Hello all, the open letter petition to Anet is now live!
Firstly, major props to Kevin for making the webpage for the letter. He took the time to set it up as it's own page, in a format that will allow people to sign the form.
The intention of this letter is not a "wish list" or "want list" of pretty things or updates we'd like to see in the game; it is more of a request that Arenanet and it's developers play a more active role in Guild Wars and the Guild Wars community again. Baby steps, people - we don't want to bombard them with a smorgasbord of our wildest Guild Wars update dreams.
To sign the petition, please register in the comment box and type "/signed." Please use the comment box on the petition only for signing or positive phrases regarding our love for Guild Wars and hope for future updates.
If you'd like to talk about the letter, debate, have friendly conversation, express future hopes and dreams for the game, or what have you - please post in this thread.
Thank you!