The truth about Pre-Nerf

  • Ah yes, good call, this definitely sparked an old memory, I can see this being the root cause to some of the more rare skins and potentially the more common ones as well.

    Not to lose track of the original OP's question.....

    Has anyone had a Naked Sword drop for them that would only normally drop in insc? Or is that still up for debate

    It obviously is still up for debate lol, but from a "drops today" perspective, this is one of those things I think we would all want to see happen in front of our own eyes to be able to confirm the possibility (and if it does, maybe the deathbane issue was never fully resolved).

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  • @Montrell

    Buried in old screenshot's from 2008. I remember being offered it and 100e was slightly cheaper than a regular one at the time. Never hit accept, big regrets. But at least we got a first hand photo of such an item :)

    Anybody know where this ended up?

    is this one anything? recently picked up

  • can you mod the second with the standard prefix and suffix hammer mods on top? is ene and hp actually in effect when equipping it? nice items!

    I heard there had been a HoD hammer (way less popular than the HoD sword) - could this be the one?

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • So I was able to find this old guide from 2005, and it does have the reward from Shiverpeak Stragglers being a q5 13-20 War Hammer. It doesn't list out the stats unfortunately, but I suspect it is from this quest.


  • Just found this on one of my hero.


    No Bueno my friend. Talked to Razah and he threatened to not play Rt if i took that staff away. Xandra and I are not on speaking terms and Zei Ri, well he only hangout with the cool kids.

  • it is prenerf as in means of it being impossible to drop anymore. but it isn't prenerf as in means it dropped from one of the keyless chests.

    to differentiate a prenerf the gold value at times holds a clue, on q9 that does not help however. a general gold sword at q12 a max damage at a value below 144 would point it to be prenerf, at q13 even a value below 188 would point that out. on crystas however any value below 204g would point it out to be prenerf, since today it can only drop in gold rarity from chests with an unid range starting at 50g. for same reasons on q8 every crystalline would be prenerf. and also any damage below 15-21 would point it to be prenerf.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • You bought it from me back then. The guy I got it from said he looted it sometime after 2009, meaning it's not prenerf. But I wonder if there is some kind of indication that differentiates a postnerf from a prenerf in this case? Red Fireball  Pleikki

    Only if gold value would be so high that it only couldve been possible from keyless chest. Im sure mr Red has data from zchest and HoH chest gold values too 😆

    This sword clearly not prenerf tho

  • it is prenerf as in means of it being impossible to drop anymore

    Why can't zchest drop one of these today? It drops Q9 Cry and on occasion a wep without an inscription?

    the bug with the deathbane mod leading to martial items that should have had a insc slot ending without one has been fixed some years ago. today only staves still present this behaviour. so BDS can still drop without insc slot, but crysta not. this is my status

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • Why can't zchest drop one of these today? It drops Q9 Cry and on occasion a wep without an inscription?

    the bug with the deathbane mod leading to martial items that should have had a insc slot ending without one has been fixed some years ago. today only staves still present this behaviour. so BDS can still drop without insc slot, but crysta not. this is my status

    To my knowledge, the bug only made them much more common to drop, but clean drops werent exclusive to deathbane.

    Ive bought many cleans from zchest and random drops etc over the years and ppl selling have Several times claimed it was recent drop. So i belive they still drop just extreamly rarely.

  • Why can't zchest drop one of these today? It drops Q9 Cry and on occasion a wep without an inscription?

    the bug with the deathbane mod leading to martial items that should have had a insc slot ending without one has been fixed some years ago. today only staves still present this behaviour. so BDS can still drop without insc slot, but crysta not. this is my status

    Wasn’t there just an obsidian edge not too long ago for sale that the seller claimed got dropped recently?
    It was « naked » as well.

    This belongs in the same category, doesnt it?

    PS: i love :cookie:. Well who doesnt?

  • the bug with the deathbane mod leading to martial items that should have had a insc slot ending without one has been fixed some years ago. today only staves still present this behaviour. so BDS can still drop without insc slot, but crysta not. this is my status

    To my knowledge, the bug only made them much more common to drop, but clean drops werent exclusive to deathbane.

    Ive bought many cleans from zchest and random drops etc over the years and ppl selling have Several times claimed it was recent drop. So i belive they still drop just extreamly rarely.

    100% agree with this. I have personally pulled non staff cleans from zchest when I got max rank a year or so ago. Was purposely looking for examples to prove you can get a "OS looking" gold ball hammer. Never got one but did get a couple examples. I'd have to search screenshots but I recall not keeping them because they were annoyingly core skins that can drop OS clean elsewhere so was nothing special as couldn't be identified as "zchest cleans".

    IGN: Pyro Loves Lobsters

  • would love to see screens of recent drops - my status is based on observation and update notes. Some friends and I collected screens of the bugged weapons on here over the past years and all the recent drops that surfaced in the PC section were staves. and we collected about 30-50 - I'd have to count. so if anyone has a screen of one freshly dropping - please! can you check your screens PyroLobster ? (I'd have a q3 dwarf shield for you as reward in my inventory ;) )

    the problem in bits is that in order to prove anything you would need a screen with f9 and equip pack shown, no heroes in party, the chat log entry of the thing dropping with time stamp plus only a single weapon of that name in inventory plus /age showing. only then it'd be safe I think (idk if I might have missed a way to fake it)

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

    Edited once, last by Red Fireball (December 5, 2024 at 10:49 AM).

  • Or simply get items without a inscription slot, with skins + attributes exclusive to the Z-chest (PvE chests have been known to fall even today without a inscription slot, as well as chests at the end of zones/donjons).

    For example, a Ghostly with SR, ES or Inspi. attributes would do the trick. Unfortunately, i don't have a list of skins/attributes exclusive to Z-chest.

  • Cute for the obby edge - yes it surfaced here recently, but it was ancient.

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    Neutral_CH no, the deathbane bug leading to noninsc martial weapons was fixed here which was about a year after the introduction of the zchest.

    also I repeat: STAVES do still drop bugged insc. just martials TO MY KNOWLEDGE do not.

    either way a bugged zchest exclusive skin does not prove anything still dropping. maybe there is any skin that has been added after the mentioned bugfix and fits the criteria (insc area drop, no staff, drops in gold rarity), that, if existing bugged, could prove the point, but I'd not be aware of one.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • so in order to go a little more in depth on how the bugged insc weapons occur:

    maybe you can see a pattern in the following screens of the bugged staves that turned up on the forums:

    remember: those are not filtered by a mod, instead it is just all the insc exclusive drops that were dropped without inscription and popped up here on pc (we did collect way more data from farms and own drops and others that claimed to have dropped them in insc area, where the skin however wouldn't prove that, so I did only include those bullet proof ones). It becomes VERY apparent that there is a pattern: they all have an insightful staff head. On the other hand not all staves that do drop with an insightful head are uninsc. so what do we make of that?

    there is a duplicate removal routine somewhere in gw as it seems, which happens to mark insightful + energy in the same category as inscription that grant energy. so if the combination occurs - boom the latter mod gets discarded, which is... the inscription. Same was the case with slaying mods and dmg increasing inscriptions: both were in the category damage modifier and thus the latter mod got discarded... which was the inscription. so they fixed it by making the routine not detect those in the same category anymore, which is how the bugged insc martial were erased from the possible drops.

    there are similar things to observe: an os shield can not have two mods in the same category - like two hp mods or two armor mods. and the one droppin dual at some point was damage reduction. again the routine did check for duplicate mobs and removed them, but somehow someone skipped the -x wS mod to add to that category - which is why ALL dualreduction shields have the -x wS as one of their two reduction mods. the bugfix is obvious from there. similarly an os foc never could drop with two hct mods. nor a foc. nor a staff. interestingly a staff can not even drop with two hct mods applied! but in that case the staff head was removed, so it is not a bugged one. it seems to have to do with the order in which mods appear defaulted on wepons. just for completion: they did obviously also group the inherent energy mod on a staff differently than the +energy from mods or inscs, so those do drop.

    so with this said I tried to outline HOW the bugged insc area items were and are created, and from there challenge you to explain: what other mod combo out there could trigger a duplicate removal routine so that any martials could still get a insc removed leading to bugged insc area martials?

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier

  • there is a duplicate removal routine somewhere in gw as it seems, which happens to mark insightful + energy in the same category as inscription that grant energy. so if the combination occurs - boom the latter mod gets discarded, which is... the inscription.

    does that mean insightful staffhead can't drop with a 5energy insc (a +5 +5 energy combo)? because now im not sure if i've actually ever seen that or not.


    interestingly a staff can not even drop with two hct mods applied! but in that case the staff head was removed, so it is not a bugged one.

    i have observed that i don't ever find adept staff heads on os staves, which made me wonder if that weapon mod even existed before insc weapons.

    Verdammter Choleriker lässt Folgendes fallen: Verfluchter Stab.

  • does that mean insightful staffhead can't drop with a 5energy insc (a +5 +5 energy combo)? because now im not sure if i've actually ever seen that or not.

    exactly! you also cannot drop one that has a hale head plus fortitude wrap or defensive head plus wrap of defense/shelter/warding.

    i have observed that i don't ever find adept staff heads on os staves, which made me wonder if that weapon mod even existed

    absolutely did not. they were added with nf and only drop in insc area. same for swift.

    I WTB all kinds of Tower Shields and Defenders. I do drop research - if you find anything remarkable or want to see the results - check the thread or send a pm!

    IGN1 Red Fireball Rusher

    IGN2 Silberner Magier