Back in my day, the ancient seer would only infuse one piece of your armor at a time, so you would have to go to him with an essence 5 times to get your whole set infused.
Back in my day
Back in my day piken's square was always crowded...
Back in my day we called it "Tombs"...cause that's where you would queue for Hall of Heroes...
Back in my day, you were optimistic about your group when you could get 10% morale off of the Zaishen challenge right before Underworld...
Back in my day, the Hall of Heroes chest only dropped 2-3 items for your group and was shared loot...
Back in my day we did Sorrow's Furnace 5 man and there was no loot scaling.
Back in my day we did Sorrow's Furnace 5 man and there was no loot scaling.
Rago was a fortune
Back in my day Temple of age was the spot to form uwsc / ranger trapway
I miss that , rest in peace ToA
Back in my day my while chestrunning the whole team would /roll 100 and the loser had to open the chest first to see if it dropped gold or purple
LOL I found this thread just to talk about this ^ as I used to do a lot of chest runs in (Naphui quarter mission I think?). When was it updated that a chest doesn't contain all golds or all purples for the entire team? Sad that team chest running doesnt exist anymore.
This thread is so nostalgic... back in my day I remember when my IRL friends all used to play this game (came back to see some hs friends still do, and rekindled our friendship :D).
Also (alot of these were mentioned before)...
- As mentioned, chest running in groups and waiting for someone to open the chest first to see if it was purple or gold.
- Playing ascalon arenas and staying until I was lvl 11.
- Beacons to Droks run was extremely hard, but was always fun and a great money maker.
- Droknars forge for high end trade town, LA for the general population. Ascalon was also a huge hub.
- Discovery of 55 monking (good old totem axe and - cesta)
- Fellblade and chaos were the OG cool weapons, green exalted aegis as well.
- Greens were coveted, kanaxai axe was going for 100k + xx ecto.
- 15k ascalon helmet and 15k glad armour for warriors was the fashion trend. Obby was super expensive.
- 20/20 sundering and +30hp were the go to mods of choice.
- Mini bone dragon was worth more than mini kuunavang. All minis were valuable.
- Noone really knew exactly what they were doing in this game.
- GLF monks!
- HA was very competitive, had to join ventrillo. The fun builds like blood spike, IWAY, trappers, remember a weird healing spring build.
- MM's destroyed in alliance battles.
- So many more, so many good memories. GW is still a great game, but to be honest, just a shell of what it used to be. I feel gw2 definitely made gw1 fall off, but to be honest, I think the release of NF and EOTN also hurt the greatness of this game (along with inscribables, cons, heroes - I guess heroes are needed now though).
back in the day when no one would accept rits or sins into their group.
back in the day when necro cabal armor was known as bonelace.
back in the day when you beat underworld with a rainbow
back in the day when necro cabal armor was known as bonelace.
back in the day my necro had tattoo armor, but, had to wear the weird looking boots to get the bloodstained minion casting bonus
back in the day where you could salvage +25% dmg vs. charr mods off weapons from Piken's Square.
Back in my day I had a toon full of 2007 mini pigs that you couldn’t even give away at the time.
Back in my day l traded my ceratadon for shreaders talons or some shit like that.
But that doesn't necessarily have to do with what game was but rather what l was like
Back in my day I got a q9 BDS my first ever time doing SOO and sold it for 50 ecto
Back in my day, I was one of the triple shower eles in FoW run and managed to mess up my spell cast order frequently.
*Bonus* I impressed my friends with my q1 gladiator title
Back in my day fire storm didn't make mobs split up, so i ran it on my warrior all the way to the ring of fire.
Back in my day fire storm didn't make mobs split up, so i ran it on my warrior all the way to the ring of fire.
nice neckbeard
- Official Post
Back in my day, there wasn't an official wiki yet.
Back in my day, you asked if people knew the bonus.
back in my day, we didnt have templates in gw.
- Official Post
Back in my day, we had default templates you could choose from in PvP.
Back in my FIRST days of GW i thought you cannot craft the armor pieces with the blue lettering so i just bought the white ones.
back in the day when eotn was released, friends and I was hoping there be chaos armor just like chaos gloves in uw or in CTC.
People farmed Ettins in Kryta because sup vigor and absorption runes were like 100k each. Dead bows and Sephis Axes were priceless treasures. And FOW armor was actually rare.
Love this thread my friend just sent it to me
Back in my day...people thought that the Ravagers in Bloodstone Fen dropped ectos because of one photo shopped screenshot. It was on the wiki for the longest time too.
- Official Post
Love this thread my friend just sent it to me
Back in my day...people thought that the Ravagers in Bloodstone Fen dropped ectos because of one photo shopped screenshot. It was on the wiki for the longest time too.
I actually remember that one. It took ages for that one to be debunked
Back in the day, it was possible to get stuck in normal mode easily.
Normal mode got nerfed so hard when hard mode came out.I still remember being stuck in the Realm of Torment in between missions as the area and patrols were so hard - even with my guild we failed
Those were the days!
Back in my day on April 1st, I thought my account was hacked when I logged in and my male char was a female.
- Official Post
back in my day my mesmer/ranger was ridiculed for using a bow---as casters were ONLY supposed to use staves or wands. (funny thing, when eye came out I was in a pug doing destructive depths and ALL of the others died, except me; at the bridge, I pulled the rest of the mob one by one and killed them all--including the boss so my rez sig would reset, that was the last time anyone every ridiculed my mesmer for wielding a bow!)
Back in my day [KISS] was the equivalent of the modern day [LGiT] guild
also back in the day,DVDF guild was the highest sought after PVE guild. Not to mention guilds had a forum that you had apply to and get a trial period. Fun times. This is before the iCU DoaSC guild was the best guild for DOA runs.
Back in my day there were no Charr Bags in pre-searing.
Back in my day, The Last Pride were the reigning world champions.
Back in my day, you asked if people knew the bonus.
Knowing the bonus definitely secured my spots in quite a few groups farther along proph, but I also couldn't stand the people who would leave once the bonus was acquired because it was all they needed.. even if they promised to stay they would force dc' moments after the bonus was rewarded..
Back in my day, my warrior made a living running people from Ascalon to LA as well as Beacons to Droks.
- Official Post
Back in my day, I got pawned in Minister's Cho Estate in Hard Mode (upon release of it).
I thought, it's the first mission of the game... how hard can it be in Hard Mode?
I was wrong. So very wrong indeed.
Back in my day, I knew what I was doing. Now I'm relearning things while having hints of nostalgia, and loving every moment with a fresh character and recording the journey as I go. It shall live on long into the future.
Back in my day we used Ventrilo
Back in my day the character load out screen was around a campfire.
Wish we had the option to choose our character selection scene.
- Official Post
Back in my day, Xfire tracked the amount of hours we played.
Back in my day, Xfire tracked the amount of hours we played.
God I loved XFire, my first experience with online forums as well.