I'm not sure... is this happening to other people?
Almost every time I stand in gtob for longer than it takes to interact with the zaishen quests
I'm not sure... is this happening to other people?
Almost every time I stand in gtob for longer than it takes to interact with the zaishen quests
Pic or Fake (:
JK, i got some pm sometimes, i just don't answer
I have a friend who complained about his monk getting hit on...
I found a golden pillar and inscribed chakram, and saw him online...
Just to mess with him,
I commented his monk will be sore, but i have a cushion too...
It wasn't him playing, it was his gf.
She burst out laughing and left the chair, he came on and just said "WTF JUST HAPPENED? YOU BROKE MY GF!
do you want it sir just hit me in game in game its yours
Are these rare ?
do you want it sir just hit me in game in game its yours
Ok thanks
Think this guy is on ignore for the past 10+ years now, absolute weirdo
Gz bro!
It’s never the last one
It’s never the last one
By 2009-2010, I'd already had enough of PvE, no challenge, even to make a GWAMM (except SC records but not for me). After that, i only logged on to play RA. When bots invaded PvP, i went back to PvE to play Low LvL. I've deleted a lot of PvE characters since then. Only 3 have survived for almost 15 years: Monk (main) Mesmer and Dervish. This constitutes a trinity (front line, middle line, back line). I've finished unlocking everything on my account except 3 PvP titles in the HoM and 3 costumes in the store (too ugly :P). So yes, this is the last one, i'm gradually moving away from GW.
Almost q3...
Almost q3...
So close yet so far
Almost q3...
Damir hey damir, was a lvl 12 who drop?
I have theory q4 can be drop also by lvl 14 monster. because if lvl 15 drop q5, or I am wrong? Red Fireball let ask to the pro here.
Almost q3...
Damir hey damir, was a lvl 12 who drop?
I have theory q4 can be drop also by lvl 14 monster. because if lvl 15 drop q5, or I am wrong? Red Fireball let ask to the pro here.
Yeah, from lvl 12 skree outside Blacktide den.
yeah, lvl 14 should drop q4. this one here was dropped by lvl 12 though - the low gold value gives it away.
Almost q3...
Damir hey damir, was a lvl 12 who drop?
I have theory q4 can be drop also by lvl 14 monster. because if lvl 15 drop q5, or I am wrong? Red Fireball let ask to the pro here.
LvL 13 drops q4 gold. I haven't kept a screenshot, but i'm sure of it.
Andddd, is it rare ? Max for req. q5
Andddd, is it rare ?
Max for req. q
I may be persuaded to bid
Andddd, is it rare ?
Max for req. q5
relatively rare and desireable. rare in means that few ppl farm spots where those drop, but if in the right spot you have good chances (as discussed about the 10-xx golden scythes in "does it exist")
Yes. I think he got banned on his other acc, I haven’t seen it on in a while
I think we're going round in circles with these majs.
Update -- March 26, 2024
- Dishonorable has been re-enabled
- Leech reporting is only disabled in Random Arenas
- The maximum number of times a player can Report (of any type) is now 20 times per 24 hours (previously the limit was 50)
I think we're going round in circles with these majs.
Like I've said previously, it's ONLY 15 years too late... 🤦
But it was important. Otherwise you coulve just made an autoclicker to join JQ and let it run over night.
Ive also seen people join with multiple accounts and then just play with one.
But it was important. Otherwise you coulve just made an autoclicker to join JQ and let it run over night.
Ive also seen people join with multiple accounts and then just play with one.
Yes, precisely, how did he manage not to think about this kind of thing, with the maj of last March 22? It took 4 days for it to go to his brain? It's disturbingly naive.
Finally got around to finishing my Zehtuka set. I love these little weird parts of guild wars, I've always thought there was an intention to do more with these items and or character that never got implemented
My topic about these items at: Poisoned Outcrops have helped you? ( or not )
I sometimes think that Zehtuka is an alcoholic who doesn't know where he's misplaced these items (Jug's value should be 0 because it's already empty ).
QuoteIn the mission Tihark Orchard, while participating in the game with Zilo the Drunkard, The Great Zehtuka becomes hostile if you take his drink. He will become allied again if his health drops below about one-fifth.
QuoteIn Guild Wars 2, there are beverage bottles labeled as "Zehtuka". They cannot be interacted with, however.
Also ZEHTUKA spelled backwards is AKUTEHZ.
And in Germany if someone is an alcoholic we say:" Du hast ein AKUTES Alkoholproblem" .
Translated means you have HUGE drinking problem.
I mean slap me in the face and call me handsome but this is the scientific fact to prove everything we looked for.
Display MoreAlso ZEHTUKA spelled backwards is AKUTEHZ.
And in Germany if someone is an alcoholic we say:" Du hast ein AKUTES Alkoholproblem" .
Translated means you have HUGE drinking problem.
I mean slap me in the face and call me handsome but this is the scientific fact to prove everything we looked for.
It also concludes why Mr.Clean, probably German, is so into cleaning. (Yes, it's a borderline pun, but I still find it amusing).
A nice addition thanks to the generous ondenoire
should've left it unid QQ
Me, posting here for the first time in years less than 24 hours ago:
Quotethe wiki is inconsistent in a few places - eg the White Mantle page and only there states that Mantle Devotees can drop Long Arm of the Law, which has me assume that they don't
Guild Wars, the next WiK green I get:
Not exactly a thrilling drop, but the timing amused me a bit... plus I could fix the wiki
Hummm Finaly could i play monk after GW2? Return of trinity or just play individualism role?
Edit: I don't know if the meaning of my translation suggests otherwise. I wanted to say that on GW3 i hope for a return to trinity for play monk and not, as on GW2, classes that are too individualistic, as is unfortunately the case with many pseudo mmo today.
Finaly could i play monk after GW2? Return of trinity or just play individualism role?
NCsoft recently decided to approve the development of 'Guild Wars 3' after checking internal development resources and reviewing business feasibility
Who will play GW 1 even after (if we are still alive ofc) !! Let's se some scythes!
Finaly could i play monk after GW2? Return of trinity or just play individualism role?
NCsoft recently decided to approve the development of 'Guild Wars 3' after checking internal development resources and reviewing business feasibility
Who will play GW 1 even after (if we are still alive ofc) !! Let's se some scythes!
anet have stated that gw will stay running as long as gw2, im guessing that a gw3 would ensure gw's life even longer
I dont know what GW3 would entail in terms of game play . I do know I got tired of grinding multiple currencies after each new story was added in GW2.
A redo or modernization of the original in terms of graphics, the addition of a market like GW2's , for selling and buying and the addition of a dodge feature would sell me for another 19 years on GW1.