Here are my waywards
Wasn't there a 20/19 healing on an off req here for sale recently?
But now that I think about it.
It was a jellyfish
talking about this one ? :p
I have done an ungodly amount of research on q8 insc swords and cannot find a modern drop of where a wyvern could come from. I know one exists and I’m not writing off the possibility of more, but I am unsure
Derailing topic some to go back a month(sent PMs to Fireball and you, decided why not post in public too):
Wiki has drops allegedly from a level 20 Charr ranger in 2011. The guy who reported lvl 20 EoTN charr seems pretty reputable as he was a regular wiki poster ( ) and the report is from 2011 so it's close enough to the end of the update cycle that likely nothing changed. There are a lot of lvl 20 charr in Dalada Uplands. Maybe even something like floor 1 CoF could be a farm. That's where I would seek q8 Wyvern...
Maybe I'll spend some time and try to confirm Wyvern drop from Charr. I suspect the reason we have not seen more q8 Wyvern is because they are so exceedingly rare as normal drops. They would probably be a valuable sword in general if not for dungeon chests dropping them more frequently than mobs.
Kind of like Darkwing Defenders: I think we all know where they drop low req, but for the many who have tried how many people have actually seen a low req Darkwing drop? Wyverns come from a more obscure place if they do indeed come from l20 Charr(because who has ever farmed NM EoTN charr?), so I'm not surprised to have them basically be undocumented. q8 inscr swords are so brutally rare in the first place, then you add heroes taking drops, and the small amount of time many of us spend in NM in the first place...a million normal playthroughs of EoTN could easily go by without anyone seeing a q8 Wyvern, then even if it drops are they the kind of player to understand what they have just seen and have it go onto the open market? I suspect we would all be mortified if we knew the kinds of drops that have been merched out of ignorance even in the last year, much less the 13 years since EoTN release.
Farming strategy to confirm the hypothesis
Dervish with Onslaught/Vow of Piety/Mystic Vigor/Grenth's Aura/Metal Block/Aura Slicer/Reap Impurities/Ebon Standard of Honor at 12 wind(+1+2)/9 mystic(+1)/9 scythe(+2) does fine vs these Charr and has a speed boost built in. If you run from Doomlore towards the Grothmar portal, there are 10 Seekers right at the Grothmar portal. There is a group of 4 on the road, and another 6 surrounding a mound thing on the hill above. You can kill the 4 in under a minute after zoning from Grothmar, the 6 are harder to pull and took me another minute and a half or so. Maybe someone better w/ pulling mechanics can figure out how to ball them quickly. I think if you had an alt acct to gate you back and forth(since there is no town to resign to, you're zoning back into Grothmar->Dalada) it would be faster to just do the 4 and zone over and over again.
Anyway...very clean runs(don't forget Vanguard title), 10 full clears(so 100 charr) on my lunch break ofc produced no golds or purples at all, so finding a Wyvern even if this is the place could take thousands of runs. I invite anyone bored to try it, the 4 on the road especially are very easy to kill so I imagine many builds could do it.
Unfortunately, even if we confirm this location it's a functionally impossible farm. Unless ppl are out there willing to pay 2000a for one of these you are better off farming other stuff because of the odds involved. But it would be nice to confirm where they're possible for the history books, kind of like Colossal q8. We don't actually have to drop a q8 to confirm, just need a wyvern from these guys because they're the right level.
Anti absolutely great topic and good reasoning
sword max q8 are so much rarer than shields q8 - 1 in 300000 items that could be max q8 swords will be, whilst 1 in 1500 would be a max q8 shield - that's around the comparison. So assuming darkwong and wyvern were similarly rare just by skin drop rate AND the spots for wyvern WERE equally farmed as darkwing spots - then there'd be 1 max q8 wyvern in 2000 q8 darkwings (only talking about gold inscs), whereas the second assumption is FAR beyond what actually is true - in fact the wyvern would be hell lot rarer than that even - and I couldn't say I had seen anywhere near 2000 q8 gold insc darkwings on the market, whilst there is one wyvern already - so we couldn't hope for a wyvern anytime soon for arguing it were overdue in that comparison lol. (And I know this reasoning is statistically so wrong it might cause cancer on the data analysts - sry bout that, it was more for a amusement exaggerating point I included that sentence)
I think there’s something to the above - think how there was only one known r8 colossal scimitar for so long, even though chests that dropped them existed from nf release. Obscure chests/mobs with a low drop rate. Even now with extensive farming I think only another 3 have been dropped afaik, 2 of those quite recently. Perhaps a resident expert can confirm if my own knowledge is lacking here.
I think there’s something to the above - think how there was only one known r8 colossal scimitar for so long, even though chests that dropped them existed from nf release. Obscure chests/mobs with a low drop rate. Even now with extensive farming I think only another 3 have been dropped afaik, 2 of those quite recently. Perhaps a resident expert can confirm if my own knowledge is lacking here.
I still own the original q8 colossal. I’ve had it for at least a few years now. It will always be the greatest inscribable item in guild wars in my opinion. I know mine was #1.
I know Tramp Ollin owned it at one point. So did Coast Monk. Not sure who else got their hands on it overtime. I’d be curious if anyone else knows. But it’s in strong hands now.
...and I'm still waiting for the first perfect tatooed scimitar to drop...
...and I'm still waiting for the first perfect tatooed scimitar to drop...
That makes 2 of us! Tattooed > Colossal
How about this unicorn:
Original thread: Max q7 OS Fiery Dragon Sword 15-22 Dmg 15%^50 +5 Armor (Pre-nerf?) -
...and I'm still waiting for the first perfect tatooed scimitar to drop...
didnt GhostKairi drop one couple years ago? or was that a 15-21 or something? Can't really remember
didnt GhostKairi drop one couple years ago? or was that a 15-21 or something? Can't really remember
ye afaik it was the 2nd or third 1off that dropped
Here waiting for tattooed too, lot of time spend at moddok hoping
There was ornate scimitar sold in legacy year or two ago thats the only 1 afaik but it didnt reach much interest
That makes 2 of us! Tattooed > Colossal
Closest I got was a gold r8 14-20 Tattooed. I know that's a ways off but I was still pretty upset at the time. That Barbarous Shore is calling out to me.
I did over (if my memory and maths is correct) 20,000 runs of moddok split between NM and HM and never once got a max sword. I got many 1 off max tattooed (enough to have one for each character!), but that was it. From my experience, the only place these could drop are similar to the max colossals which AFAIK doesn't include moddok in the history of the game. Perhaps targeted kournan chests in barbarous shore or something would be the best bet? Never seen or had one though.
It truly would be a unicorn xD
The dream is real yet so far away
Here's my own unicorn, something l had hoped to see ever since l started collecting dual vamp/zeal hammers:
Now, just need to get dv dz max dmg pair and l'm done
not a unicorn compared to what some people have, but definitely the highlight of my (small) collection.
Is this a unicorn ?
Is this a unicorn ?
No. These are two unicorns in one.
Is this a unicorn ?
where did you get it ? It got lost 6 years ago ... Id pay an arm and a leg for it
where did you get it ? It got lost 6 years ago ... Id pay an arm and a leg for it
6 years?? more like 2
PostWts Prenerf Crystalline Q6 Gold + ES Q9 // Echovald Shield Q8t -2+29 // Diamond Aegis Q8t -2+28 // ARMS 47ectos
Here is a unique crystal which is also celebrating its 15th anniversary, are you interested? The shield is a gift.
Crysta Q6 12-17 gold 12^ench
c/o 145a ingame
r/b soon
b/o soon
Diamond Aegis Q8 tactics -2 ^ stance +28
c/o 16a ig
Echovald Q8 Tactics -2 ^ ench +29
c/o 20a ig
ARMS 45e/each (x22)
Yétis DED: c/o 51a
Destroyer of flesh DED : b/o 3a
Asura Unded: c/o b/o 4a
Don't worry, I would stay connected to GW for a few days to finalize the sales, otherwise these items will remain confined for a…kLaDMay 1, 2020 at 4:31 AM -
6 years?? more like 2
PostWts Prenerf Crystalline Q6 Gold + ES Q9 // Echovald Shield Q8t -2+29 // Diamond Aegis Q8t -2+28 // ARMS 47ectos
Here is a unique crystal which is also celebrating its 15th anniversary, are you interested? The shield is a gift.
Crysta Q6 12-17 gold 12^ench
c/o 145a ingame
r/b soon
b/o soon
Diamond Aegis Q8 tactics -2 ^ stance +28
c/o 16a ig
Echovald Q8 Tactics -2 ^ ench +29
c/o 20a ig
ARMS 45e/each (x22)
Yétis DED: c/o 51a
Destroyer of flesh DED : b/o 3a
Asura Unded: c/o b/o 4a
Don't worry, I would stay connected to GW for a few days to finalize the sales, otherwise these items will remain confined for a…kLaDMay 1, 2020 at 4:31 AM Congratulation ! It's this one
6 years?? more like 2
PostWts Prenerf Crystalline Q6 Gold + ES Q9 // Echovald Shield Q8t -2+29 // Diamond Aegis Q8t -2+28 // ARMS 47ectos
Here is a unique crystal which is also celebrating its 15th anniversary, are you interested? The shield is a gift.
Crysta Q6 12-17 gold 12^ench
c/o 145a ingame
r/b soon
b/o soon
Diamond Aegis Q8 tactics -2 ^ stance +28
c/o 16a ig
Echovald Q8 Tactics -2 ^ ench +29
c/o 20a ig
ARMS 45e/each (x22)
Yétis DED: c/o 51a
Destroyer of flesh DED : b/o 3a
Asura Unded: c/o b/o 4a
Don't worry, I would stay connected to GW for a few days to finalize the sales, otherwise these items will remain confined for a…kLaDMay 1, 2020 at 4:31 AM I wanted to buy it off so,eone in 2014 , its been sold in the meantime and I lost track of it..
Here is my Unicorn. I think this is one of my most favourite Items on par with my q7 Bladed Shield.
So for all the Insc. Lovers, this is like the Holy Grail and to my knowledge, it is for now the only one in existance
Here is my Unicorn. I think this is one of my most favourite Items on par with my q7 Bladed Shield.
So for all the Insc. Lovers, this is like the Holy Grail and to my knowledge, it is for now the only one in existance
Reported for uncensored content.
That shield is indeed incredible
Here is my Unicorn. I think this is one of my most favourite Items on par with my q7 Bladed Shield.
So for all the Insc. Lovers, this is like the Holy Grail and to my knowledge, it is for now the only one in existance
Damn. Imagine it being tact or command. Still hot shield
where did you get it ? It got lost 6 years ago ... Id pay an arm and a leg for it
« 220a » it’s cheap for « an arm and a leg »
Is this a unicorn ?
Hey, if this sword came from chest, how is possible in low req? Maybe a secret quest?
Hey, if this sword came from chest, how is possible in low req? Maybe a secret quest?
There used to be more keyless chests in gw and they dropped gold items, lower area keylesses were able to drop things like these.
The one and only Charrternal can be an unicorn
The one and only Charrternal can be an unicorn
That is absolutely elite!
This doesn't compare to the quality of your Charrternal, but is there another class for Planternals?
The one and only Charrternal can be an unicorn
If we gona be picky not a unicorn:
Obviously that +30 makes it a monster. Make it "dualmodcharreternal"
There should be
smokes. that's sick. love it!
That Planternal is insane!!
I will hide behind my Troll's Shadows
Unicorns for me (well technically not since there is 2 but I guess per mod combination they are hehe), but sure they are not the only ones??
The one and only Charrternal can be an unicorn
I guess i’m missing info here, what makes it so unique?
Is it prenerf un anyway?
I’m not so familiar with +10 vs creatures
UW only drop +10 undead
UW² drop + other creatures, it's less farmed, so less shield +10 other than undead
I guess i’m missing info here, what makes it so unique?
Is it prenerf un anyway?
I’m not so familiar with +10 vs creatures
Eternals from UW and Shadows from FOW drops with vs Undead
There is exceptions to this rule but now we are getting into buried secrets and semantics