip it while unid and go hit the dummies to work out what mod it actually was gonna roll? Just a thought.
Halloween fashion wars winner
Purely you have to reveal the base of the q8 fellblade now. We don't give you a choice. It's big responsibility
: P
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19% whex, u saw it first here !
Could you technically equip it while unid and go hit the dummies to work out what mod it actually was gonna roll? Just a thought.
Sure can! That's why buying unids in presearing died out.
- Official Post
Like a beast, been scoring some deals and finds lately.